Pronto is a communication hub created for the everyday user. It connects people via chat and video, so they can learn faster, work smarter, and communicate seamlessly with each other or their instructor through real-time text messaging in Canvas or the Pronto smartphone app.
Transition From HEERF-Funded Tools
During the COVID-19 pandemic, CSUN leveraged funding from the Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) to license several technology platforms to support remote instruction. These agreements continued through the 2023-24 academic year, after which HEERF funding ended. With support from the Office of the Provost, the University extended funding for these tools through the 2024-25 academic year, providing the campus community additional time to transition to alternative solutions.
Based on discussions over the past two years with the Dean's Council, the Academic Technology Committee (ATC), and other governance groups, beginning summer of 2025, University funding will no longer be available to support Pronto.
Faculty and staff using Pronto are encouraged to plan now, in coordination with their college technical support staff and the Faculty Technology Center (FTC), to transition to an alternative before Summer 2025. Resources, training, and support are available to help the campus through this transition. For more information, visit the 2025 HEERF Software Tools Transition page.
For more tools and resources, visit the Software Solutions for Teaching and Interaction page.
The following resources provide guidance in how to use Pronto in your course teaching:
The following materials provide instruction on how to use Pronto in your classes:
Faculty, if you need assistance, please contact the Faculty Technology Center, Students, please contact the IT Help Center.