Student Housing Rules and Regulations

Residential Code of Student Conduct - CSU Northridge

As residents of California State University, Northridge Housing you must abide by all Student Housing Policies (SHP) as well as the Student Conduct Code as described in the CSUN Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. These policies benefit individual students as well as the entire residential community. Failure to abide by Student Housing and/or University policies may result in disciplinary action, revocation of your Housing License Agreement, criminal and/or civil action.

  1. Residents and guests who are under the age of 21 are not permitted to use, possess, or be in the presence of alcohol.
  2. A resident over the age of 21 may consume alcohol under the following conditions:
    1. While in their residential unit with the door closed: 
    2. Not in the presence of anyone under 21 years of age (it is the responsibility of residents who are 21 years of age or older to ensure that they are not consuming alcohol in the presence of residents who are under the age of 21)
    3. Not as part of a large group or party where the main purpose appears to be drinking alcohol.
  3. Residents and guests over 21 years of age may possess quantities of alcohol that are intended for personal consumption only.
  4. Kegs or other large containers or large quantities of alcohol are prohibited in housing. 
  5. Persons over the age of 21 may possess and consume alcohol as a guest in the residential unit of a resident who is at least 21 years of age. The host resident must be present, the unit door must be closed and noon under the age of 21 may be present. 
  6. Open containers of alcohol are not permitted outside of personal residences. Open alcohol containers in lounges, lobbies, balconies, etc. are prohibited.  
  7. Closed containers of alcohol are allowed in public areas only if they are being transported to the residential unit of a legal-aged resident.  
  8. Any resident regardless of age found to be intoxicated and/or unable to exercise care for one’s own safety and/or the safety of others due to intoxication is in violation of Student Housing Policy.
  9. Possession of empty containers of alcohol will be interpreted as consumption of alcohol. Certain alcohol-related paraphernalia and alcohol-related decorations that contain or once served as containers for alcohol is a violation.
  10. The sale or distribution of alcohol is prohibited in housing.

Because we live in proximity to each other, all residents are expected to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in their living unit. Some causes for concern would include but are not limited to significant odors, excessive trash rotting, spoiling food left in the open, debris covering exit ways, etc.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has subpoenaed information about individuals believed to have engaged in unauthorized peer-to-peer file-sharing of copyrighted music and other works. Unauthorized downloading and uploading of copyrighted music, movies, and software constitute illegal copyright infringement. Students should be aware that the unauthorized sharing of peer-to-peer file copyrighted works, including music, pictures, movies, and software is a violation of campus computer use policy. It is also illegal and may carry significant monetary and/or criminal sanctions. It is the responsibility of students who are downloading or uploading documents to make certain that they are not copyrighted works, or that the student has the permission of the copyright holder. Please refer to the Student Housing Technology Services Policies for further explanation. 

Any activity, which can be interpreted as endangering to or harming oneself, any community member, or guest is prohibited. 

Property damage is inappropriate and demonstrates a lack of respect for the community and the property of others. The following are violations of this policy:

  1. Unauthorized possession, use or misuse, removal, defacement, damage, theft, and/or tampering of University owned property or leased property or equipment or any property belonging to a community member or guest is prohibited.
  2. Any resident who maliciously or accidentally damages University owned property will be responsible for the cost of the damage and/or the cost of the labor to restore or repair the property to its original condition.
  3. Residents will be responsible for the actions of and/or damages incurred by their guests.
  4. Residents are prohibited from physically repairing damages to University property. If property is damaged, please report the damage to Residence Life staff immediately.
  5. Common area damage charges not readily assigned to a particular individual may be charged to a group or floor of residents. University furniture may not be removed from student units or common areas.
  6. Furniture may not be stored on balconies/balcony storage. Residents are responsible for the condition of their unit and the furnishings provided for them by housing.
  7. Residents must keep balconies clear of obstructions such as screens, bamboo or other coverings that block the view for safety personnel.

Behaviors whether through conduct or expression which are not civil or respectful and which breach the peace within or around the residence halls or at any residence-hall related function are not permitted. 

Possession, usage, or manufacture of controlled substances (including paraphernalia for intended or implied use) of any sort is illegal and prohibited. Residents suspected of violating this policy may be confronted by staff members and/or by civil authorities. The following consist of additional violations under this policy:

  1. Possession and use of marijuana or use of products that resemble or smell like marijuana is prohibited, regardless of California state law and/or the possession of a medical marijuana card/prescription.
  2. The misuse of prescription medication and/or cleaning products or fumes.
  3. Inability to exercise care for one’s own safety and/or the safety of others while under the influence of controlled substances.
  4. Suspicion of using illegal drugs, which includes, but is not limited to, marijuana odor emanating from a unit, drug paraphernalia seen in a room, storage closet, balcony, etc.
  5. The sale and/or distribution of drugs and/or paraphernalia is prohibited. 

  1. Failure to comply with an administrative acting in their official capacity including: cease inappropriate behavior, failure to appear/meet, to vacate a unit, to identification, and/or to exit a facility when requested by a university staff member.
  2. Providing fabricated, falsified, or misrepresentative information or documents.
  3. In binding roommate agreements, agreed to and signed after mediation, residents must adhere to those agreements or they will be subject to violation of this policy.

The following constitutes a list of violations that could result in prosecution and/or fines:

  1. Tampering or damaging fire equipment or intentionally misusing fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers, emergency exit signs or pulling the fire alarm when the cause is unrelated to notification of a fire.  
  2. Intentionally or negligently causing and/or creating a fire, explosion or release of poisonous gas or any fumes that cause an alarm to sound.  
  3. Failure to evacuate a building immediately following the sounding of an alarm, unless otherwise instructed by Student Housing staff, fire-safety or other emergency response personnel.  
  4. Possessing or storing gasoline, fireworks and/or combustible decorations and chemicals.  
  5. Storing fuel-driven engines including motorcycles, mopeds, etc. in residential housing. 
  6. Open flames (including candles and incense), combustible decorations and chemicals, deep fat fryers, electric fry pans, space heaters and halogen lamps are prohibited (including on balconies).  
  7. Disabling, , opening, damaging, or propping exits used exclusively as fire exits is prohibited unless being used properly as an exit during an emergency situation. 
  8. Grills and/or BBQ Grills can only be operated on balconies. Propane grills are prohibited. Charcoal grills are the only acceptable grill. Lighter fluid is also prohibited. Only self-starting charcoal is permitted.
  9. Apartments with kitchens: Using toasters or other cooking devices in areas outside of the kitchen.
  10. Apartments without kitchens: Using cooking devices outside of the designated area from the living room. 

All forms of gambling are prohibited on state property. This would include but is not limited to activities played for money, checks, or some other representative value.

Committing acts of physical or mental abuse or engaging in actions that intimidate, harass, threaten, coerce, or otherwise endanger the health or safety of self or another person is prohibited (including threats or attempts of suicide that cause disruption to the community on a consistent basis). This includes but is not limited to physical harm or threat of physical harm to any person and/or to self.

Littering, inappropriate disposal of trash, and/or sweeping debris into a public hallway or area in the residence communities or the surrounding grounds is not permitted. If the problem is persistent and not able to be resolved by the community, fines may be issued for violations of this policy.

Installation on any door locks other than those provided by Student Housing and approved by professional staff is prohibited. Unauthorized duplication of keys is also prohibited.

Animals are not allowed in campus housing at any time. Exceptions:

  1. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) verified and approved by the Student Housing Office, or Service Animals.
  2. Fish in tanks that do not exceed a total capacity of 10 gallons for each unit. 
  3. Pets for full-time Student Housing staff.  

Residential community members and residential student groups may post materials with the permission of the Residence Life staff member for their area. Non-residential individuals and groups must obtain permission from the Student Housing Office. No offensive or alcohol/drug-related materials may be posted in a public area or a place where they can be viewed from a public area in accordance with California State University, Northridge’s Policy on Time, Place and Manner of Free Expression and Use of Campus Buildings and Grounds:

  1. The outside of buildings (walls, doors, roofs, steps, or windows when visible from outside).
  2. With the exception of private offices and personal workspaces, temporary signage may not be placed on interior doors, windows, walls, floors, or ceilings.
  3. Trees, poles, traffic signs, trashcans, or fences.
  4. Obstructing the entrances or exits of buildings or the line of vision of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
  5. On vehicles without owner’s permission.

Quiet hours mean that community members must keep noise at a very minimal level in all of our housing, surrounding grounds, and recreation areas. Courtesy hours mean that residents are expected to maintain a reasonable or moderate noise level. During quiet and courtesy hours, requests for less noise from community members and Student Housing staff members will be respected in our community.

Quiet hours are: 

  • 10 p.m.-8 a.m. Sunday night to Friday morning 
  • 1-9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday 
  • 24 hour quiet hours — in effect the last two weeks of each academic semester 
  • Courtesy hours are in effect at all other times. 

All musical (percussion instruments are musical instruments) instruments must be registered with your community director before being played in the residence halls. Permission must be obtained in writing from roommates and neighboring units.

Unauthorized room transfers are strictly prohibited. Please contact your RA or CD to file a room change and avoid unnecessary confusion and charges during the year.

Safety and security policies are necessary for the safety of residents and therefore must be followed. The following is a list of safety/security violations:

  1. The unauthorized use, possession, or duplication of room or master keys including lending keys to any person. 
  2. Bypassing or tampering with the electronic locking mechanisms for the lobby or unit doors. Propping of any door, other than your own unit door, is prohibited. 
  3. Unauthorized entry into a building other than the one in which a resident has key access.
  4. Unauthorized presence on rooftops, ledges, or areas marked for restricted access. 
  5. Unauthorized use of or entry/attempted entry into computer or telecommunications systems. 
  6. Providing access to buildings or units within buildings to those other than residents with key access, staff, or attended guests. 
  7. Failure to lock or secure entrance doors, or allowing a person entrance into a building and leaving them unattended in a public area.
  8. Removal of any window screens — except for evacuation in an emergency. All residents of a living unit may be fined if a screen is removed for a non-emergency purpose.
  9. Throwing, dropping, or projecting any objects from any residence hall building, doorway, window or balcony. 
  10. Using one’s balcony as a means of entry or exit is prohibited. Using the balcony to store unsightly articles, garbage, or university owned or leased furniture is not permitted. Sitting/perching on or jumping over balcony railings is prohibited. 
  11. Use of sporting and recreation equipment is prohibited in indoor common areas such as lobbies, hallways and entrances.
  12. Locking bikes to anything other than authorized bike racks (i.e. handrails, fire hydrants, etc.) is prohibited. 
  13. Failure to follow procedures at security gates is prohibited. 

All sexual activity between members of the CSU community must be based on Affirmative Consent. Engaging in any sexual activity without first obtaining Affirmative Consent to the specific activity constitutes sexual misconduct and is a violation of this policy, whether or not the conduct violates any civil or criminal law.

Sexual Misconduct is a form of Sexual Harassment and may create a sexually hostile environment that affects access to or participation in CSU programs and activities. CSU prohibits all such conduct whether or not it also amounts to Sexual Harassment.

Sexual activity includes but is not limited to kissing, touching intimate body parts, fondling, intercourse, penetration of any body part, and oral sex.

Affirmative Consent means an informed, affirmative, conscious, voluntary, and mutual agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is the responsibility of each person involved in the sexual activity to ensure Affirmative Consent has been obtained from the other participant(s) to engage in the sexual activity. Lack of protest or resistance does not mean Affirmative Consent, nor does silence mean Affirmative Consent. Affirmative Consent must be voluntary, and given without coercion, force, threats or intimidation.

For further information, please refer to the Chancellor’s Office, Executive Order 1097.

Due to CSU policy, smoking is prohibited in all of our buildings, student rooms, residential hallways, restrooms, lounges, stairs, balconies, volleyball and basketball courts and pool areas. Smoking can only occur off campus. This includes the use of smoking devices such as hookah pipes, e-cigarettes and vapor cigarettes.

Door-to-door solicitation for commercial purposes is prohibited. Any nonprofit, political, and/or campus organization/group desiring to solicit in campus communities must secure permission in advance from the associate director for Residence Life. Student Housing will never grant permission to any individual or organization not affiliated with the Student Housing Office to sell or advertise door to door within the buildings or parking lots.

Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to the CSUN community, including physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, or sexual misconduct.

This visitation policy is designed with the safety and consideration of our community members and property in mind. In addition, California law dictates these policies in Title V of the California Code of Regulations.  

Student residents are permitted to host guests as long as the rights and privacy of the other persons living in the unit are taken into consideration and the following guidelines are observed:

  • Persons who hold a current housing license agreement but are visiting residents in other units are considered residential guests; all others are considered non-resident guests. There are two types of non-resident guests permitted to visit the Student Housing complex: Short term guests and overnight guests.
  • The definition of a short term guest is any person, hosted by a student resident, who does not hold a Student Housing license agreement, and will not be remaining in the housing complex after 1 a.m. The definition of an overnight guest is any person, hosted by a student resident, who does not hold a Student Housing license agreement, and will not be remaining in the housing complex after noon the day following their arrival. (As specified on their online registration form).  

The following is a list of policy guidelines for hosting all guests: 

  1. Non-resident guests arriving or remaining in the complex during the hours of 7:30 p.m. and midnight must be registered. Any guest not registered to stay overnight must leave the housing complex by 1 a.m. and not return before 7 a.m. 
  2. Overnight guest length of stay may not extend past noon the day following their arrival, unless otherwise approved for multiple consecutive days. Each resident is limited to 5 nights of this type of visitation per 30-day period. The 30-day period begins the first day of guest arrival.  
  3. Consequences of violating Overnight Guest Policy include a potential judicial fine of up to $30 per night for each violation. This includes large unauthorized group parties, gatherings, or events.
  4. Any guest (resident or non-resident), must leave the unit at any unit resident’s request.
  5. All roommates must give their approval before any guest enters the unit. The right of a resident to occupy their room/apartment without the presence of a guest will take precedence over the right of a roommate to host guests. Residents may revoke their approval of a guest for any reason at any time and the guest must then vacate the complex.  
  6. No student resident may allow guests access to the housing complex after 7:30 p.m. without following the registration process outlined above. This includes boyfriends, girlfriends and family members.  
  7. All non-resident guests must wear a guest bracelet easily visible on their person while present in the housing complex. Guest bracelets can be obtained after 7:30 p.m. at one of the guard stations by one of the security gates. 
  8. Residents are responsible for their guest’s conduct at all times and any damages incurred by that guest. All guests must comply with all University and Student Housing policies. Guests may be asked by University staff to provide identification or leave the premises at any time. The guest must comply. 
  9. A guest must be accompanied by their host at all times. Guests are not permitted to be unescorted and may not be left unattended in the host’s unit or within the community. 
  10. No residents or guests may sleep in the lounges, lobbies or other public areas unless it is in conjunction with an official hall sponsored event or other university purpose and approved in writing by a community director or other Housing professional staff. 
  11. Occupancy in any unit at any given time must not exceed 10 people for apartment and 5 people for the Suites, including residents. Guest registration for a unit will be cut off after six people have been registered to that unit. 
  12. Advertising for open parties or gatherings is not permitted under any circumstance. 

Please follow the registration process described here: 

  1. To register a short term guest, the host student resident will need to meet the guest at one of the guard stations by the security gates (Lindley Avenue outside of Building 5 near parking lot F8, Zelzah Avenue outside of buildings 11 and 12 near the G9 parking structure, Lassen Street outside of building 6, or behind building 15) and sign the guest into the housing complex. The guest must show a regularly accepted picture I.D., such as a driver’s license or school I.D., and agree to adhere to all housing rules and regulations. All guests will be required to wear their guest bracelet visibly while in the housing complex. Short term guest length of stay may not extend past 1 a.m.  
  2. To register an overnight guest, the host resident must go online to the student housing portal and register their guest by 3 p.m. on the business day prior to the guest’s arrival. Upon arrival, the resident must meet the guest at one of the guard stations by the one of the security gates.  

The possession or use of firearms, ammunition explosive or combustible materials, pistols, revolvers, stun guns or Tasers, pellet guns, air guns, and/or injury-threatening weapons deemed by law enforcement to be deadly are strictly prohibited. This also includes but is not limited to dirks, daggers, machetes, slingshots, switchblade knives, weapons commonly known as blackjacks, sand-clubs, Billy clubs, and metal knuckles. Metal pipes, bars, razors with an unguarded edge or any knife being used for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was intended (i.e. a kitchen knife being used as a weapon or to instill fear in another.)

Participating in an activity that substantially and materially disrupts the normal operations of the residential community, or infringes on the rights of members of the University community:

  1. Overt actions such as verbal attacks and physical assaults on students, University staff and/or their property.  
  2. Physical or written defacement or destruction of residential property and/or Student Housing postings and posters.  
  3. Disruptive behavior that negatively impacts the housing community and the ability of another and/or others to live and study.

Ensuring safety is just as critical throughout the entire Student Housing community and grounds. There is no lifeguard on duty.  All rules and policies must be adhered to:

  1. Pool Hours are 10 a.m.-10 p.m. daily.  
  2. Alcoholic beverages and glass bottles are prohibited.  
  3. All events within the pool area must be registered and approved by the Residential Life Offices at least 48 hours prior to the event.
  4. All visitors must be registered, in accordance to the Visitation Policy. All visitors must be accompanied by the resident host at all times and wear guest wristbands.
  5. Minors must be accompanied by adults at all times.
  6. Courtesy hours must be observed at all times.
  7. No diving, running or general horseplay is allowed at any time around or in the pool and surrounding areas.
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