Student Housing Handbook 2024/2025
The Office of Student Housing and Residential Life exists to promote individual development academic success, and conscientious citizenship among residents by providing facilities, services, and programs that foster respectful and responsible living in a learning environment.
- Resident's Rights
- Important Phone Numbers
- Safety and Security
- On Campus Housing Missing Student Policy and Procedure
- Emergency Preparedness
- About Your Living Space
- The Park Apartments and Suites Gate Access Procedures
- Building and Living Space Entry
- Facilities and Services
- Important Resident Notices
- Student Housing Rules and Regulations
Each resident is entitled to certain basic rights that describe the essence of our residential community:
- Sleep and reside in the community without undue interference of excessive noise.
- Live in a clean and healthy environment. Demand respect for one’s personal belongings.
- Expect privacy within the “Right of Entry” policy guidelines stated in the lease agreement.
- Live free from intimidation, physical, and emotional harm.
- Expect reasonable cooperation in the use of appliances shared in the unit (i.e. stove, refrigerator, closet space, etc.).
- Be an individual in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others.
- Settle conflicts in a reasonable manner.
For a full directory, please visit us at our staff-directory
Administrative Services
Business Services
Student Housing Office (Building 22)
Phone: (818) 677-2160; email:
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Residential Life
Student Housing Office (Building 22)
Phone: (818) 677-6116; email: Residential Life Staff
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
RA Duty Phone Numbers (After hours lockouts and emergencies)
Buildings 1, 3, 6, and The Village Apartments: (818) 402-9919
Buildings 2, 4, 5, and 16: (818) 402-9914
Buildings 7, 8, and 17: (818) 497-8257
Buildings 9, 10, 11, and 13: (818) 400-1248
Buildings 12, 14, 15: (818) 402-9941
Buildings 19, 20, and 21: (818) 307-7239
Student Housing Maintenance
Heather Hall (Building 13)
Phone: (818) 677-2234; Submit a ticket
Student Housing Technology Services
Student Housing Office (Building 22)
Phone: (818) 677-6114; Submit a ticket
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mail Services
Piñon Hall (Building 9)
Phone: (818) 677-2686: email:
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
The Office of Student Housing and Residential Life knows that safety is essential to personal and academic success at CSUN. Because of the importance of safety, the department provides facilities, services, and procedures to make the complex as safe as possible. For more information about preparing for an emergency, visit Emergency Preparedness.
Department of Police Services
The Department of Police Services can be reached by dialing x2111 from a campus phone or, in case of emergency, 911 from a campus phone or landline. If you are using a cell phone you must dial (818) 677-2111.
What You Can Do to Stay Safe
- LOCK your doors and windows when leaving your unit (even if you are only gone for a few minutes), when taking naps, and when retiring for the night. If you prop your door open, make sure there is someone in the unit and close the door when there isn’t. Often residents forget to close the door, leaving the unit open to anyone.
- LOOK out of your peephole installed in your door whenever someone knocks. Do not open the door to people you do not know. Student housing & Residential Life staff will always announce themselves.
- MAKE a list of your personal belongings, including the identification and serial numbers of your items. Keep this information in a safe place.
- KEEP all money and valuables in a safe place. Do not keep large amounts of cash in your room. Consider leaving valuable items at home or in a safe deposit box.
- CLOSE all public area doors behind you.
- NEVER prop open lobby or stairwell doors. Alarmed exits are in each building and should only be used for emergency purposes.
- DO NOT LET people you do not know into the building or your unit. By opening the door for someone, you are accepting responsibility for them as your guest. Ask visitors who they are looking for and, if necessary refer them to the Student Housing Office or the Community Center.
- DO NOT LOAN your key card to anyone. Not only is it a violation of Student Housing Rules and Regulations, but it puts your roommates and members of our community in jeopardy.
- REPORT suspicious people or circumstances to the RAs, the Student Housing Office, or the Department of Police services. This includes vendors and unescorted, non-residents who are inside the building. Student Housing does not allow the solicitation of residents in our buildings. If someone tries to sell you something in the building, report it to the RA or Student Housing Office.
- WALK with another person at night. Matadors Patrol offers a walking escort Monday-Thursday from dusk to 11 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. A police officer is available after 11 p.m. all other times when the Matador Patrol is not on duty. You can request a safety escort by calling 818-677-5042 or 5048, from a campus phone extension 5042 or 5048.
Fire Alarms
When the fire alarm sounds, stay calm. Before exiting the unit, feel the door for heat and look at the door seals for signs of smoke. If the door is hot or you see smoke, stay in your unit, put a wet towel at the base of the door, and call for help. If it’s safe to exit the unit, put your shoes on, grab your keys, and evacuate the building immediately. If it’s safe to do so, bring a wet towel to cover your nose, mouth, face and head if necessary.
If you encounter smoke, stay low.
If you are overcome by flames: Stop, Drop, Roll and cover your face.
Move to the designated evacuation point outside the building and wait for instructions from a staff member (maps are located on the back of each unit door). Whenever the fire alarm sounds, you must leave your room if it’s safe to do so. For example, if there is no fire or smoke immediately outside your door.
Residents are encouraged to purchase or create their own minor first aid kits. In the event of a serious injury or emergency, immediately contact the Department of Police Services at 911 or at (818) 677-2111 if you are using a cell phone.
- Duck or drop down on the floor.
- Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture or move against an interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms.
- If you take cover under sturdy furniture, hold on to it and be prepared to move with it.
- Hold your position until the ground stops shaking and it’s safe to move. If it’s safe to exit the unit, put your shoes on, grab your key card, and evacuate the building.
- If it’s safe to do so, bring essential items such as critical prescription medicine. If you have an earthquake emergency kit, bring it with you.
- Move to the designated evacuation point taking care to keep away from downed trees, debris, and electrical lines (evacuation maps are located on the back of unit doors).
If you cannot exit the building, tie a light-colored shirt to a balcony railing and suspend it so that it can be seen by others.
Sheltering In Place
If there is an emergency requiring you to shelter in place — generally, staying where you are and taking precautions such as locking doors, closing and locking windows, turning off air systems, etc. — the university will make every effort to inform you of the need to do so. However, you are also responsible for your own safety and for gathering as much information as you can.
Suggested List of Items for Emergencies
- Basic toiletries
- Bottled water
- Blanket or sleeping bag
- Car emergency kits
- Change of clothes
- Disposable face masks
- Essential medications and eyeglasses
- First Aid Kit
- Flashlight - fresh and spare batteries
- Flares
- Hat or cap
- Knife
- Large plastic trash bags
- Local maps
- Money or traveler’s checks
- Non-perishable food
- Portable radio
- Pre-moistened towelettes
- Sanitation supplies
- Sealable plastic bags
- Spare batteries
- Sturdy shoes
CSUN takes student safety seriously. If you believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing has been missing, immediately notify the CSUN Department of Police Services at (818) 677-2111. CSUN Police will initiate an investigation in accordance with the departments missing person policy and will undertake the emergency contact procedures as appropriate.
Missing student reports should be made directly to the Department of Police Services. However, these reports may also be made to the Residential Life Office in the Students Housing office, or the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students Office in Valeria Hall 310. If the missing person report is made to staff or organizations other than CSUN Police Services, that entity will contact Police Services immediately.
Contact Procedures
At the beginning of each academic year, CSUN will inform students residing in on-campus housing that CSUN will notify a parent, guardian or an individual selected by the student not later than 24 hours after the time the student is determined to be missing. This information will remain confidential and only used during a missing person investigation by campus officials and law enforcement. Students have the option of identifying an individual to be contacted by CSUN. If the student is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, CSUN is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian not later 24 hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing in addition to any additional contact person designated by the student. When CSUN Police makes a determination that a student who is the subject of a missing person report has been missing for more than 24 hours and has not returned to campus, University Police Services will initiate the emergency contact procedures in accordance with the student’s designation and will also notify local law enforcement.
Police Services Action
The Department of Police Services has a law enforcement missing persons policy that is followed in all such cases. The department may release a photo of the missing student as a tool to assist in locating the individual and may seek information and/or assistance from a variety of campus resources during the course of the investigation.
CSUN will, when possible, use student's contact information provided to the university to communicate with students in an emergency.
CSUN Student Responsibilities
Update contact information: Ensure your emergency contact information is up-to-date in CSUN Portal. This information is used by the university's mass communication system to notify you of a critical or emergency situation, instructions, and updates.
Follow instructions: In an emergency, closely follow instructions communicated to you via phone and email – and listen to staff and emergency personnel.
Participate in drills: Take drills seriously and encourage others around you to do the same.
Review emergency maps: Know the location and content of building evacuation maps, including the designated outside evacuation areas. Building evacuation maps are located inside each unit at the primary entrance to the unit. If you do not have one please notify your RA.
Know what to do in an emergency: Learn campus emergency procedures to know how to respond in all types of emergencies. For all emergency response procedures, visit Emergency Desk Reference or request a printed copy of the Desk Reference from Police Services via email.
Create a personal emergency communications plan: Determine how you will stay in contact with your family and friends if separated by a disaster. If possible, it’s a good idea to identify an out-of-state friend or relative as a “check-in contact”.
Communication Methods
CSUN emergency communications systems will be used to immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, staff, or faculty occurring on the campus unless issuing a notification would compromise efforts to contain the emergency. For full details, visit Emergency Communications.
Here's a list for some of the common emergency communication methods used by CSUN. For full details, visit Emergency Communications.
Blackboard Connect-Mass Notification System: The Blackboard Connect system allows CSUN Police Services the ability to send all students, staff, and faculty time-sensitive information about unforeseen events and emergencies using voice, email, and text messaging. The system is used to broadcast important, up-to-date information and provide details on appropriate responses.
CSUN Social Media Sites: Facebook and Twitter as well as The Department of Police Services Facebook page will be updated with emergency information as appropriate.
Campus Carillon: The Carillon is an outdoor public broadcast system. It alerts persons who are outdoors and is not designed to be heard inside buildings. Real-time messages and emergency instructions can be broadcast.
CSUN Home Page: During a critical incident or emergency, information will be prominently displayed on the home page.
Emergency Signage: Emergency signage may be placed along the campus perimeter and within the campus to alert you to campus evacuation, closure, partial closure, or testing of emergency communications.
Reporting an Emergency: To report an emergency, students can use the blue light phones located on the campus. When activated, the phone connects directly to a CSUN police dispatcher. There are 60 blue light phones strategically placed on campus. There are also Yellow Emergency Call Boxes that are TTY compatible for the hearing impaired.
CSUN Campus Status Information: Students may call the toll-free numbers during a campus emergency or critical incident for information on the status of the campus, including closures and class cancelations, as well as other announcements. Students and Community phone number: (866) 515-2786
Emergency/Non-Emergency Contact Numbers:
24-hour emergency (CSUN Police, Fire, or Medical): 911
24-hour non-emergency: (818) 677-2111
Useful Phone Numbers
For a full contact list of emergency resources at CSUN, visit Emergency Communications.
Matador Patrol: (818) 677-5042 or (818) 677-5048
Klotz Student Health Center: (818) 677-3666
Vehicle Jump starts or Key Lock-Out Assistance: (818) 677-2111
Emergency Preparedness: 818-677-5973
Environmental Health and Safety: 818-677-2401
Student Housing On-Call Duty System
Resident Advisors (RAs) perform on-call duty each night. RAs will be on duty from 7 p.m.-8 a.m. Monday-Thursday, 7 p.m. Friday until 8 a.m. Monday and University recognized Holidays.
While on duty, the RAs will walk the communities, visit with residents, look for security and maintenance concerns, and address policy violations. Outside of the on-call duty, RAs will be available in and around the buildings.
A Community Director (CD) is also on duty each night to assist with both personal and facility emergencies, as well as with disciplinary situations. The CD on duty will be contacted by the RA as the need arises. The CDs are professional live-in staff members. These staff members are full-time professionals who are trained to handle counseling, disciplinary, and crisis situations. A CD is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holiday periods.
Duty Phone Numbers
Buildings 1, 3, 6, and The Village Apartments: (818) 402-9919
Buildings 2, 4, 5, and 16: (818) 402-9914
Buildings 7, 8, and 17: (818) 497-8257
Buildings 9, 10, 11, and 13: (818) 400-1248
Buildings 12, 14, 15: (818) 402-9941
Buildings 19, 20, and 21: (818) 307-7239
Community Service Officers
Our Community Service Officers (CSOs) serve an important role in the overall safety of our community of learners. The Community Service Officers are assigned to Student Housing by the Department of Police Services. CSO keep us safe by assuring that after gate closure only residents and appropriately registered guests are permitted into the Park Apartments and Suites residential complexes. The CSO team accomplishes this by verifying resident status at the entry points after gate closure. CSOs will also assure the safety of our community by taking periodic patrols to assure we are safe and no inappropriate activities are occurring. We encourage you to get to know the CSOs, they are an important part of our Matador community.
Matador Patrol Program
You do not have to walk alone!
The Matador Patrol is a student-operated public service organization under the guidance of the Department of Police Services. Matador Patrol members provide free personal safety escorts for students, faculty, staff, and visitors on campus from dusk to 11 pm.
Matador Patrol members wear easily recognizable uniforms that are red, white, and black in color-do not be alarmed if you find a Matador Patrol member asking you if you would like to be escorted to your next destination. Matador Patrol members are community service assistants who are proactive, energetic and have the best of intentions of ensuring CSUN maintains our reputation as a safe academic community.
You can request a Matador Patrol escort at Matador Patrol.
You and your roommates will be sharing a living space for the academic year, so it’s important to discuss — and agree on — important things, including how you want to clean, share materials, and decorate/arrange the unit so that you may live together comfortably. Your RA will have a roommate agreement available to help guide you in the process and will follow up with you and your roommates to ensure the agreement is completed.
Furniture & Bed Raising
All University Suite residential student units come fully furnished, including single beds, chairs, and desk/drawer space for each student.
Furniture use:
- All furniture must remain in the unit and be kept clean, safe, and usable.
- Furniture must not be removed from the unit.
- Furniture may be rearranged within the unit, but it should not obstruct any exit pathway, doorway, or window. Furniture must also be returned to its original position before checkout.
- Beds must remain on their frames, and all furniture should be placed on the floor (e.g., no beds on top of desks/dressers, and no desks or dressers stacked or turned on end).
- Students may not bring or use their own mattresses and must use a university-provided mattress.
- Failure to comply with these safety measures may result in disciplinary action and could lead to removal from housing.
Raising/Adjustment of Beds:
- Some beds in the residential suite communities can be raised, creating a higher-level sleeping surface.
- Adjustable beds are allowed to be raised to a maximum 36 inches (3 feet) in height.
- The use of any outside furniture to raise it is strictly prohibited.
- Please be advised, by utilizing a raised bed there may be an increased risk of falls or injury.
- Residents wanting to adjust their bed configuration must submit a maintenance request for bed adjustments through their Student Housing portal.
- Only university housing staff can adjust beds.
Fire Sprinklers in the Park Apartments and Suites
Please do not tamper with or hang items (clothing, decorations, etc.) from fire sprinklers!
All units within The Park Apartments and Suites are equipped with fire sprinklers. They are activated by only two things:
- Extreme heat in the immediate area, such as a fire would produce. The heat melts the red filament that signals the sprinklers to activate to extinguish the fire.
- Tampering with or accidentally bumping the sprinkler heads with enough force to break the red filament.
When sprinklers are activated, 60 gallons of water per minute are emptied until the system is reset. It would take at least 10 minutes to reset the system, usually longer. The damage and disruption caused by 600 -1800 gallons of water is devastating and costly to clean up and repair. The damage may not be limited to one room, as the water seeps into other rooms. By law, you can be personally held accountable for losses to the other residents in the building should they sustain water damage. Please use extreme caution around the sprinkler heads. Costs to clean and repair are billed to the unit where the sprinklers were activated.
If the sprinkler is activated in your unit, vacate the room and call Police Services immediately at (818) 677-2111. Then find the nearest RA or other housing staff member. The sooner staff are aware of the situation, the faster they can respond. Finally, if you experience what you believe to be losses as a result of a sprinkler activation, do not throw away any items that you perceive to be damaged. Take photos of the damaged items.
Trash Disposal
Grease, oil, or hard food should not be poured down any drains in your unit. You should let the grease, oil, or hard food cool and then place it in a container to be removed with the rest of your trash. Leftover food should not be flushed down the toilets, it should be thrown out with the other trash to maintain a clean and healthy environment.
Toilet Cleaning and 'Flushable' Wipes
Cleaning your toilets regularly is important, however, certain types of cleaners will harm the toilet tanks. Toilet tank tablets (large tablets put directly into the tank to release cleaners over time) are prohibited because they clog the toilets and require maintenance service. Also, any type of wipe, even if they indicate they are flushable, is not permitted. If these items are used and create a problem, we will charge residents for the required services.
Listed below are kitchen appliances and other items that may not be used in units for safety reasons. Please note that no more than a total of three appliances should be simultaneously plugged into the outlets in a room. If more than three are plugged in, the circuit breaker may “pop” causing a loss of power to those outlets.
Kitchen appliances not allowed in units:
- Deep fat fryers
- Electric frying pans
- Halogen lamps
- Hotplates
- Space heaters
Special Guidelines for Units without Kitchens: Student Housing does not provide kitchen equipment for personal use in any apartment or suites without a kitchen. Attempting to use bathroom sinks or toilets as a garbage disposal while cooking in your unit may result in a pipe clog, which will result in maintenance charges.
Kitchen appliances allowed in units without kitchens:
- Blender
- Coffee maker
- Microwave
- Refrigerator (4.5 cubic feet/3 feet high)
Residents using a common area kitchen will be responsible for cleaning the area after each use — this includes throwing trash into the appropriate receptacle and washing the area(s) used while cooking. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the loss of use in the common area kitchens and cleaning charges.
Please make sure to take care of your unit. When you vacate your unit, it will be inspected and you will be billed for any missing items or damages beyond normal wear and tear. When you move-in, it is important that you document any damages (take photos, submit a maintenance ticket for issues that can be fixed) that you’ve inspected in the unit and keep them for your record. You will not be billed for legitimate damages that were documented upon move-in.
Walls, Doors and Ceilings
Any method you use to attach something to the walls, doors or ceilings may cause damage, so consider the potential damage before you proceed. While neither sanctioning nor prohibiting attaching things to the walls or ceilings, we remind you that the cost of repairing and repainting damaged room walls, doors, or ceilings will be billed to unit residents. The Command Strip brand of removable adhesives works best for hanging things on walls (other brands tend to leave marks when removed).
The Park Apartments and Suites perimeter gates are locked between 7:30 p.m. and 3 a.m. Student housing residents will be granted access by showing their CSUN I.D. to the gate attendant.
Guest Policy
Guests gain access through approval by a resident host and with a guest pass obtained from the gate personnel between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 3 a.m. In either case, you and your guest must be present to register.
If your guest will be staying past 1:00 a.m. you must register and gain approval to host an overnight guest using our on-line overnight guest registration system. Those registrations need to be completed by 3 p.m. the day before the stay or by 3 p.m. on a Thursday for a weekend stay. For additional guest policies and procedures, please see our policies section at the end of this handbook.
When a resident or guest drives into the facility, a current valid residential parking permit must be displayed in or on the vehicle. Those without permits will be directed to purchase a visitor parking permit or to public parking on the city streets.
Guest Policy for Minors
To ensure the safety, security, and well-being of all residents, CSUN Student Housing enforces a guest policy restricting the presence of individuals under 18. This policy also includes any family members (direct/indirect) who are under the age of 18.
Temporary guests who are minors are not permitted to enter Student Housing facilities after 7:30 p.m. unless accompanied by a legal guardian or participating in a university-sponsored event.
Overnight stays by guests under 18 are strictly prohibited after 7:30 p.m. to maintain a secure, safe, and distraction-free living environment. Residents are responsible for ensuring their guests adhere to these restrictions, as they are ultimately accountable for their guests’ actions while on the premises. Failure to adhere to university housing policy and procedure will result in judicial follow-up.
By adhering to these guidelines, residents contribute to a safe, supportive, and academically focused community that prioritizes all members' needs, comfort, and safety.
Building Entry
During move-in, you will receive an electronic key card that will allow you to access your building, apartment or suite, the pool areas (during hours when the pool is open), and the building where mail services are located.
Key Cards
You are issued a key card to your assigned unit and are responsible for your own key card. Key cards may not be lent to or exchanged with another individual. There is a $25 non-refundable charge for any key card that is lost or stolen. It is a misdemeanor for any person to knowingly duplicate, make, cause to be duplicated, use, or have in possession a key to a building controlled by the state without proper authorization (Section 469 of the California Penal Code).
Locked Out
During regular business hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday) residents may go to the Student Housing Office for assistance with lockouts. From 5 p.m. and on weekends, the staff in the Community Center (Building 18) will assist residents with lockouts. A $5.00 charge will be posted to your CSUN account for all lockouts. When on call, RAs will assist residents with lock-outs.
Lost Key Cards/Keys
You are responsible for the key card and mailbox key (if applicable) issued to you. If your key card is lost or stolen, immediately contact the Student Housing Office to obtain a new key card. A replacement key card costs $25. Please report lost or stolen cards promptly for the safety of your roommates, neighbors and other community members.
Bedroom Locks in The Park Apartments
Your bedroom door has a privacy feature to allow you to lock the door when you are not in your bedroom. To lock the door, you need to double dip your key card and then double-dip the key card again to unlock it. Only residents assigned to the bedroom will have access to lock and unlock the bedroom door.
Insurance & Personal Property
The University does not assume liability directly or indirectly for loss or damage to personal property by fire, theft, water, or any other cause except to the extent provided by the law. Renters insurance is strongly encouraged for residents. Additionally, the University is not responsible for personal property left behind by residents after their withdrawal, transfer, departure, suspension, or eviction from any room.
Residence Halls Association (RHA)
The RHA is a student organization with the goal of promoting a healthy academic and social environment while serving as the student voice for concerns of the community in CSUN Student Housing. RHA provides engaging programs for students to get involved, hosts regular large-scale events, and community meetings to discuss concerns and suggestions.
Maintenance and Custodial Services
Student Housing is your home during the academic year, and we are happy to have you here. If there are necessary repairs or maintenance issues, please submit a Maintenance Request in your Student Housing Portal, by phone at (818) 677-2234. Maintenance or Custodial staff members usually respond to these requests within 24 hours. Most repairs are free of charge provided it was not due to vandalism or caused by the resident.
To maintain a clean and healthy living environment, please remove the trash from your unit regularly and deposit it in the large trash bins located in gated areas near each building or in the trash chute if you reside in the suites. We request that trash from your room not be placed in the smaller waste cans located within the buildings. All food products must be thrown away in trash bins. (Recycling bins for aluminum items, glass, and newspaper are located near the outside trash bin areas)
To park in the residential parking lots, including the parking structure next to Lupin Hall (Building 11), you must purchase a resident parking permit. The permit is valid in on-campus student lots and in the residential parking lots. General student permits are not valid in the residential parking lots. Vehicles without proper permits will be cited. Special permits are required for staff and disabled parking spaces. University Parking Services oversees all parking operations. You may purchase a resident parking permit through CSUN Portal.
University guests and visitors must purchase and display a parking permit as well. Daily permits may be purchased in the F10 and F9 lots, as well as the G9 parking structure. Permits cost $8 per vehicle per day and allow vehicles to park in the residential parking lots.
TV Services
Spectrum U provides streaming television service to The Park Apartments and Suites. Please visit the Spectrum U information Page for additional information on how to access this service.
Recreational Facilities
Basketball and sand volleyball courts are open from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. daily on the east side of The Park Apartments and Suites. Three swimming pools are located in Student Housing, two on the east and west ends of The Park Apartments and Suites and one in The Village Apartments. Pool hours are 10 a.m.-10 p.m. daily. Guests must be accompanied by a resident. Because there is no lifeguard on duty, you swim at your own risk. Children are not allowed to swim without the presence of an adult who is responsible for their safety. For safety reasons, glass containers are not allowed in the pool areas.
Mail: Receiving, Sending, and Pickup
If you have mail sent to you while you are living in student housing, the address you will use is as follows:
Your name
Student Housing
17950 Lassen St., (Box #)*
Northridge, CA 91325
*Your mailbox number is located under contact information in your Student Housing Portal.
Mail for each building is sorted and delivered Monday through Friday. Residents in The Park Apartments and Suites will be assigned a mailbox outside the lobbies of either Piñon Hall (Building 9) or Heather Hall (Building 13). The Village apartment mailboxes are located at the village community center.
Mail and packages must be addressed to you using the name you indicated on your housing application. Packages with a name other than the one in our look-up system will be returned to the sender.
If you receive a package or oversized envelope that will not fit into your resident mailbox, you will receive a package notification via email. All packages can be picked up at the Mail Services Office in Piñon Hall (Building 9). You must physically bring the accepted ID with you and present it to the Mail Services Office staff in order to pick up your package. We accept the following forms of ID:
- CSUN Student ID
- Driver’s License
- State ID
- Passport
- Military ID
- CSUN Meal Plan ID
- CSUN MataCard
Please note, we do not accept packages with perishables.
Check your box regularly. If your mailbox is full for more than 15 days your mail will be returned to sender.
Computer Lab
Student Housing offers a computer lab in Hawthorne Hall (Building 18). There are eight workstations and two print stations in this building. All students are welcome to use any available workstation to study, print 20 free pages per day or just surf the web.
Computers for printing only are also available in the common area of the Learning Center (Building 21). There are four workstations and two print stations in this building.
Student Housing Technology Services
Internet: Student Housing Technology Services supports broadband and reliable network connections throughout The Park Apartments, Suites, and The Village Apartments, including wireless connectivity in common study areas. Illegal file sharing is expressly prohibited.
Student Housing website: Student Housing Technology Services also develops and maintains the Student Housing website and the Student Housing Portal. If you have issues with online applications, forms, or requests, please contact Technology Services by phone (818) 677-6114 or email. You can also create a maintenance ticket regarding these issues.
Maintenance and troubleshooting: If you have trouble accessing the network or internet TV, please create a maintenance ticket in the Student Housing Portal. For network configuration or diagnostics of your computer, please come to the Student Housing Technology Services office with your device. We do not remove spyware and viruses from student computers. We do not charge any cost for computer diagnostics.
Recreational and Educational Amenities
The Community Center (Building 18) provides recreational amenities for students including table games, video games, and board games. There are three televisions inside and a large patio television outside for entertainment. We provide PlayStation, Xbox, and a Nintendo Switch for gaming and a Blu-ray disc player to watch movies. The Community Center is open 6 a.m.-2 a.m. when classes are in session during the standard Academic Year.
The Learning Center (Building 21) has classrooms and conference rooms equipped with computers, televisions, and projector screens and is ideal for group study, discussions, and tutoring. The Learning Center is also home to The Spot, tutoring services offered at Student Housing at no additional cost. The Spot is open Sunday-Thursday, 7-11 p.m.
Vending Machines
Beverage machines and some snack machines are located in most buildings in The Park Apartments and Suites. Malfunctions or money losses should be reported to the University Corporation by following the instructions posted on each machine. The University Corporation can also be reached at (818) 677-6583.
Laundry Facilities
Washers and dryers are provided on the first floor of each Apartment building, each floor of The Suites and Village Community Center. Use your apartment/suite key for access. Machines are operated with credit or debit cards. Malfunctions should be reported to WASH, the laundry company, as indicated on the machines.
Please remember that you are sharing these facilities with many residents. Do not leave your clothes unattended — and remember to respect others’ property.
Illegal file sharing
Online file sharing of copyrighted material is against the law and can result in an individual’s loss of access to the campus internet connection.
The campus Office of Information Security responds to reports of abuse and can block access to the internet when a computer is reported as sharing files illegally. To prevent being blocked from the university network, do not install or use any file sharing software like Usenet or BitTorrent, which execute commands that can place your computer at risk. In the event a computer has been blocked from the network, the owner must bring the computer to Oviatt Library, Room 33, anytime Monday through Thursday 8 a.m.-7 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Residents living on campus may bring their computer to the IT office in Student Housing Office.
Technicians will verify that the computer has indeed been blocked and uninstall any file sharing software on your computer.
Once the computer has been cleaned, it will be permitted back on the university network. Repeat violations will be turned over to the office of the Dean of Students and can result in disciplinary sanctions.
Additionally, if you allow your computer to illegally download or distribute copyrighted material, you can face civil lawsuits from the Recording Industry of America and/or The Motion Picture Association of America for downloading copyrighted content. In extreme cases, you can be charged with a crime and face fines and/or jail time. Policies governing the use of copyrighted materials and the use of university’s technology resources can be found at the following locations:
Copyright Law of the United States
CSUN Copyrighted Materials Policy
CSUN Use of Computing Resources Policy
Young Children Swimming Pool Safety Alert
Each year, about 260 children under the age of five drown in swimming pools. The suction from drains in swimming pools, under certain conditions, can entrap swimmers underwater. Closely supervise young children and be prepared in case of emergency. If a child is missing, always look first in the pool. Seconds count! Knowing how to swim doesn’t make a child drown-proof. Never use flotation devices as a substitute for supervision. Keep rescue equipment and a phone next to the pool. Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Skateboards, Roller Skates, Hover Boards, and Similar Equipment on Campus Grounds
In compliance with CSUN Policy number 800-04, the use of skates, roller skates, skateboards, electronic skateboards, and other similar skating equipment on the grounds of the campus or other grounds owned or controlled by the university is permitted for individual transportation purposes only by students, university employees, or other individuals conducting official university business, utilizing university facilities available to the public or attending university programs. Skating for transportation must be conducted with full attention to pedestrians, bicycles, etc. and must be at a safe speed. Any type of skating is strictly prohibited when a skater is moving and jumping and a skate or the wheels of the skateboard touch anything other than the ground. This prohibition includes but is not limited to, handrails, pedestrian ramps, patios, walls, benches, fountains, stairs, raised surfaces, parking structures, curbs, landings, or similar structures not intended for such use.
Use of in-line skates, roller skates, skateboards, electronic skateboards, and other similar skating equipment is strictly prohibited within all buildings, including the residence halls.
Micromobility Device Policy
As part of our commitment to safety and compliance with state guidelines, residents who wish to bring UL-approved micromobility devices such as electric scooters, e-skateboards, or similar items into the residence halls must adhere to the following policies:
- Registration Requirement: All micromobility devices must be registered with Residential Life upon arrival. Registration can be completed through the Student Housing Portal.
- Storage and Insurance: Due to liability concerns, residents are required to provide proof of renters insurance before storing these devices in their rooms. This insurance must cover potential risks associated with housing and charging these devices indoors.
Please note that residents are currently allowed to store their registered micromobility devices in their rooms, provided all requirements are met. Failure to comply with these policies may result in adhering to our Residential Life Student Conduct process and removal of item. This policy is subject to change based on state/fire marshal guidelines.
Motorized Hoverboards or similar devices with lithium-ion batteries Are Prohibited
The use, possession, and storage of hoverboards or similar motorized devices that use lithium-ion battery packs (or similar) is strictly prohibited on the grounds and within the university buildings, including the residence halls, with exceptions outlined in the micromobility policy. Students with such devices should remove them from campus and/or not bring them back to campus. Motorized devices used due to disability are exempt from this policy.
The purpose of this policy is to reduce the risk of pedestrian or user injury on campus. In the case of hoverboards or similar motorized devices that use lithium-ion battery packs (or similar), the purpose of this policy is to eliminate the risk of fires and/or personal injury.
CSU Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy
The CSU Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy seeks to facilitate freedom of expression while protecting the right of students and employees to learn and work in a safe environment, free of disruptions that interfere with the instructional, administrative and other operations of the university. You can review the full policy via the link below.
CSU Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy