CSUN Fire Advisory and Resources – Update 1/22/2025

Conference Services


Conference Services Office
17950 Lassen St.
Building 6, Pacific Willow Hall
Northridge, CA 91325

Phone: (818) 677-4986

Send email

Summer months:
(late May to early August)
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Academic year:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Regulations for Conference Guest Conduct

As a participant of CSUN Conference Services, you are responsible for abiding by the following Rules and Regulations for Conference Guest Conduct. These policies are comprised of three different types of regulations which include: Regulations Relative to State and Local Laws; Regulations Relative to the Safety and Security of Residents and Guests; and Regulations Relative to Community Living. The policies have been designed to benefit Conference Participants and students as well as the entire residential community.

Section I: Regulations Relative to State and Local Laws

The University and its Conference Guests must adhere to the following guidelines concerning alcoholic beverages on campus and the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs.

  1. Alcohol Beverages: Student Housing - Conference Services will enforce all state and local laws as well as Student Housing Policies relative to the consumption of alcohol. The following list of regulations comprises all appropriate local and state laws, as well as the University and Student Housing Policies governing the use of alcohol in on-campus housing.
  2. Conference Service Guests who are under the age of 21 are not permitted to use, possess, or be in the presence of alcohol.
    1. Providing alcohol to an individual under the age of 21 is prohibited. Possession of an open container or empty alcohol containers shall be interpreted as consumption of alcohol.

    Conference Service Guests over the age of 21 may consume alcohol under the following conditions:

    • The Conference Service Guest must be in their apartment, with the door closed, when drinking alcohol.
    • Persons under 21 years of age are prohibited from being in an apartment where an individual 21 years of age or older is serving or drinking alcohol.
    • No large group or party is permitted to be held in an apartment where the main purpose appears to be drinking alcohol.
    1. Conference Service Guests over 21 years of age may possess quantities of alcohol that are intended for personal consumption only. Kegs or other large containers or large quantities of alcohol are prohibited in Student Housing – Conference Services.
    2. Persons over the age of 21 may possess and consume alcohol as a guest in an apartment of a Conference Service Guest who is at least 21 years of age. The host Conference Service Guest must be present, the unit door must be closed and no person under the age of 21 may be present.
    3. Open containers of alcohol are not permitted outside of personal residences. Possession of open alcohol containers in lounges, lobbies, balconies, etc are prohibited. Alcohol related paraphernalia and alcohol related decorations which once contained alcohol are also prohibited.
    4. Closed containers of alcohol are allowed in public areas only if they are being transported to a residential unit of a legal-age Conference Service Guest.
    5. Any Conference Service Guest, guest or visitor, regardless of age, who appears to be intoxicated or impaired to the extent that their behavior would endanger their own safety or  the safety of others, is in violation of Student Housing Policy and civil authorities will be called upon for assistance.
    6. The sale or distribution of alcohol is prohibited in Student Housing – Conference Services.
  3. Controlled Substances: Any possession, usage, provision, distribution or manufacturing of controlled substances (including paraphernalia for intended or implied use) of any sort is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated on University premises. The California State University, Northridge will take the appropriate disciplinary action against Conference Service Guests suspected of violating this policy. In addition to University sanctions, Conference Service Guests are subject to criminal prosecution under federal and state laws and the University will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies. The following additional terms are considered to be a violation of the Student Housing Policy:
    1. Use of products that resemble or smell like marijuana, including but not limited to “Beedies”, types of herbal cigarettes, and types of incense.
    2. The misuse of prescription medications and/or cleaning products or fumes. Also, the use of “medical marijuana”, even if prescribed by a physician, is prohibited.
    3. Marijuana odor emanating from an apartment or drug paraphernalia seen in a room, storage closet, or balcony, etc.
    4. A Conference Service Guest, guest or visitor, regardless or age, which appears to be impaired to the extent that their behavior would endanger their own safety or the safety of others.
  4. Computer Use: The Computers, networks, and computing facilities are the property of California State University, Northridge and the State of California.
    1. The University makes no guarantee of privacy.
    2. In keeping with having the capability to use the system, users must use the resources responsibly.
    3. All state and federal laws must be obeyed. In particular, sexual harassment, hate crimes and interfering with computing administration are forbidden.
    4. Commercial use is forbidden.
  5. Downloading Copyrighted Information: The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has begun an effort to subpoena information about individuals who are believed to have engaged in unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing of copyrighted music and other works. Unauthorized downloading and uploading of copyrighted music, movies, and software constitutes as an illegal copyright infringement. Conference service guests should be aware that the unauthorized sharing of peer-to-peer file copyrighted works, including music, pictures, movies, and software is a violation of campus computer use policy. It is also illegal and may carry significant monetary and/or criminal sanctions. It is the responsibility of Conference Service Guests who are downloading or uploading documents to make certain that they are not copyrighted works, or that they have the permission of the copyright holder. Please refer to Residential Computing Resources policy for further explanation. These rules and regulations can be found in section 502 of the California Penal Code.
    • Conference Organization shall have no rights to radio broadcasting, live television transcriptions, recording or photographic rights prior to the approval of the Conference Services Office.
  6. Deadly Weapons/Firearms/Explosives: Possession or usage of any weapon deemed by campus authorities to be deadly is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: dirks, daggers, machetes, slingshots, switchblade knives, weapons commonly known as blackjacks, sandclubs, billyclubs, and metal knuckles. Metal pipes, bars, razors with an unguarded edge or any knife being used for a purpose other than for the preparation of food are also considered deadly weapons and are prohibited. The possession of pistols, revolvers, or firearms of any kind; and ammunition, fireworks, explosives or highly combustible materials of any kind is prohibited.
  7. Disorderly Conduct: Lewd, indecent, or obscene behaviors, whether through conduct or expression, which are not civil or respectful and which breach the peace, within or around the residence halls or at any residence hall-related function are not permitted. Acts that result in additional clean up in or around residential areas and/or interfere with others’ normal use of facilities are prohibited.
  8. Fire Hazards & Safely: The following constitutes a list of violations that could result in prosecution and/or fines:
    1. Tampering or damaging fire equipment or intentionally misusing fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers, emergency exit signs or pulling a fire alarm when the cause is unrelated to notification of a fire.
    2. Intentionally or negligently causing and/or creating a fire, explosion or release of poisonous gas or fumes
    3. Failure to evacuate a building immediately following the sounding of an alarm, unless otherwise instructed by CSUN Housing staff, fire-safety or other emergency response personnel.
    4. Possessing or storing gasoline, fireworks and/or combustible decorations and chemicals.
    5. Storing fuel-driven engines including motorcycles, mopeds, etc. in residential housing
    6. Open flames (including candles and incense), combustible decorations and chemicals, deep fat fryers, electric fry pans, space heaters and halogen lamps are prohibited (included on balconies). Toasters and other cooking devices should only be used in the kitchen.
    7. Disabling, opening, damaging, or propping exits used exclusively as fire exits is prohibited (unless being used specifically during an emergency situation or drill).
    8. Grills & BBQ grills cannot be operated anywhere but on balconies. If you wish to own and operate a grill you must go on-line and complete a CSUN Student Housing Grill Safety Form and return it to the Conference Coordinator for approval. Charcoal grills are the only acceptable grill & self-starting charcoal is only permitted. The following items are strictly prohibited:
      • Propane Grills
      • Lighter Fluid
      • Using toasters or other cooking devices in areas outside of the kitchen
  9. Gambling: All forms of gambling are prohibited on state property. This would include but is not limited to activities played for money, checks, or some other representative value, sports pools, entertainments pools and online gambling using the University network, etc.
  10. Harassment: Harassment based upon race, gender and/or gender identity or expression, color, religion, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, marital status or citizenship status is illegal and will not be tolerated by the California State University, Northridge. Any form of such harassment that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work, academic or residential environment or adversely affects employment, academic or residential life will not be tolerated by the University.
  11. Physical/Verbal Abuse: Committing acts of physical or mental abuse or engaging in actions that intimidate, harass, threaten, coerce or otherwise endanger the health or safety of self or another person (including threats or attempts of suicide is prohibited). This includes but is not limited to physical harm or threat of physical harm and the stalking of another person.
  12. Sexual Assault: Any sexual assault (any sexual activity that is carried out without the expressed consent of the individuals involved), battery, or rape of a community member or guest thereof is a criminal act. The University will not tolerate such acts of violence and crime. The University will take the appropriate disciplinary actions and cooperate fully with local law enforcement agencies. Additionally, the act of stalking is also considered a crime and is subject to grounds for immediate removal from the University premises.
  13. Loitering: Loitering in residence halls/apartment complex entryways, lobby areas or blocking entry or exits is strictly prohibited. Conference Guests may not assemble in lobby areas; as such assembly may constitute a fire, health or safety hazard.
  14. Smoking: CSUN is a Smoke-Free Campus. Smoking is prohibited in all University public areas, including residence halls. Additionally, smoking is prohibited in hallways, restrooms, lounges, stairs, balconies, sports areas and courts, pool areas, and within 30 feet from the entrances of all campus facilities. This includes the use of smoking devices known as “hookah pipes”.
  15. Misuse of Property/Theft/Vandalism: Unauthorized possession; use or misuse; removal; defacing; tampering; damage or destruction of University-owned property, leased property or equipment or any property belonging to a community member or guest thereof is prohibited and subject to fines.

Section II: Regulations Relative to Safety and Security


  1. Balconies: Using one’s balcony as a means of entry or exit; or using it to store unsightly articles, garbage, or university owned or leased furniture is prohibited. Sitting, perching on or jumping over a balcony railing will not be tolerated and is subject to removal from the University premises.
  2. Dangerous Behavior: Any activity which can be interpreted as harmful or an endangerment to oneself or that of others will not be tolerated.
  3. Projectiles: Throwing, dropping, or projecting objects from any residence hall building, window or balcony is subject to disciplinary actions up to removal from University premises.
  4. Restricted Access: Unauthorized presence on rooftops, ledges or areas marked as “restricted access” in any residence or building is not tolerated.
  5. Security: Providing access to buildings or apartments within buildings to unauthorized persons is a security violation and subject to removal from the premises. Only Staff, Conference Guests and approved guests by Conference Services Offices have authorized access. Additional security violations include:
    1. Unauthorized entry into an apartment or building other than the one in which a Conference Guest has card key access
    2. Unauthorized use of or entry or attempted entry into computer or telecommunication systems
    3. Propping entrance doors or allowing a person entrance to a building and leaving them unattended in a public area is subject to disciplinary action.
    4. Removal of any window screens (except in the case of evacuation due to a fire). Conference Guests are subject to fines for removal of screens for non-emergency purposes.
    5. Use of sporting and recreation equipment is prohibited in indoor common areas such as lobbies, hallways and entrances.
    6. Unauthorized use, possession or duplication or room card keys or master keys is prohibited and subject to removal from University premises.
    7. Loaning one’s key(s) to another person is prohibited and subject to removal from University premises.
    8. Bypassing or tampering with the electronic locking mechanisms for the lobby or apartment doors is prohibited and subject to fines of the Conference Group.
    9. Failure to abide by any security procedures established by Student Housing, such as check-in is prohibited.

Section III: Regulations Relative to Community Living

  1. Room Regulations, Swaps & Changes: Unauthorized room transfers are strictly prohibited. Housing must ask that guests refrain from room changes without obtaining approval from Student Housing or the Conference Services Office. Guests making unauthorized room changes will be subject to removal from University property.
  2. Cleanliness: All residents are expected to maintain a level of cleanliness and hygiene in their living unit. Foul odors due to excessive rotting trash or spoiling food not refrigerated and left in public areas or hallways by Conference Guests are not permitted and subject to removal and fines.
  3. Common Area Care: Common areas and property are the responsibility of all residents and Conference Guests. This is including, but not limited to lounges, study rooms, lobbies, stairs, recreation areas, laundry rooms, doors, swimming pools, walkways, fire extinguishers, elevators, exit signs and lights. Trash and recyclables should be removed to the proper receptacles outside the buildings. Common area damage charges not readily assignable to a particular individual will be charged to the Conference Group. No Conference Participant or Guest may sleep in the lounges, lobbies or public areas.
  4. Furniture: (including mattresses) may not be removed from the apartment. Furniture may not be disassembled and/or stored in the balcony storage closet. Furniture may not be assembled atop bricks or other structures not originally designed to support it. Summer Conference Services Guests are responsible for the condition of the apartment they are staying in while at Student Housing – Conference Services
  5. Intolerance: Acts of intolerance towards a community member of any Student Housing Staff member disrupts the educational environment necessary for furthering the mission of the University. Acts of intolerance or bias-related incidents are behaviors, which by intent, action and/or outcome harm or threaten to harm a person or group of people. Acts of intolerance include but are not limited to:
    1. Acts motivated by prejudice toward a person or a group of people because of their race, religion, ethnicity, disability, national origin, age, gender, and /or sexual orientation, and/or any other protected class.
    2. Overt actions such as verbal attacks and physical assaults on students, University staff and/or their property.
    3. Physical or written defacement or destruction of residential property and/or Student Housing postings and/or posters.
  6. Gatherings: A gathering of more than six (6) people in an apartment or common area without the approval of the Manager of Conference & Hospitality Services is a violation of policy.
  7. Littering/Trash Removal: Littering, inappropriate disposal of trash, and/or sweeping debris into a public hallway or area in the residence communities or the surrounding grounds is not permitted. If the problem is persistent and not able to be resolved by the Conference Group, fines may be issued for violations of this policy.
  8. Visitation: The visitation policy is designed with the safety and consideration of our community members and property in mind. In addition, these policies are dictated by California law Title V of the California Code of Regulations.
    1. Short Term Visitors Policy: Conference Guests and residents who have been approved by the Conference Service Office in advance are expected to be with their visitors at all times. Conference Guests are held responsible for any visitor’s improper behavior when it constitutes a violation of any Student Housing Policy.
    2. Visitors must show ID at all times when requested.
    3. Visitors must leave the University premises by 10:00p.m
    4. Guests may be asked to leave at anytime by Conference Services Office Staff or University Police for violating policy.
  9. Locks: The installation of any door or area locks other than those provided by Student Housing and Conference Services Maintenance Department is prohibited. The lock will be removed at the expense of the Conference Guest or Conference Group.
  10. Quiet Hours/Noise: Engaging in unreasonably loud activities, either inside guest apartments or outside buildings, surrounding grounds, and recreation areas is prohibited. The parameters are:
    1. Quiet and Courtesy Hours are 10:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m.
    2. University Police are called anytime we are notified of a disturbance. After three summons, the Guest(s) will be removed from University premises.
    3. A level of noise which may be deemed an undue disturbance by another member of the community
    4. Creating noise, including but not limited to voice, musical instruments and stereos which is audible outside of one’s apartment or bedroom during quiet hours
  11. Pets: Animals are not allowed on campus, in Student Housing – Conference Services at any time Exceptions: Assisted living animals approved in advance by the Conference Services Coordinator or Manager
  12. Posting of Signs & Flyers: Non-residential individuals and Conference Groups must obtain written permission from the Conference Services Office to post material in Student Housing Residential Halls.
    • The posting of signs and flyers related to film projects placed on public property is strictly prohibited in accordance with City of Los Angeles Handbill Ordinance 168321.
    • All signs and flyers that have been approved must be removed immediately upon conclusion of the Conference Service organized activity. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in fees charged to the Conference Organization for all costs associated with the removal of signage.
    • No offensive or alcohol & drug-related materials may be posted in a public area or a place where they can be viewed from a public area (e.g. external apartment door, balcony, visible windows).
  13. Skateboards/Skates/Vehicle Safety: Riding skateboards, roller blades, scooters or skates within residential hall buildings, including hallways and lobbies is prohibited. Parking, locking or riding any bicycle, motorcycle, moped, scooter or automobile within the residence halls or at any location other than paved roads or paths specifically designated for such use that would jeopardize the safety of the community and surrounding pedestrians is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.
  14. Soliciting: Door to door solicitation is expressly prohibited. CSUN Student Housing does not grant permission to any individual or organization not affiliated with housing or the campus to sell or advertise door to door with in the buildings.

Conference Services


Conference Services Office
17950 Lassen St.
Building 6, Pacific Willow Hall
Northridge, CA 91325

Phone: (818) 677-4986

Send email

Summer months:
(late May to early August)
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Academic year:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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