Conference Services


Conference Services Office
17950 Lassen St.
Building 6, Pacific Willow Hall
Northridge, CA 91325

Phone: (818) 677-4986

Send email

Summer months:
(late May to early August)
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Academic year:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Summer Conference Services Student Job FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about the Conference Services jobs in Student Housing & Residential Life

The Conference Assistants’ (CAs) and Crew's main responsibilities are to assist the Conference Services staff with the day-to-day operations of the residence halls during the summer months. Between May and August, CSUN Student Housing hosts many diverse groups and individuals that are visiting the Northridge area and utilizing our conference services.

CAs and Crew play an integral role in facilitating a successful conference housing program by serving as ambassadors to the university and surrounding community, providing exceptional customer service, assisting in the various administrative processes, and providing a welcoming experience to our summer guests. Through interaction with guests of all ages, we have a unique opportunity to promote the University to future students, parents, and members of the community. Summer Conferences is also a great opportunity to enhance your skills and work with a great team in a fast-paced and dynamic environment!

  1. Do I need to have Conference experience for this job?

    No, however, experience gained from working in any job that required you to meet with the general public and provide quality customer service is helpful. Students who have a positive, enthusiastic attitude and the willingness to pitch in and help whether the job is talking with conference educators, greeting guests, checking guests into the Resident Halls, keying data into a spread sheet, vacuuming an apartment or helping set up tables and chairs at the pool for an event, will succeed in this position. General office skills, basic data entry in excel, using email and light administrative duties are required. We are looking for ambitious students who like to work in a team atmosphere and are able to provide quality customer service.

  2. What are the duties as a Conference Assistant (CA)?

    The Conference Assistant (CA) job is similar to working in a hotel. CA’s are responsible for contributing to the overall management, operation and effectiveness of the Conference Program. This includes but is not limited to, facilitating guest check-in/out, assisting with room assignments, providing room preparation and linen services, administering and testing card keys, managing front desk hospitality and services, and addressing safety and security needs of guests and you may be asked to plunge toilets and wipe down areas to be ready for groups.

    Each CA is assigned to work with several conference groups and is responsible for communicating with the Director of those groups. The CA contacts the Director to request rosters, floor plans and asks if any of their participants have any special needs, which we accommodated during their stay in the Resident Halls.

    Once the group arrives in the Conference Services office, the CA, during check-in, provides each guest their card key and maps. The CA remains in contact with the Director during their stay to assist with any additional requests and is responsible to make sure all the paperwork is placed in the conference group’s files and helps with their final billing.

  3. What are the Conference Crew (CC) job duties?

    This position is responsible for the preparation of all guests’ rooms, common areas, auditoriums, classrooms and pool facilities. This is a very physical job which requires you to be outside in the heat most of the day carrying things.

    The Crew will be given work tickets which consist of: setting up tables and chairs for pool parties, auditoriums, and classrooms; preparing/delivering/picking up linen packets, helping guests with their suitcases, helping guests move apartments, lifting and carrying microwaves, TV’s and amenities upstairs to apartments and plunging toilets. There may be times when an apartment needs a quick vacuuming and a lite wiping of kitchen and bathroom counters. We recommend that anyone applying for this position must be in excellent physical condition and can lift and carry up to 40 pound up three flights of stairs. There may be a few days the Crew assist the CA’s in the office, such as, during large check-ins. In this job capacity, it is required that the Crew work as a team.

  4. Is the training mandatory?

    If you are hired you must attend the training. During this training, you will be paid, and every aspect of the Conference student’s job will be covered. It is the philosophy of the Conference Office that a well-trained employee, who knows their job, will be successful. Our staff training is critical to a successful summer. If a student does not attend for any training day they will be terminated that day. There is also a weekly mandatory staff meeting every week throughout the summer.

  5. Is housing provided?

    Yes, the Conference Assistant (CA) and Crew answer the duty phone once a week in exchange for their weekly housing cost (water, electric, Internet access and cable TV are also included). CA’s and Crew share an apartment with one other employee, but will have their own bedroom.

  6. How does the duty phone work?

    Once a week each CA/Crew will be required to answer the duty phone from 8:00 pm until 8:00 am. During the night, the CA/Crew will assist guests with the following types of services:

    • Check in guests arriving from the airport
    • Move guests to other apartments due to flooding, pests or other issues or plunge toilets
    • Go to buildings and open doors for guests who have been locked out of their room
    • Emergencies: call the police; contact the Conference Services Manager, and remain with the guest until police and/or emergency crews arrive
    • Stay in Community Center for late night events and lock up

    Guests can call at all hours of the night and the CA/Crew on duty is required to resolve these calls, call the police or call other staff members to resolve the problem. During the CA/Crew's duty night they cannot leave the campus Student Housing complex as they must be available to go to the Resident Halls to handle the conference guest's emergencies in a timely manner. After each incident, the CA/Crew is to document what happened, while it is fresh in their mind, even if it is 3:00 am in the morning.

  7. What are the Conference Assistants daily hours ? (These hours do not apply to crew)

    Conference Students are scheduled to work 30 or more hours each week. There are two daily shifts:

    • Mornings: 8am – 2pm
    • Afternoons: 2pm – 8pm

    The CA will work 5 days with two days off. Days off are not always consecutive days. The time of their shift can vary daily during the five days they work (either a morning or afternoon daily shift) but once their shift is assigned, it remains the same all summer. Shifts will include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Both the CA and Crew will be required to work nights, weekends and holidays. Shift schedules are determined and announced during training.

  8. When does Conference season begin and end?

    Conference season begins at the end of May and goes through Student Housing’s Fall Move-In Day which falls on a Saturday towards the end of August. Some staff will be asked to stay additional days due to residence hall check-ins.

  9. Can I take summer school classes? 

    The University policy is that a student taking a summer school class is only permitted to work 20 hours a week. The Conference Services office expects conference student to work a minimum of 30 hours or more each week.

  10. Can I have outside employment while employed as a Conference Assistant/Crew?

    Conference Students are hired to work 30 or more hours weekly, plus answer the duty phone one night a week from 8pm until 8am. The Conference Services office strongly recommends students do not have another job.

  11. Can I be a Resident Advisor (RA) or work for Student Housing as a member of the Residence Halls Association (RHA) in the Fall?

    No, because the training for the RA or for working on the RHA team overlaps with the end of the CA/Crew job. The summer team [CA’s & Crew] must work from the end of May through the end of August and work Move-In Day on the Saturday in which it falls. Also, if training or work shifts for the CC & LC start any earlier than Move-In Saturday, a student hired for the Summer Conference Services Team cannot be hired for those two positions either, as they would overlap with the Conference job.

  12. How many students are hired for the summer conference positions? 

    There will be an estimated total of 13 students that will be hired and work for the Conference Services office for the summer season.

  13. Do I have to wear a uniform? 

    Each Conference Services employee will receive shirts at no charge. Both CA’s and Crew will be required to wear the polo shirt or T-shirt during the week of training. Staff is permitted to wear jeans (no holes); khaki’s pants (black or tan) with the shirts, as long as they look appropriate. Closed toe shoes are required as well.

  14. Do I have to work outdoors? 

    Yes, there will be some outdoor work required for the CA’s, although most of the work will be inside the conference office. The majority of the Crew’s job will be outdoors: setting up the pool area, delivering linen and amenities to Resident Halls, helping guest carry their suitcases, checking on guests during events, and running errands on campus, etc..

  15. Do I have to move out of the Resident Halls in May? 

    No, the students who have been hired as Conference Assistants or Crew will be given a red tag for their door and will stay in their Spring 2024 apartment until their summer apartment is ready.

  16. Can I have vacation time while working as a CA/Crew? 

    Please be aware that the CA and Crew positions do not include any paid time-off or vacation benefits. Any needed days off throughout the summer must be arranged by “trading” shifts with fellow student workers and approved by the Conference Staff. No more than 2 or 3 days in a row will be approved.

  17. Is it a requirement I must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5? 

    Yes, students GPA’s are looked up and verified. Any student with less than a GPA of 2.5 will not be interviewed nor hired.

  18. Where is the Conference Services office and how do I contact staff? 

    The Conference Services office is located in Pacific Willow Hall, Building 6. Our website is The office main number is: (818) 677-4986.

Conference Services


Conference Services Office
17950 Lassen St.
Building 6, Pacific Willow Hall
Northridge, CA 91325

Phone: (818) 677-4986

Send email

Summer months:
(late May to early August)
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Academic year:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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