César Chávez Holiday Closure

Website Coordination Committee


The Website Coordination Committee (WCC) advises the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC), and provides oversight for consistent, ADA-compliant websites, including web pages developed using the enterprise web content management system, content developed for use in CSUN’s portal and mobile app content management system, and/or web pages created to highlight or promote campus resources or the university. In addition, the committee works to ensure that csun.edu and all CSUN web properties authentically reflect the University and are built to University web standards, providing direction and guidance on enhancements. The committee meets monthly during the academic year and during the summer as needed. Individual faculty web pages are not included within the scope of this committee. 


Provides recommendations to the ETSC regarding CSUN’s administrative websites and other web properties, including:

  • Enterprise web content management system, including guidelines for usage;
  • CSUN’s portal and mobile app content management system;
  • CSUN identity and web design guidelines compliance;
  • ADA compliance, including annual review of ATI web reports and regular communications with the web content owners and publishers throughout campus regarding website accessibility compliance;
  • Web pages created to highlight or promote campus resources or the university; and
  • Review and implementation of web policies, standards, and identification of best practices and recommend them to the ETSC for adoption.
  • Advise the ETSC on the assessment and continual improvement of the University technology strategy to support digital communications and constituent engagement.

Membership AY 2024-2025 (appointed by the ETSC annually)

Name Role
Ryan Conlogue AVP, Information Technology (co-chair)
Kevin Lizarraga  Director, University Marketing 
Kevin Krzewinski Senior Director and Information Security Officer 
Stephanie Nguyen Vice President-appointed representative from Academic Affairs 
Jennifer De Iuliis Vice President-appointed representative(s) from Administration and Finance

Paul Schantz Vice President-appointed representative from Student Affairs (including AS and USU) 

Anu Nagarajan Vice President-appointed representative from Information Technology
Nerces Kazandjian  Vice President-appointed representative from Information Technology
Peter Medina
 Vice President-appointed representative from Information Technology
Kimon Rethis Vice President-appointed representative(s) from University Relations and Advancement (including Foundation) - advise on university web template design 

Nicole Mills President’s Office representative
Elizabeth Altman Library representative 
Kathryn Tipton Universal Design Center representative(s) advise on universal design and  accessibility

Heather Cairns
 The University Corporation Executive Director (or designee) representative 

Joe Bautista Faculty member, appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, in consultation with the Provost
Katie Karroum Student representative appointed by Associated Students

College Web Content owners are listed below:

Name Role
Teresa Morrison College of Arts, Media and Communication
Pamela Russell College of Business & Economics
Ian Carroll College of Education
Armando Tellez College of Engineering & Computer Science
Jean O'Sullivan College of Health & Human Development
Jose Diaz College of Humanities
Ramakanth Mandava College of Science & Mathematics
Larae Brown  College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Elizabeth Altman University Library
Paul Phung Tseng College

Meeting Schedule: Monthly.

Committee Classification: Advisory to ETSC.

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