César Chávez Holiday Closure

Advisory Committee on Academic Technology


The Advisory Committee for Academic Technology (ACAT) advises the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) and consults on the management of University-wide IT support of instructional and scholarly activities, from the perspective of a college or division, not individual users.  The committee meets monthly during the academic year.


  • The ACAT advises the ETSC on strategy, policy, tactics, and implementation of instructional and scholarly technologies that impact the Academic Affairs division, including ADA compliance for instructional materials.
  • The ACAT conducts an annual review of the ATI instructional materials report.
  • The ACAT maintains contact with the Provost's Council, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Council of Chairs, Educational Resources Committee, Directors for Finance and Operations (DFO), and the Administrative Councils of the Divisions and Colleges.  
  • The ACAT advises ETSC on elements of the University technology strategy (IT Road Ahead) pertaining to teaching, learning, and research and assists with the assessment of progress with its implementation.

ACAT Members: AY 2024-2025 (appointed by ETSC annually)

Name Role
Meera Komarraju Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs (co-chair)
Ranjit Philip Vice President for Information Technology/CIO (co-chair)
Joy Borah Vice Provost
Dan Hosken  Dean, College of Arts, Media, and Communications
Jimmy Gandhi Associate Dean & Executive Director of Program Development, Manufacturing, Systems, Engineering and Management
Helen Heinrich Associate Vice President for Academic Technology
Callie Juarez Senior Director for Academic Resources and Planning 
Jenn Wolfe Chair of the Faculty Senate Academic Technology Committee, or designee 

Marc Glidden Faculty member, appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, in consultation with the Provost

Nicole Shibata Library representative
Suzanne David Representative from Tseng College
Yvette Tran Student representative appointed by Associated Students
TBD Representative appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs
Kimon Rethis Representative appointed by the Vice President for University Relations and Advancement

J.B. Wall  College Director of Finance & Operations or College Technical Lead
Kathryn Tipton

 Representative from Universal Design Center
Heather Cairns
 Representative from TUC

Note: The Library and the Tseng College shall each have no more than one representative.

At least once each academic year, the Provost coordinates with the chair of the Faculty Senate’s Academic Technology Committee (ATC) to convene a joint meeting of the ACAT with the ATC. 

  • The ATC functions under the auspices of the Faculty Senate, and continues to convene with the membership and charge outlined by Faculty Senate policies and bylaws.  The ATC is charged to “make recommendations regarding University resources and policy that pertain to instructional and research technology, including computing and instructional media development and services.”  
  • The primary difference between the ACAT and ATC is procedural.   The ATC advises the Faculty Senate on policy as it relates to the faculty.  The ACAT advises the Executive Technology Steering Committee on strategy, policy, tactics, and implementation of technologies that impact the Academic Affairs division.
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