César Chávez Holiday Closure

Data Governance Committee


The Data Governance Committee leverages the collective knowledge and expertise of campus partners to university-wide data governance matters, to develop, enhance, and support data governance policies, standards, and procedures that addresses CSUN’s need for data availability, secure access, data privacy, confidentiality, and integrity.

The Data Governance committee is advisory to the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) and will work collaboratively to ensure that trusted and accurate data are accessible and effectively managed by the university community. The committee also will support regulatory, accreditation, compliance, and other similar requirements in its decisions and recommendations regarding the use of institutional data. The committee meets monthly during the academic year and during the summer as needed.


  • Develop, enhance and support CSUN’s data policies, standards, and processes to enable data availability, maintain data privacy and to authorize secure access and storage of data in accord with relevant policy and regulatory requirements. Confidential Level 1 and Level 2 Data are critical priorities.
  • Recommend standards and procedures to ensure effective stewardship of institutional data, including identifying/assigning data stewards and ensuring that data stewards are properly trained.
  • Promote the effective use of accurate, consistent and trusted institutional data though identification of all CSUN data users to help ensure that these users are properly trained to enable a common understanding and consistent interpretation of data.
  • Prioritize CSUN data governance projects and tasks (e.g., data authorization, data definitions and inventory, coordination with CSU wide initiatives).
  • Identify implications of the emergence of AI for University data policies, standards and processes.
  • Make recommendations and present issues to the ETSC, as necessary.
  • Advise the ETSC on the assessment and continual improvement of the University technology strategy to support the effective use of data.

Membership AY 2024-2025 (appointed by the ETSC annually)

Name Role
Janet Oh  Senior Director, Institutional Research (co-chair)
Kevin Krzewinski  Senior Director and Information Security Officer, Information Technology (co-chair)
Zeina Otaky-Ramirez     Custodian of Student Records Representative 
Daniel Castellon HIPAA Privacy Officer
Todd Wolfe University Registrar
Karen Pak PCI (Credit Card) Officer
Kathy Dabbour Records Management Representative
Dustin Tamashiro Vice President-appointed representative(s) for Academic Affairs
Kristina de la Vega Vice President-appointed representative for Administration and Finance

Delia Escobar Vice President-appointed representative for University Advancement 
Chris Olsen Vice President-appointed representative(s) for Information Technology

Emily Jensen Vice President-appointed representative for President’s Office
Freddie Sanchez
Shelline Warren
Vice President-appointed representative for Student Affairs
Luiz Mendez
Monica Gallegos
Faculty member, appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, in consultation with the Provost. 

Yvette Tran Student representative appointed by Associated Students 
Grace Slavik Representative from TUC (research) and IRB
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