César Chávez Holiday Closure

Technology Infrastructure and Services Committee


The Technology Infrastructure and Services Committee (TISC) advises the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) on decisions impacting the University’s technology infrastructure, information security, and standards and support services for end user computer and mobile devices. The committee meets monthly during the academic year and during summer as needed.


  • Reviews technology infrastructure policies and standards and recommend changes to the ETSC for adoption.
  • Advises the Vice President for Information Technology/CIO on decisions pertaining to the adoption of new infrastructure technologies (e.g., networks, servers, storage, cloud services, hybrid datacenters, security, mobile and desktop computing) and the design of the University’s technical architecture.
  • Provides feedback on the design, delivery, and performance of enterprise IT support services.
  • Recommends the need for new enterprise IT services, including cloud services.
  • Reviews proposed technology standards and procedures and recommends them to the ETSC for University-wide adoption.

Membership AY 2024-2025  (appointed by the ETSC annually)

Name Role
Zack Hillbruner IT Senior Director for Infrastructure Services (chair)
Ryan Conlogue Vice President-appointed representative for Information Technology
Ira Unterman Vice President-appointed representative for University Relations and Advancement

Eugene Garcia Vice President-appointed representative for Administration and Finance

Paul Schantz Vice President-appointed representative for Student Affairs
Manisha Chase  Faculty member, appointed by the Faculty Executive Senate Committee in consultation with the Provost

Emil Henry
Thomas Chavez

Faculty member, appointed by the Provost
Justin Kovalcik University Library Representative
Kevin Krzewinski Senior Director and Information Security Officer 

Note: Other IT Directors and representatives from Facilities Planning will attend as needed.


Meeting Schedule: Monthly.

Committee Classification: Advisory to ETSC.

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