Campus Quality Fee Appendix I.g.2

Resolution in Support of Campus Quality Fee Proposal

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 10, 2008


  1. There is a need for CSU campuses to become more self reliant;
  2. Current course fees at CSUN have not been adjusted for inflationary rises for over 30 years and it is estimated that current fees cover only one­third of actual expenses;
  3. The current course fee structure is antiquated and has not kept pace with curriculum changes and technology related expenses;v
  4. The campus is in need of a long­term solution for funding academic technology improvements;
  5. The campus is in need of an improved funding structure to support Athletics;
  6. The current Instructionally Related Activities fee has not increased for nearly 30 years, resulting in acceptance of less than one half of the student project proposals currently submitted;
  7. We recognize that a new, unified fee would have a financial impact on students but believe that there is sufficient return on investment to justify the added expense; and
  8. We recognize that overall CSU fees remain well below the national average charged by other state university systems and CSUN fees are below the average for the CSU.

Therefore, be it resolved:

  1. That the Faculty Senate at California State University, Northridge, urge the campus community to support the adoption of the Campus Quality Fee Proposal; and
  2. That an accountability process to include students, faculty, staff, and administrators, be established to ensure that the funds generated by the new fee are properly spent on proposal identified needs that are not sufficiently covered by the University budget. The process shall include at a minimum an annual report of receipts and expenditures to the Student Fee Advisory Committee, with a copy provided to the Educational Resources Committee.
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