Approved Allocations 2011-2012

Proposal Student Services Technology
CTVA Facilities Access: Script Library, Media Lab, Production Spaces 24,000  
Communication Studies Student Support Center 28,260  
Graduate Assistant Music Theory Tutors/Lab Monitors 10,600  
Support for Trained Laboratory Assistants to Increase Accessibility for All Engineering Students   22,500
Peer Laboratory Assistants (ECE)   18,000
Support for Training & Mentoring Engineering Management Students (MSEM)   20,500
Laboratory Assistants to Increase Accessibility and Ensure Safety for Engineering Students (MSEM)   22,500
CAD/CAM & Manufacturing Lab Access for Students (MSEM)   20,000
CECS Common Lab Student Assistant Support   17,760
Peer Advisor Mentor Program 47,700  
Co-curricular Support for Student Success in Business & Econ. Courses 117,400  
Peer Learning Assistants to Support Lower Division Students (Mech. Engineering) 21,600  
Facilitated Academic Workshops (CECS Service Center) 25,000  
Online Tutoring for CSUN Students   7,900
Decreasing DUF in Science, Math, & Dev. Math through Increased Tutoring (CSM) 50,000  
Residential Academic Mentor Program 149,760  
Student-Athlete Academic Support Program 15,000  
Navigating College Texts: Supporting Students in the "New" Territory of Academic English 64,000  
SI Reading/Writing Leader Training & Support 28,000  
Experiential Learning & Govt Online Video Resources   34,600
Online Career Resources   16,000
Scholarship Enhancement Project 14,400  
Bridging the Gap in Language Learning: Language Acquisition with Voice Recognition Using TellMeMore   15,000
Career/Academic Planning for Deaf Students 18,733  
Enhancing Mental Health Services for CSUN Students 86,430  
Oviatt Library Extended Hours 37,880  
CTVA Film Library: Archiving, Inventory, & Maint.   11,400
Video/DVD Replacement Project   20,000
Streaming Video Collection   28,000
On-Line Audio Books for Student Listening   5,000
Patron Driven E-books   50,000
Textbook Reserves Pilot Project 25,000  
Student Reading Room Project 47,000  
USU Computer Lab Expansion   296,705
Campus Corridor Seating & Electrical Power Enhancements 71,250  
Core Door Benches for Jerome Richfield Hall 1st, 2nd, & 3rd floor 50,000  
Sierra Quad Presentation Tables 47,844  
Wireless Enhancements (Non-Classroom Spaces in Academic Bldgs)   530,000
IT Help-Chat Service   38,400
Student Software Access   1,200,000
Mobile Technology and Student Web Portal    
LGBT Mentor Program 38,000  
Veterans Resource Center 38,000  
Bicycle Racks & Covers for New Recreation Center 79,854  
Totals 1,135,711 2,374,265



Technology - funding granted

Student Services - funding granted

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