Campus Quality Fee Appendix I.b

Campus Quality Fee Feedback Forum

Presidents of Clubs and Orgs

April 14, 2008

No. of students in attendance: 4 students, 2 staff

Related to Alternative Consultation Process


  • What does the president consider larger consultation? (vs. referendum)

Related to Fee


  • Will students get to decide how to spend the $250,000?
  • Would student clubs be able to apply for this money?
  • Who are the students who are being looked at for participation in the committee to decide on how to spend the student services money?
  • Will Financial Aid cover every student who receives aid for the cost of the increase?
  • Why should all the students pay for something that only a percentage of students are exposed to?
  • Why are there no limits as to what money can go to? Can Student Services money go to graduate students or athletes?
  • Why would more people want the help desk open more, it is only used during the beginning of the semester. All subjective, but I do not want it open longer because I don't' use it and it's a waste of money.


  • I support our athletes, but not an athletic fee. Maybe for technology or library resources, though.
  • Provost is really smart.damn.
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