Campus Quality Fee Allocation Student Preference Survey Exhibit A

Fee Allocation & Accountability Process

November 7, 2008

Exhibit A

Q1. For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Access to technology and technology application options - Develop iCSUN - Web downloads (wallpaper, screen savers, video) and interactivity (eCards, campus tours, games)

Count Percent  
38 4.78% 1
50 6.29% 2
71 8.93% 3
130 16.35% 4
506 63.65% 5
795 Respondents  


Q2. For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Access to technology and technology application options - Create an interactive accessible online campus map

Count Percent  
31 3.89% 1
85 10.68% 2
191 23.99% 3
370 46.48% 4
119 14.95% 5
796 Respondents  


Q3. For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Access to technology and technology application options - Extend IT HELPDESK support service hours

Count Percent  
30 3.77% 1
151 18.79% 2
306 38.44% 3
193 24.25% 4
116 14.95% 5
796 Respondents  


Q4.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Access to technology and technology application options - Expand access to open computer labs

Count Percent  
365 45.74% 1
282 35.34% 2
80 10.03% 3
48 6.02% 4
23 2.88% 5
798 Respondents  


Q5. For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Access to technology and technology application options - Upgrade and expand wireless access

Count Percent  
335 41.93% 1
229 28.66% 2
147 18.40% 3
55 6.88% 4
33 4.13% 5
799 Respondents  


Q6.If you ranked wireless access as 1 or 2, please indicate the desired locations where wireless access should be upgraded and expanded:


Count Percent  
1 0.20%  
1 0.20% In classrooms
1 0.20% Outside the Sierra Center Manzanita Hall
1 0.20% A faster connection enhancement would be nice.
1 0.20% A few of the study room sin library are hard to access the wireless signal from. Also a few of the apartments right by the G3 Parking Lot are unable to receive access at times.
1 0.20% access should be available everywhere on campus.
1 0.20% access should be upgraded throughout the library and expanded to all eating sections on campus.
1 0.20% Access to the internet on campus should be faster. Most teachers use it to teach and it is difficult and annoying when the loading process takes up half of the class period. As long as students parked in any given campus parking lot can access the internet then it is fine.
1 0.20% aceess outside of buildings its not very good in the quad area
1 0.20% All areas
1 0.20% All around better coverage, especially in the dorms. I'm not in them this year, but I remember that the service was a joke last year
2 0.40% All around campus
1 0.20% all around campus. the network is always weak and often disconnects even while completing this survey.
1 0.20% All around our beautiful Campus.
1 0.20% All classrooms, all buildings, all inside & outside sitting spaces including near resturants and coffee spots.
1 0.20% All floors of the library building.
1 0.20% All floors of the library primarily. On the 3 and 4th and even the 2nd floor of the Oviatt library there is never any wireless signal to be picked up, at least not by PC's. Arbor grill and the cafeteria around the Matador bookstore could use better signal too. Ideally all around campus wireless would be great.
1 0.20% all northridge
1 0.20% All over campus it should be avaiable not limited period. Without limited labs for use it helps when a student can acess the web on their own computer devices.
1 0.20% All over campus!
1 0.20% all over campus, sometimes the signal is too low...
1 0.20% All over campus.
1 0.20% All over campus. The signal strength throughout the entire university has weakened significantly over the semesters, and speed often slows to a crawl even during the low-use hours. I've been all over campus, from Sierra Hall and the Sierra Center to the Library to the Games Room and the Pub to the Engineering building. I have had decreased strength and speeds, with every semester it getting worse than the last.
1 0.20% All over campus. The wireless access signals need to be stronger.
1 0.20% all through out the campus. with this new system, the access is so slow.
1 0.20% arbor grill and sierra center
1 0.20% Arbor Grill seating area
1 0.20% Around by the black house and better service in the dorms.
1 0.20% around eating areas, near parking lots
1 0.20% Around edges of campus so it will extend further
1 0.20% Around the dorm areas, because it's hard to get connections inside the dorms.
1 0.20% around the outskirts of campus.
1 0.20% art building...
1 0.20% Art department / Art buildings--wireless signal is barely accessible there!
1 0.20% Art department because many design students have laptops and require the internet to do most of their work.
1 0.20% Aside from Central regions (surrounding the library), it should be expanded where there is a greater proportion of students and not a great allowance of wireless access.
1 0.20%  
1 0.20% Associated students labs need to be expanded.
1 0.20% At every location on campus.
1 0.20% At the dorms and near by neighborhood
1 0.20% at the USU, at Sierra Market, etc.
1 0.20% At the village apartments and in sorrounding "hotspots" that students visit.
1 0.20% Basically open areas, by Sierra Hall, Plaza Del Sol area.
1 0.20% Better connection in the library.
1 0.20% Bookstore and USU.
1 0.20% Bookstore area
1 0.20% Bookstore complex and Manzanita Hall area needs to be upgraded as well as the outer edges of the campus
1 0.20% Bookstore, Sierra Center
1 0.20% Building 4 of the Dorms
1 0.20% Business Building Junifer Hall.
1 0.20% Business building, library
1 0.20% by the bookstore
1 0.20% By the Sierra Center/Sierra Hall
1 0.20% by the Sierra Hall building and the Music department
1 0.20% Campus wide
1 0.20% Campus wide
1 0.20% campus-wide. There's no reason why students, faculty, and staff should have any issues with on-campus wireless access anywhere on the CSUN campus.
1 0.20% Citrus hall. Dr.Crowhurst's lab has no signal at all.
1 0.20% Classes and some open areas.
1 0.20% classrooms and eating locations
1 0.20% Classrooms in Juniper Hall and the lawns outside the oviatt library and bookstore.
1 0.20% classrooms such as in the ctva building. hard to get the network working in some of the rooms
1 0.20% classrooms, art building
1 0.20% classrooms, public areas
1 0.20% Classrooms. It is sometimes difficult to connect inside a classroom, at least in Juniper Hall.
1 0.20% Coffee shop(jerome ritchfield) and area west and south have very weak signals.Maybe the building is impeding wireless traffic?
1 0.20% college of Engineering & Computer Science, Library.
1 0.20% COMS department area. library.
1 0.20% connection is slow everywhere, so an overall upgrade, bussines and MZ buliding
1 0.20% Connection slows down on user intensive locations like library.
1 0.20% CSUN Dorms
1 0.20% csun dorms
1 0.20% CSUN is geographically small campus. Everywhere should be covered, but specifically I would like to increased signal within Santa Suzzana Hall.
1 0.20% CY Hall second floor
1 0.20% Cypress Hall
1 0.20% Definitely outside the Sierra center where the yellow umbrellas are (next to Jerome Richfield too)Plus the yellow umbrellas around the sierra Center (where they serve food), does not have properly working electric outlets to plug laptops in.
1 0.20% Dorming WIFI has been bad for me, as well as in some of my classes. Like inside my Astronomy class.
1 0.20% dorms
1 0.20% dorms
1 0.20% Dorms and Arbor Grill
1 0.20% Dorms and extensions of the campus such as the pan African Studies Black House. Also maybe access to CSUN students even if they are off campus by having us log in to access the wireless.
1 0.20% Dorms, Arbor Grill
1 0.20% Dorms, because if your computer isn't working then you have to go to the Student Union and there are wait lists because there aren't enough working computers.
1 0.40% dorms, classrooms, and outside areas...
1 0.20% dorms, library, sierra center
1 0.20% Education Building
1 0.20% Education building and eating areas.
1 0.20% education buildings & food courts
1 0.20% Engineering Building.
1 0.20% Engineering courtyard/Auditorium, but mainly, the new wireless network, when available, is very slow. This needs to be addressed.
1 0.20% Equal coverage all over the CSUN campus.
1 0.20% eucalypts hall 2nd floor
1 0.20% Every part of CSUN.
1 0.20% every where in campus!!!
1 0.20% every where is good
1 0.20% everywhere
1 0.20% everywhere
1 0.20% Everywhere around campus.
1 0.20% Everywhere around campus.
1 0.20% everywhere on campus, it seems as though there are always some types of struggles getting it
1 0.20% everywhere on campus. stronger signals in the library, and the marketplace
1 0.20% everywhere on campus. stronger signals in the library, and the marketplace
1 0.20% everywhere possible.
1 0.20% Everywhere possible.
1 0.20% Everywhere!
1 0.20% Everywhere! The wireless capabilities of the CSUN network are simply inadequate. Anywhere that one tries to connect, the connection is iffy at best. It's a real inconvenience when working online.
1 0.20% Everywhere, especially Sierra Hall. I only have class there on the second floor, but the connection jumps from high to low way to often. Whenever a professor is doing a presentation using a laptop, they usually have problems loading whatever they want to show as well.
1 0.20% Everywhere, even in the parking lot.
1 0.20% Everywhere.
1 0.20% EVERYWHERE. Inside of every building and everywhere outside of the buildings
1 0.20% Everywhere. Some classrooms get horrible signals and even my professors have had trouble teaching when using visuals from online because sometimes they won't load or are really slow.
1 0.20% Everywhere. The wireless goes down too often and doesn't work everywhere.
1 0.20% everywhere. wireless needs to be campus wide, from grassy areas to parking lots and everything in between.
1 0.20% expand to the perimeters of the campus, and make signal stronger all over
1 0.20% Expanded past the area of the Dorms on zelzah and south of lassen so that student apartments across the street can access it as well
1 0.20% Expanded to the art and communications building, to the parking structures and to the quad.
1 0.20% faster access and more signal strength throughout campus. mainly in buildings or food locations. manzanita hall as well.
1 0.20% Faster in the dorms
1 0.20% first would be security. the only i used CSUN's wireless, i got virus!
1 0.20% food court next to sierra hall
1 0.20% Food places.
1 0.20% Fourth floor in the library, Outside areas(back) by Manzanita Hall, Arbor Grill, and Plaza del Sol.
1 0.20% Fourth floor of Oviatt library.
1 0.20% fourth floor of the library and sierra hall.
1 0.20% Front lawn of Bayramian hall in between Jerome Richfield.
1 0.20% Fully throughout the campus and in local restaurants or hangouts within a mile radius of campus.
1 0.20% generally that would be all around campus. mostly in areas far away from the major wireless connection, like around the music recital hall, manzanita, and so forth.
1 0.20% Health Science Building
1 0.20% I am not sure which area but I know that sometimes people complain and from above the only thing really concerning me is that one. I still believe this campus quality fee is USELESS and UNNECESSARY
1 0.20% I as a freshman live off campus on the corner of plummer and Zelzah. If it could be expanded a little further then the dorms, to where people live off site that would help!
1 0.20% I believe csun wireless should expand outside of campus.For example a few extra feet outside of campus for those who live down the street and decide to drive to school just to use the computers.Also the computer lab hours are horrible especially in the USU. I believe the hours should be longer and just jus on finals,midterms as well.It is weird that alot of students procastinate but hey we are all human.We still need the resource no matter what the time because we all have other issues and problems were going through.
1 0.20% I believe it should be upgraded in all buildings. I have noticed that in the Sierra Hall there is hardly ever any reception.
1 0.20% I believe that it should be upgraded in mainly the lecture hall's and areas where one AP is used for a cluster of 4-5 different classrooms. It seems like with the new login system every time I move across campus and turn my laptop back on it takes me 5-10 minutes to reconnect to the new AP, whereas before with the old systems it only took me a matter of seconds for the laptop to kick in and connect. Also, in places like lecture halls and such there seems to be a lot of dropped connections simply because of how overloaded each AP gets from so many users on one.
1 0.20% I believe that it should be upgraded or expanded at the USU.
1 0.20% i bring laptop so i say do a quick test to make sure all classes have access to the hotspot
1 0.20% I can not get access in the multi-level parking garage next to sierra hall. I do a lot of studing there.
1 0.20% I cannpt say I don not have a laptop, but this just seems to be a far more appropiate way to use funds than websites or campus maps.
1 0.20% I can't get a signal in the Arbor Grill near the business building as well as many locations inside the business building. It is also hard to get a wireless signal outside of Sierra Hall near the food area.
1 0.20% I don't always get wireless access around the USU. When I'm in the quad area, i go in and out of range.
1 0.20% i dont know the scope of the area, but since this is an option that means you have the capacity to expand the coverage
1 0.20% I don't like that you have to log into the server every time you use it and that your computer can't save your information for quick log in.
1 0.20% I don't particularly need it; I just think the otheroptions are stupid.
1 0.20% I don't use a laptop, but I don't think money should be spent on iCSUN, and there is already a campus map on the website. Between HELPDESK and expanding wireless, I think wireless is more important.
1 0.20% I don't use wireless access in school, but there were times when I went to the Matador Bookstore and the internet was down. It was terribly disappointing. Internet access overall should be improved, not just wireless.
1 0.20% I feel that the wireless access should be upgraded in the dorms.
1 0.20% I guess upgraded as in range of the existing wifi, the signal is there, it's just really weak.
1 0.20% I have a mobile device that can access the internet. I think such devices should be able to access CSUN webmail.
1 0.20% I have been experiencing trouble connecting to the wireless all over campus since the security page has been added. In the sierra cafeteria, in classrooms in sequoia, sierra hall, and manzanita hall. There has been inconsistency, one minute I can't access it and the next it is working just fine.
1 0.20% I have difficulty connecting in classrooms in Sierra Hall.
1 0.20% I have had the experience that if five people are on-line in the same place it is very slow, and frustrating.
1 0.20% I have never had a problem with Wireless access at CSUN. Thanks for the hard work.
1 0.20% I have not had a problem with access to wireless. I am an Art Major and I am able to log in around the art complex. I think that access should be available through out the campus, with most populated areas having priority (cafes, gathering places.
1 0.20% I have the most trouble getting online outside near the sierra center and by the grill!
1 0.20% i have trouble getting access to the internet through csun in Jacaranda Hall. I connect to csun successfully but then it takes a while to get access to the log-in page.
1 0.20% I just think the portal should be easier to open anywhere. Sometimes it will not open.
1 0.20% i know that on occasion the csun wireless access will not allow for connection for an entire day, so it should be upgraded to let students prepare if for some reason the system will be down.
1 0.20% I live in the dorms and often times have issues connecting to the internet. I'm not sure if this is the fault of too many people, or not enough signal.
1 0.20% I never really have trouble but it seems a lot more important to expand wireless for students than to make wallpaper for them.
1 0.20% I see a lot of people sitting in Freudian Sip and the pub etc (the drink/food places)trying to access the wireless, but often have problems to connect. Also, in Sequoia Hall can be a problem.
1 0.20% I thinik it should range, if it doesn't already, to all the parking lots as well outside of the dorm buildings.
1 0.20% I think that signal strenth should be improved everywhere because of the growing number of people using wireless on campus.
1 0.20% i think that upgrades should be done in the dorms so that it doesnt crash. when it goes down in the dorms, everyone is in the computer labs and it is hard to get work done and printed out, therefore i think that the computer labs should be expanded.
1 0.20% I think the fee should be used to allow FREE PRINTING AT COMPUTER LABS!!!!!!!!
1 0.20% I think the wireless access should be upgraded and fixed in the dorms. It really sucks when you have a paper due any the wireless has limited or no connectivity.
1 0.20% I think wireless access should be upgraded so it won't take as long to get information needed. I think access to computers is fair on campus but like you could put more places that are accessible.
1 0.20% I think wireless access should cover all the school area, so any student anywhere in the school building or near by may obtain wireless access.
1 0.20% I usually do work around JR building and sometimes the wireless internet is really slow or it takes a few minutes for it to load.
1 0.20% I would like it to be extended in classrooms because in some classrooms the signal is very weak and it makes it hard to access the internet in classrooms.
1 0.20% I would want the fastest connection speed available in more areas rather than wireless access in new areas, i receive access almost 100% of the time anyways when I'm on campus.
1 0.20% if I'm on campus, I should have access to wireless internet_ at all places on campus
1 0.20% In all areas of the cafeteria.
1 0.20% in and out of all classrooms and in the library
1 0.20%  
1 0.20% In areas like the bookstore, where currently, wireless access is difficult to optain.
1 0.20% In buildings, by the bookstore, all around the school perimeter.
1 0.20% in class rooms or outside
1 0.20% in classrooms
1 0.20% In common "hang out" areas such as the sierra center, and over by the student union, many people still find it difficult to get a wireless connection. These are all areas where students like to spend a lot of time with their laptops, and this is why they should take top priority in terms of efforts for improvement over anywhere else.
1 0.20% in every building
1 0.20% In Every campus building
1 0.20% In half of the buildings I go to, it is sometimes hard to pick up a signal. I have trouble in the Sierra Hall, Education Building, Redwood Hall, and around the larger grass areas around campus.
1 0.20% In most of the buildings
1 0.20% In Sierra Hall. It's hard to access the internet in every classrrom. Also, I'd like to see more outlets for students to be able to plug in their laptops...especially in the Sierra Center, Freudian Sip.
1 0.20% in the are on the second floor of seirra hall by room 290
1 0.20% In the business building
1 0.20% In the classrooms
1 0.20% In the classrooms
1 0.20% in the classrooms.. I use my laptop in the classroom and it is super slow and sometimes i can't even access the webct from it...
1 0.20% in the classrooms; it seems that access should be available more often where students tend to be.
1 0.20% in the dorm areas and in the dorm buildings themselves
1 0.20% In the library and near the bookstore. the signal strength is very low there, so the internet is very slow.
1 0.20% In the library in the in certain floors the connection is terrible for example the third 4th floor by the (big) windows.
1 0.20% In the library study group room, the wireless access is weak.
1 0.20% In the library....
1 0.20% in the middle levels of the library floors
1 0.20% in the nearby neighborhoods,
1 0.20% In the Parking garage. Improve access, it's becoming very hard to log on.
1 0.20% In the Quad, right by JR and Sierra Tower
1 0.20% In the Sol Center and the
1 0.20% in the twin tower buildings
1 0.20% in the university student union, and in the second floor of the sierra center.
1 0.20% including surrounding neighborhoods
1 0.20% increase signal strength to reach passed the parking lots in all directions since a lot of students tend to sit in their cars and study and do homework while waiting for their classes.
1 0.20% inside class rooms
1 0.20% Inside the classrooms. There are some places inside a classroom where wireless access is not available depending upon where a person is sitting. Another thing is that many students want to plug in their laptops, but there are only a few electrical outlets inside the classrooms.
1 0.20% It gets overloaded quite easily and seems quite sluggish during the day.
1 0.20% It is difficult to get wireless internet in the Sierra hall building.
1 0.20% It needs to be faster from inside buildings. Lat year I had little trouble, but this year, with the new login system, it takes me several minutes to get initial access.
1 0.20% It should be accessable all over campus
1 0.20% It should be available everywhere.
1 0.20% It should be exapnded across the whole campus, the reliability of wireless access is necessary for the improvement of academic excellence of CSUN students.
1 0.20% It should be expanded at least to cover a one mile radius.
1 0.20% it should be expanded in the classrooms.
1 0.20% It should be fixed in an internal level first. I sometimes experience problems accessing the wireless service inside the library. After the internal problems are resolved, it should be expanded to the dorms and nearby apartments.
1 0.20% it should be in every building of the campus but only to those that are a student a csun.
1 0.20% it should be upgraded and expanded for the apartment complexes near the campus such as meridian pointe where i live so i could save money and since im a freshamn money is my highest priority
1 0.20% It should be upgraded and expanded to the entire campus. I cannot access the internet in most parts of Manzanita Hall, specifically the 3rd floor and room 122. It is fair to all students that wireless internet be provided throughout the entire campus.
1 0.20% It should be upgraded and expanded to the parking lots.
1 0.20% It should be upgraded to avoid problems like the ones at the beginning of this semester (Fall 08) when a stable wireless connection was nearly impossible for some days.
1 0.20% it should work with in a 5mi radius around the campus including the parking structures
1 0.20% It shuld be upgraded in the bookstore area, as well as near the Freudian Sip in between Sierra Hall and Jerome Richfield hall
1 0.20% it will help the students
1 0.20% It would be nice to have WI-Fi in Parking lots as many people work in their cars while waiting for their classes to start. Also to improve reception in public student places such as the benches otside of the Bookstore complex as the wifi signal is very weak.
1 0.20% it's a little slow. Moreover, the connections dropped sometimes.
1 0.20% It's not the location that is the problem - it's the fact that the internet is too slow. We pay high sums, but get only wireless b connections which is pretty sad and slow. Wireless G should be a hackneyed connection by now. We need more bandwidth and less security measures that restrict initial connection.
1 0.20% I've been living in the University Village Apartment for two years now and there have been plenty of days where I have not had access to the CSUN wireless connections. We are suffering over here. We have families and cannot drag our kids to campus to use the computers there. We also don't have computer labs here either so we MUST HAVE WIRELESS CONNECTION IN THE UNIVERSITY VILLAGE APARTMENT. THANK YOU!
1 0.20% Jacaranda Hall
1 0.20% Jacaranda Hall, Arbor Court,3rd floor library West wing, BookStore, Manzanita Hall, Sierra Center.
1 0.20% Jacaranda, which interestingly enough, is sometimes heavily congested.
1 0.20% Jereome Hall area...quad...
1 0.20% jerom hall and seira canteen.
1 0.20% Jerome Richfield
1 0.20% Johnson Auditorium
1 0.20% Juniper Hall, Library, Bookstore
1 0.20% Juniper hall, sierra center, arbor grill, Pub, between the library and sierra hall
1 0.20% Juniper, baraymyan, and in the quad
1 0.20% Just all over, it's really slow.
1 0.20% Labs. Sequoia Hall Lab rooms
1 0.20% -Less strict security, ability for Peer-To-Peer connection.
1 0.20% Library
1 0.20% Library
1 0.20% Library 4th floor and Sierra Marketplace. Basically, anywhere on campus
1 0.20% Library and labs in local buildings
1 0.20% library computer labs
1 0.20% Library should be open 24/7 during finals time at the least. There should be a certainty that access is available when demand is the greatest. Internet shutting down for twenty minutes at a time during finals week is utterly unacceptable. The standards are different during that time.
1 0.20% Library upgrades should be done. The other weekend, the internet was down completely on the weekend. Students come to the library on the weekends to do homework and should be considered important to keep connection up at business hours.
1 0.20% library upper floors
1 0.20% Library wireless access in very patchy.
1 0.20% library
1 0.20% Library, Art dept., Cafe's
1 0.20% Library, Jerome Richfield, Education Building, Sierra Hall. The parking lots would be a stretch, but it would be nice to be able to sit in the car and work so you could have privacy and protection from the weather.
1 0.20% library, outside lawns
1 0.20% Library.
1 0.20% Library. There are window seats on a few floors with a weak connection.
1 0.20% Locations: library, dorm room, student ASU and all computer labs. Impliment a noise free atmosphere, too.
1 0.20% Lots of times that I try to use my lap top on campus it doesn't work and the computer labs should be open 24 hrs the last two months of the semester for papers and final projects.
1 0.20% Lunge areas by the bookstore.
1 0.20% Magonia hall
1 0.20% Make it more accessible in the school's parking lots since many students stay in their cars during their brakes.
1 0.20% Make sure access for computer all around campus so students can study by using computers in and out of classes on campus.
1 0.20% Make sure it accessible in all campus locations.
1 0.20% Make wireless available in the outdoor areas, such as the quad.
1 0.20% Many Students like to go to Starbucks to do their studying...It's pretty close to campus. Reseda and Plummer, that would be an excellent spot.
1 0.20% Manzanita and Nordoff Buildings, specifically by the Film Production studio, there is ZERO connectivity inside that room.
1 0.20% Manzanita hall- All rooms. Outdoor quads
1 0.20% manzanita hall and art dept
1 0.20% Manzanita Hall, either due to overpopulation or signal strength, one can never access the internet!
1 0.20% Manzanita Hall, Oviatt Library
1 0.20% manzanita hall, sierra center
1 0.20% Manzanita Hall. Its the Journalism building and yet access is spotty! And USU
1 0.20% Manzinita Hall
1 0.20% Monterey Hall - no dead spots in classrooms and floors
1 0.20% Monterey Hall (currently gets poor connection)
1 0.20% Monterey Hall needs improved wireless access along with extended access to the computer lab in this building. The lab is closed during large parts of the 9-5 school day which renders it useless.
1 0.20% more in the bookstore or outside of oviatt library lawn. or near NCOD where deaf students can have equal and strong access like those in the library
1 0.20% MORE OUTLETS IN CLASSROOMS/ SIERRA CENTER? LIBRARY!!!!!! This is a HUGE problem, as people are conflicting over the use of plugs. Additionally, the service in the library is horrible and often one cannot get online at all. There should be more places to print from as well, not just at the library, copy center and labs-or increase the capacity of the labs.
1 0.20% more signal strength overall. under the oviatt palm trees and in the quad
1 0.20% music building
1 0.20% Music Building, Nordhoff Hall, and The Plaza Del sol PAC
1 0.20% music building; as far as all restaurants along reseda boulevard
1 0.20% My personal use area would be near the Business Building or the Library.
1 0.20% N/A
1 0.20% N/A
1 0.20% Near classrooms.
1 0.20% near Nordhoff Hall and surrounding areas.
1 0.20% Near Sierra and Jerome Richfield the connection seems to be slow.
1 0.20% near the dorms and bayrahmian hall
1 0.20% Near the edges of campus.
1 0.20% near the food courts
1 0.20% Near the food courts and in buildings.
1 0.20% Near the Sierra Center and the USU.
1 0.20% Near the streets Prairie and Darby...
1 0.20% North areas, parking lots etc. Get rid of the login, it's an invasion of privacy and horrible for handheld devices to login each time. It's despicable for you to implement it.
1 0.20% not sure
1 0.20% off campus
1 0.20% On the Nordhoff area of campus, it should also be accesable to nearby housing.
1 0.20% Only the library has strong range. elsewhere it is weak.
1 0.20% Open campus areas
1 0.20% open the network everywhere.
1 0.20% out off the building
1 0.20% Outdoor area's such as those by eating places and benches outside of the buildings.
1 0.20% Outdoor areas. All locations need plugs in order to recharge laptop batteries.
1 0.20% outer eating areas
1 0.20% Outside and in the library.
1 0.20% Outside areas around the buildings on campus.
1 0.20% Outside areas, Arbor Grill better coverage, better overall quality of coverage.
1 0.20% Oviatt library
1 0.20% Oviatt Library.. general speed and connectivity issues throughout campus
1 0.20% Oviatt Library.Floor 3.
1 0.20% Parking areas
1 0.20% parking lot
1 0.20% parking lot
1 0.20% parking lot
1 0.20% parking lot
1 0.20% Parking lots and surrounding neighborhood areas.
1 0.20% parking lots and the yards
1 0.20% Parking lots on campus so we can stay in our cars during our breaks if we chose not to go to library or any other convience places.
1 0.20% Parking lots would be great because most students like to go and rest in their cars so at the same time can do homework or work online.
1 0.20% parking lots, cafeterias, courtyards
1 0.20% parking lots, i usually want to just stay in my car and this would be very helpful. especially when labs are closed.
1 0.20% parking lots, outdoors
1 0.20% Parking lots, Quad, and some areas of library with limited access.
1 0.20%  
1 0.20% parking structure
1 0.20% parking structure
1 0.20% parking structures i like to sit in my car....and areas just out outside campus w/in 2 blocks
1 0.20%  
1 0.20% Places where students hang out like the small restaurants around USU and Sierra/Jerome Hall.
1 0.20% Please upgrade in Monterey Hall -- connectivity is sometimes sketchy and it's frustrating...
1 0.20% please upgrade the wifi access in the library. there is a lot of traffic there and the internet can get really slow during peak hours.
1 0.20% Pond area
1 0.20% Popular outdoor waiting/lounging areas (such as the grassy quads around the library and surrounding class buildings.) I also ranked wireless access as a one because none of the other options really sounded that valuable. Things that really need to be addressed, like a redesign of the portals system, a less confusing display of your payment history, having someone nearby on weekends to restart the routers when the dorms' net goes down, cleaning up the phone directory system, and other things that more directly affect living and studying at CSUN.
1 0.20% Practically throughout campus
1 0.20% Question 1= total waste of money! and does it really cost that much to make a better map?? Common CSUN once again is planning on wasting students money. I really hope you find a better way to spend this.
1 0.20% remote access
1 0.20% Rooms that are contained out of reach with satellites, or any other communications. Increase wireless access in all rooms.
1 0.20% Science buildings - the signal is very weak inside.
1 0.20% sequoia hall second floor has no internet awailable
1 0.20% Sequoia Hall.
1 0.20% Service has been pretty poor recently on the northwest side of Sierra Hall.
1 0.20% Sierra center and the bookstore area.
1 0.20% Sierra Complex...due to high demand, the existing network in very slow. It should be upgraded to at least 802.11n available in all classrooms, and open areas around the Sierra Complex.
1 0.20% Sierra Hall
1 0.20% Sierra Hall
1 0.20% Sierra Hall & Jerome Richhall
1 0.20% Sierra Hall (all floors), Sierra Quad
1 0.20% Sierra Hall and around food and drink venues.
1 0.20% Sierra Hall and Tower, as well as Jerome Richfield need improvements in wireless availability
1 0.20% Sierra Hall has very poor reception, it would be nice to be able to use the internet in the parking lot (from your car) but not necessary, & the business building also has poor reception sometimes.
1 0.20% Sierra Hall has very weak access. Certain places in the library have weak connections as well.
1 0.20% Sierra Hall, dorms
1 0.20% Sierra hall, education building, and business buildings
1 0.20% Sierra Hall, Jerome Richfield, student union, and food areas.
1 0.20% Sierra Hall, Library, JR, Bayramian Hall.
1 0.20% Sierra Hall, Sierra Quad, Matador Bookstore Complex
1 0.20% Sierra Hall.
1 0.20% Sierrra Hall, Sierra Tower
1 0.20% Sometimes in the library, there exceeds more students to computers. Some stand idly waiting for a student to leave their computer. This is why I chose this issue to be top priority. The second choice is because having internet access all over campus can improve the quality of student's study/social. This way they wouldn't have to relocate, because it can be a hassle when time's limited.
1 0.20% Sometimes the dorm wireless goes off for hours and it is hard to get things done.
1 0.20% Sometimes the wireless networks don't work. They should be expanded through more areas
1 0.20% Sometimes, even when I am in the library, the signal is too weak
1 0.20% Strengthen signal in TCC and top floors of library. Have wireless range in outdoor areas.
1 0.20% stronger signals
1 0.20% Stronger signals through out the entire school especially in areas where people sit to eat and study.
1 0.20% stronger signals throughout campus.
1 0.20% Surrounding food locations on Reseda Blvd.
1 0.20% The access needs to be upgrade throughout the campus. There are areas when there are slow loading and no connection areas. Sierra Hall, Education Building.
1 0.20% The access should be available throughout the entire campus. Students sit in the grass, on steps, in alcoves of buildings.
1 0.20% The areas outside all of the food courts.
1 0.20% The Art Department and all eating areas.
1 0.20% The classroom in Manzanita Hall have sketchy access right now. it's be great if that improved.
1 0.20% The cultural houses on Halstead
1 0.20% The Dorms
1 0.20% The Dorms
1 0.20% The dorms it shouldn't sometimes not work
1 0.20% the dorms need better service and in buildings, i have been in classes and not had internet service
1 0.20% The dorms wireless is absolutely ridiculous!! half of the time it doesn't even properly work
1 0.20% The dorms
1 0.20% The entire campus
1 0.20% The entire campus should be an active zone, as opposed to hotspots.
1 0.20% The is poor wireless access around the Juniper Hall. There is absolutely no access at the Arbor Grill!
1 0.20% The Library
1 0.20% the library and areas that are away from buildings, possibly parking lots
1 0.20% The library ironically. The service in that building is horrible.
1 0.20% The library, bayramian hall
1 0.20% The library, Sierra Hall, The Marketplace/Westside Food Court
1 0.20% The Music Buildings, Cypress and Nordhoff Halls as well as the parking lots.
1 0.20% the over all range of it should be expanded to include the parking lots
1 0.20% The Oviatt Library
1 0.20% The parking garages along with some outside sitting areas sometimes have limited or no access.
1 0.20% The parking lot at g4 and all the other structures. Some days people need to do homework and many people prefer to do it in the comfort of their car, and wireless is weak or not able to be accessed.
1 0.20% The parking lots for students who like to stay in their cars before class starts.
1 0.20% The parking lots, also some areas such as the food courts the access isn't all that good.
1 0.20% the private rooms in library were the only place based on my experience that didn't have good access .
1 0.20% The seats and benches outside all over the campus.
1 0.20% The sierra center inside, the access is hard to access.
1 0.20% The Sierra Center,has a lowsy internet connection. I have trouble getting a good connection when I take my laptop. I think it seems to work well around other locations on campus.
1 0.20% the streets that surround CSUN. not only inside campus but all around so anyone can even study on the street in their parked car or anything.
1 0.20% The two sierra buildings
1 0.20% The University Village Apartments(UVA) has students and faculty members that have no current connection with CSUN's internet wireless system. Many of us have children and cannot afford to pay internet service. It would help us financially and academically by giving us access to the internet as many of us take on-line courses. The dorms have acces to the internet considering that we are adjacent to the dorms on Lassen and Zelzah no wireless internet access is available. Please help with this resolve this problem.
1 0.20% The USU could benefit from wireless access, but I am more concerned with the recent restrictions placed on wireless access. Mainly the restriction of access to off campus systems. The new wireless access system is preventing access to off campus services such as SSH, FTP. These come with security issues but are an extremely important part of the fabric of the internet. That being said the current bandwidth restriction on the wireless network is a pointless and unnecessary restriction that only reduces the quality of campus life.
1 0.20% the village apartments on zelzah and lassen
1 0.20% the whole campus
1 0.20% The WiFi access should cover the whole university. Students are always trying to find a comfortable spot to do the work.
1 0.20% The wireless access coverage is great! It's the system that seems to be poor. It often cuts out for long periods of time, it occasionally logs you off of the network, and it is rather slow (especially after beginning the "must log in with CSUN ID and password" system.)
1 0.20% The wireless access should be of course in the library and also food court areas.
1 0.20% The wireless connection here is horrible it really slow and takes forever for the sign in page to come up.
1 0.20% The wireless connection is extremely awful at the Sierra Center, the Arbor Grill, and the Manzanita Building.
1 0.20% The wireless connection is not fully accessible in the library. Please make sure that the connections are strong in all of the grad/study rooms.
1 0.20% The wireless networks at the library and the CSUN dorms.
1 0.20% The wireless should extend all the way to plummer and across reaching the track and field.
1 0.20% There are already computers in the CSUNn library, but there are not really any computers on any other floor but the 1st floor. Perhaps, some computers could be put on the second or third floor as well. Also, maybe the computers in Byramian Hall can be upgraded to have internet access as well. That way, one might not have go over to the library just to use the internet.
1 0.20% There are areas on campus that you cannot get internet, like in Bayramian Hall and in Sequoia Hall. I only know of places where I have class or where I go to on campus. But overall the internet on campus needs to be improved.
1 0.20% there are certain parts of the library were access is limited, and also near the business building there is a low signal
1 0.20% There are dead spots even within the library. That needs to be fixed.
1 0.20% There are some dead zones, but I don't know where they are right off hand.
1 0.20% There needs be a reliable means of accessing the internet from every classroom. There are substantial dead zones in the theater building which inherently affect my performance in this class. I specifically need internet access in this course for the research and development portion of television commercial making.
1 0.20% There needs to be better internet service in the Oviatt Library and Sierra Hall
1 0.20% there should be access at all buildings on campus
1 0.20% There should be more wireless access in the science halls such as Live Oak, Eucalyptus, Magnolia
1 0.20% There should be more wireless strength in lecture halls and upgraded speed for gaming use while in between classes
1 0.20% There should be wireless access through the complete campus, including all buildings, all quads, all fields, and all parking lots. CSUN may even want to expand the wireless to hit the apartment buildings around the campus to allow students living in those apartments (I'm not one of them) to access the network.
1 0.20% This may not be practical, but it would be great to be able to access the internet from the parking structures.
1 0.20% This should be EVERYWHERE ON CAMPUS!! certain areas of Sierra Hall have bad reception, and open space campus area should be considered also!
1 0.20% through out campus
1 0.20% Throughout all the school. Inside and out side of the buildins so we, students, can have more access to it.
1 0.20% Throughout the entire classrooms. Make the networks penetrate the walls inside of all of the buildings. Students should not have to be outside just to get a good wireless signal. Also upgrade the network to allow A/B/N/G networks.
1 0.20% Throughout. Connections are rather slow, and reliability could be improved.
1 0.20% to coffee shops around the campus
1 0.20% to every end of campus
1 0.20% To outdoor areas such as outside the sierra center and other food courts.
1 0.20% To reach all ends of the campus. I noticed if i am not close to the library the connection in not that strong.
1 0.20% to surrounding neighborhoods of CSUN because the surrounding areas are flooded with college students who often can not afford wireless access in their dorms, apartments, or houses.
1 0.20% to the athletic fields
1 0.20% To the cafe or outside eating areas.
1 0.20% To the parking lots.
1 0.20% To the parking lots. Because some students would like to sit in their car and be on their laptops.
1 0.20% Towards the fitness center and downstairs by the pool.
1 0.20% Underneath the library
1 0.20% upgrade software and expand it all over the campus.
1 0.20% Upgrade to faster wireless N
1 0.20% upgraded as in better connection.
1 0.20% upgraded in manzanita hall, we have been having problems accessing the wireless. When we can access the internet it is usually in and out of service. Also when I'm outside manzanita hall sitting on the grass near the library I don't get service whatsoever.
1 0.20% Upper floors of buildings results in visibly slower access. Faster general access.
1 0.20% we should get fast wireless acess at the starbucks near acapulco on reseda 'cause alot of students are there on breaks
1 0.20% What really needs to be upgraded are the lab computers - they are extremely slow
1 0.20% Whatever area on or around campus that is currently not covered.
1 0.20% When trying to log in the screen doesnt always show therefor you cannot log in. Expanded better to Jerome Richfeild area
1 0.20% Where ever access is low
1 0.20% whole campus should be accessible
1 0.20% Wireless accesability could be further expanded upon in the park area in front of the Library.
1 0.20% wireless access being stronger between the structures. So students are able to access their internet even when they arent close to the structures.
1 0.20% wireless access between Jerome Richfield Hall and Sierra Hall, Cafeteria should be upgraded. Wireless access should be expanded to all over the campus.
1 0.20% wireless access in the library is often slow and unavaliable in certain areas
1 0.20% Wireless access is great in the libraries and would also be great if it were upgraded where students get lunch around campus and socialize.
1 0.20% wireless access is very poor from the art department area and right off campus near rosco where many students study sessions are held in resturants and coffee houses. To have wireless access expanded in these directions would be great.
1 0.20% Wireless Access should be accessible in every building on campus, including the Food Markets
1 0.20% wireless access should be expanded everywhere around CSUN, and i think it should be upgraded as well; especially around the dorms.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be expanded to all areas of the school and possibly for the parking structures. They should be upgraded so that the connections are quicker. Also, electric outlets should be installed in more places, such as places where there are seating and tables.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be made faster and should be able to be accessed everywhere on campus
1 0.20% Wireless access should be readily available anywhere on campus. Students should not struggle to gain access to the web anywhere they should find themselves at CSUN.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded and expanded in areas far from the library, so as much students can be on online and the network won't get slower.
1 0.20% wireless access should be upgraded and expanded in Juniper Hall. The computers in the labs are too slow. Computer Lab hours should also be expanded to 10 pm.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded and expanded in the eating areas and or all computer labs, specifically the computer lab in Sierra Hall because the computers are extremely slow.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded and expanded in the Oviatt Library and the food court at Sierra Center.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded at Sierra Hall food court, plus the 3rd and 4th floor of the library.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded in the dorm building number 6, the lounge areas, and the library. Sometimes there is difficulty connecting to the wireless network as I have experienced.
1 0.20%  
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded in the dorms and the the are by the library.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded in the Education buildings as well as Jerome Richfield. At those locations, the log on capabilities are very weak.
1 0.20% Wireless access should be upgraded to the fastest possible data rate and expanded to all parts of the campus where students can study and meet.
1 0.20% Wireless internet should be accesible throughout the entire university, at the dorms, and at least a 30 mile radius surrounding the university.
1 0.20% Wireless is here at CSUN can be a pain when I'm trying to access it on the 3rd floor of Sierra Hall. I would definitely like it to be easier to access.
1 0.20% Wireless is TERRIBLE at the bookstore complex. I have never been able to get wireless there... and considering there was just a bunch of money spend putting in TV's and a second story seating area, internet is needed to make it a decent place on campus. I like it there, but with no internet I can't go.
1 0.20% Wireless must be upgraded to at least Draft-N standards as to allow highest performance and greatest coverage for the dollar. Access should be upgraded in the Marketplace, with higher through-puts and bandwidth to allow for growth as more and more students begin to bring their laptops to school.
1 0.20% wireless needs to be upgraded in music buildings and by serria tower out in the benches with trees and gravel
1 0.20% Wireless network access are slow in high traffic areas due to high use. Also, any wireless network has high latency and DNS lookup. Furthermore, please bring back an online way to permanently (or at least for one semester or year) register a wireless device. Leave the current wireless login for one time uses, but also have an option to "remember" a wireless device by redirecting to a sign-up page as stated above. A fine example of this sort of setup can be found at UCSD.
1 0.20% Wireless should be accessible to students that live close to campus, within their apartments. Specifically the ones from plummer down to dearborn that run down darby.
1 0.20% Wireless should be avilable in every building in every classroom. Manzanita Hall and Sierra Hall
1 0.20% Wireless should be expanded/upgraded throughout the entire campus whereby signal strength is not an issue regardless of where you are. Thank You.
1 0.20% With the changes made to the network over the summer, the wireless performance has degraded considerably. In many classrooms in the Business building, the connection to the wireless and the performance has been terrible. I think there should be a prooper site survey to best provide wireless access to students.

Respondents = 494


Q7.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Library enhancement options - Upgrade library computers including laptop available for check-out

Count Percent  
105 13.26% 1
138 17.42% 2
163 20.58% 3
215 27.15% 4
171 21.95% 5
792 Respondents  


Q8.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Library enhancement options - Install Adobe Photoshop on library computers

Count Percent  
41 5.8% 1
70 8.84% 2
92 11.62% 3
228 28.79% 4
361 45.58% 5
792 Respondents  


Q9.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Library enhancement options - Expand e-Library collection (digital books and resource material)

Count Percent  
240 30.15% 1
172 21.61% 2
203 25.50% 3
115 14.45% 4
66 8.29% 5
796 Respondents  


Q10.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Library enhancement options - Staff library 24-hours during final exams

Count Percent  
187 23.61% 1
215 27.15% 2
186 23.48% 3
117 14.77% 4
87 10.98% 5
792 Respondents  


Q11.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Library enhancement options - Create a student lounge for casual study, reading, and relaxing

Count Percent  
223 28.05% 1
197 24.78% 2
150 18.87% 3
119 14.97% 4
106 13.33% 5
795 Respondents  


Q12.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Academic support service options - Increase availability of peer tutors, mentors, advisors

Count Percent  
277 34.89% 1
209 26.32% 2
170 21.41% 3
138 17.38% 4
794 Respondents  


Q13.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Academic support service options - Increase availability of supplemental instruction (SI)

Count Percent  
47 5.96% 1
158 20.05% 2
279 35.41% 3
304 38.58% 4
788 Respondents  


Q14.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Academic support service options - Upgrades to existing academic department lab and lab resources

Count Percent  
234 29.73% 1
219 27.83% 2
168 21.35% 3
166 21.09% 4
787 Respondents  


Q15.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Academic support service options - Increase availability of academic skill development programs and activities (for example, study skills and majors and careers exploration)

Count Percent  
236 29.87% 1
209 25.57% 2
172 21.77% 3
180 22.78% 4
790 Respondents  


Q16.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Improvement in services - Employ a customer service specialist through University Cash Services to increase responsiveness to student questions and concerns

Count Percent  
104 13.33% 1
105 13.46% 2
151 19.36% 3
159 20.38% 4
261 33.46% 5
780 Respondents  


Q17.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Improvement in services - Increase in the quantity of free printing services

Count Percent  
255 32.24% 1
147 18.58% 2
121 15.30% 3
125 15.80% 4
143 18.08% 5
791 Respondents  


Q18.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Improvement in services - Increase use of student employees

Count Percent  
115 14.56% 1
135 17.09% 2
164 20.76% 3
188 23.80% 4
188 23.80% 5
790 Respondents  


Q19.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Improvement in services - Expand access to career and employment services

Count Percent  
142 17.95% 1
211 26.68% 2
197 24.91% 3
171 21.62% 4
70 8.85% 5
791 Respondents  


Q20.For each category below, please rank in order of priority how you think the Campus Quality Fee should be spent (1 being your highest priority for use of the fee, 2 being your second priority and so forth.) Click the number that represents the priority ranking for each option. Please note that you cannot select a rank number more than once.

Library enhancement options - Upgrade library computers including laptop available for check-out

Count Percent  
179 22.71% 1
191 24.24% 2
154 19.54% 3
154 19.54% 4
119 15.10% 5
788 Respondents  


Q21.Please indicate the relative importance you place on each category in terms of improving the quality of your campus experience. - Access to Technology and Technology Applications

Count Percent  
17 2.16% Not Important
50 6.35% Minimally Important
137 17.41% Somewhat Important
263 33.42% Very Important
320 40.66% Most Important
787 Respondents  


Q22.. Please indicate the relative importance you place on each category in terms of improving the quality of your campus experience. - Library Enhancements

Count Percent  
14 1.78% Not Important
51 6.48% Minimally Important
212 26.94% Somewhat Important
306 38.88% Very Important
204 25.92% Most Important
787 Respondents  


Q23.Please indicate the relative importance you place on each category in terms of improving the quality of your campus experience. - Academic Support Options

Count Percent  
17 2.16% Not Important
46 5.84% Minimally Important
168 21.35% Somewhat Important
299 37.99% Very Important
257 32.66% Most Important
787 Respondents  


Q24.. Please indicate the relative importance you place on each category in terms of improving the quality of your campus experience. - Improvement in Services

Count Percent  
14 1.78% Not Important
85 10.80% Minimally Imortant
183 23.25% Somewhat Important
284 36.09% Very Important
221 28.08% Most Important
787 Respondents  


Q25.Additional funding from the Campus Quality Fee will be available for the 2009-2010 academic year. Following are some suggestions that could not be included for the 2008-2009 allocations but could be explored for inclusion in the future. What do you think of the following? - Development of academically related computing technology and applications for cellphones, smartphones, and similar devices.

Count Percent  
214 27.19% I don't know enough about this topic to have an opinion
402 51.08% Yes, this is definitely worth considering
171 21.73% No, this is not the direction I think the university should be headed
787 Respondents  


Q26.Additional funding from the Campus Quality Fee will be available for the 2009-2010 academic year. Following are some suggestions that could not be included for the 2008-2009 allocations but could be explored for inclusion in the future. What do you think of the following? - Development of a cross-cultural programs and services office.

Count Percent  
236 29.99% I don't know enough about this topic to have an opinion
408 51.84% Yes, this is definitely worth considering
143 18.17% No, this is not the direction I think the university should be headed
787 Respondents  

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