Campus Quality Fee Appendix B


Q1. How frequently do you take a course that requires you to pay a lab fee or other type of fee to the university for supplies and/or material?
Count Respondent % Response %  
440 29.93% 29.91% Never
565 38.44% 38.41% Less than once a year
466 31.70% 31.68% More than once a year
1470 Respondents    
1471 Responses    

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Q2. What is the average amount you pay per semester in course-related additional fees?
Count Percent  
120 11.93% Less than $10
117 11.63% $11 - $15
122 12.13% $16 - $20
113 11.23% $21 - $25
534 53.08% More than $25
1006 Respondents  

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Q3. In which of the following Mike Curb College of Arts, Media and Communications instructionally-related activities you have participated during the 2007-2008 academic year? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %  
79 5.98% 5.35% Art Gallery
11 0.83% 0.75% Art: SAGA Student Advertising Graphics Association
8 0.61% 0.54% Communication: Forensics
7 0.53% 0.47% Communication: Performance Ensemble
13 0.98% 0.88% CTVA: KCSN-FM
5 0.38% 0.34% CTVA: Valley View Television
18 1.36% 1.22% CTVA: Senior Film Projects
18 1.36% 1.22% CTVA: Student Film Showcase
11 0.83% 0.75% CTVA: Screenwriters' Showcase
3 0.23% 0.20% Journalism: Scene Magazine
31 2.35% 2.10% Journalism: Daily Sundial
22 1.67% 1.49% Music: CSU Northridge Symphony Orchestra
25 1.89% 1.69% Music: Jazz Band/Combos
8 0.61% 0.54% Music: Vocal Jazz Ensemble
3 0.23% 0.20% Music Industry Studies Project
8 0.61% 0.54% Music: Media Music Club/Studio Ensemble Music Productions
5 0.38% 0.34% Music: Opera (Education and) Touring
18 1.36% 1.22% Music: Wind Ensembles
7 0.53% 0.47% Music: Women's Chorale
2 0.15% 0.14% Music Therapy Community Outreach
4 0.30% 0.27% Theatre: Opera Production
7 0.53% 0.47% Theatre: International Theatre
11 0.83% 0.75% Theatre: Amer. College Theater Festival
35 2.65% 2.37% Theatre Productions/Season
1117 84.56% 75.68% None of the above
1321 Respondents    
1476 Responses    

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Q4. Did you participate in the College of Business and Economics Accounting: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program?
Count Percent  
28 2.12% Yes
1293 97.88% No
1321 Respondents  

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Q5. Did you participate in the Michael D. Eisner College of Education Deaf Studies: ASL/Deaf Theater Performance Series?
Count Percent  
30 2.27% Yes
1291 97.73% No
1321 Respondents  

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Q6. In which of the following College of Engineering and Computer Science instructionally-related activities you have participated during the 2007-2008 academic year? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %  
16 1.21% 1.19% Civil Engineer: American Society of Civil Engineers
5 0.38% 0.37% Computer Science: Unmanned Autonomous Airplane
5 0.38% 0.37% Electrical and Computer Engr.: Autonomous Helicopter
3 0.23% 0.22% Formula SAE
3 0.23% 0.22% Mech. Engr. -- Aero Design West/SAE (Sr. Design) new
7 0.53% 0.52% Mech. Engr.: Autonomous Intelligent (Ground) Vehicle
5 0.38% 0.37% Mech. Engr. (Robot Mechanics and Control in 0304)
7 0.53% 0.52% Mech. Engr. -- Human Powered Vehicle (Sr. Design)
1288 97.58% 96.19% None of the above
1320 Respondents    
1339 Responses    

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Q7. In which of the following College of Health and Human Development instructionally-related activities you have participated during the 2007-2008 academic year? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %  
24 1.82% 1.79% Child and Adolescent Development: Jump Start
35 2.65% 2.62% Kinesiology: Aquatic & Land-based Therapeutic
13 0.98% .97% Family Consumer Sciences: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
20 1.52% 1.49% Recreation: Aquatic Center
1246 94.39% 93.12% None of the above
1320 Respondents    
1338 Responses    

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Q8. In which of the following College of Humanities instructionally-related activities you have participated during the 2007-2008 academic year? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %  
47 3.56% 3.51% English: Northridge Review
4 0.30% 0.30% History Graduate Research Seminar:
2 0.15% 0.15% History: Historical Field Studies Program in Germany and Argentina
3 0.23% 0.22% History: Natchez Summer Internship/Courthouse
11 0.83% 0.82% Pan African Studies: Kapu-Sens: The PAS Literary Review
8 0.61% 0.60% Pan African Studies: Model African Union
14 1.06% 1.04% Political Science: Model U.N.
1251 94.77% 93.36% None of the above
1320 Respondents    
1340 Responses    

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Q9. In which of the following College of Social and Behavior Sciences instructionally-related activities you have participated during the 2007-2008 academic year? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %  
20 1.52% 1.48% Central American Studies Program -- Student Journal
20 1.52% 1.48% Chicano Studies: El Popo Newspaper
41 3.11% 3.04% Psychology: Namseoul University
20 1.52% 1.48% Sociology: Center for Community Service Learning: MOSAIC
10 0.76% 0.74% Sociology: Social Work Legislative Project
1236 93.64% 91.76% None of the above
1320 Respondents    
1347 Responses    

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Q10. Did you have "out of pocket" expenses associated with your participation in the activity(ies) you indicated in the previous questions?
Count Percent  
200 52.63% Yes
180 47.37% No
380 Respondents  

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Q11. Approximately how much did you spend during the academic year for expenses associated with your participation in instructionally-related activities?
Count Percent  
9 4.55% Les than $10
22 11.11% $11 - $15
31 15.66% $16 - $20
23 11.62% $21 - $25
113 57.07% More than $25
198 Respondents  

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Q12. To what extent do you think it is reasonable to expect students who participate in instructionally-related activities to pay a portion of the cost of those activities?
Count Percent  
101 7.77% Very reasonable
483 37.15% Somewhat reasonable
394 30.31% Somewhat unreasonable
222 17.08% Very unreasonable
100 7.69% I don't have an opinion
1300 Respondents  

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Q13. Have you attended a CSUN athletic competition since August 2007?
Count Percent  
299 23.16% Yes
992 76.84% No
1291 Respondents  

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Q14. How important is having a strong athletic program to your satisfaction with your experience as a student at CSUN?
Count Percent  
230 17.82% Extremely important
245 18.98% Very important
346 26.80% Moderately important
167 12.94% Slightly important
303 23.47% Not important at all
1291 Respondents  

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Q15. Would you like to see CSUN athletics become more competitive?
Count Percent  
665 51.51% Yes
92 7.13% No
534 41.36% No opinion - I don't know enough about our athletics to be able to answer the question.
1291 Respondents  

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Q16. Why would you not like to see CSUN athletics become more competitive?
Count Percent
70 100.00%
70 Respondents

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Q17. If a fee was proposed to improve the athletic program what would you consider a reasonable fee to pay?
Count Percent  
328 25.65% $15 per semester
118 9.23% $25 per semester
38 2.97% $50 per semester
5 0.39% $75 per semester
21 1.64% $100 per semester
769 60.13% I do not support a fee increase for athletics under any circumstances
1279 Respondents  

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Q18. Please rate your level of agreement with the following: - Availability of wireless access inside buildings is sufficient to meet my needs.
Count Percent  
561 44.35% Strongly agree
398 31.46% Moderately agree
176 13.91% Neither agree nor disagree
89 7.04% Moderately disagree
41 3.24% Strongly disagree
1265 Respondents  

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Q19. Please rate your level of agreement with the following: - Availability of wireless access outside buildings is sufficient to meet my needs.
Count Percent  
451 35.65% Strongly agree
356 28.14% Moderately agree
255 20.16% Neither agree nor disagree
141 11.15% Moderately disagree
62 4.90% Strongly disagree
1265 Respondents  

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Q20. Please rate your level of agreement with the following: - Availability of computer labs is sufficient to meet my needs.
Count Percent  
453 35.81% Strongly agree
399 31.54% Moderately agree
237 18.74% Neither agree nor disagree
122 9.64% Moderately disagree
54 4.27% Strongly disagree
1265 Respondents  

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Q21. Please rate your level of agreement with the following: - The hours of operation of the IT Help Desk are sufficient to meet my needs.
Count Percent  
315 24.92% Strongly agree
381 30.14% Moderately agree
477 37.74% Neither agree nor disagree
58 4.59% Moderately disagree
33 2.61% Strongly disagree
1264 Respondents  

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Q22. Please rate your level of agreement with the following: - The hours of operation of the IT Walk in Center are sufficient to meet my needs.
Count Percent  
286 22.63% Strongly agree
366 28.96% Moderately agree
523 41.38% Neither agree nor disagree
55 4.35% Moderately disagree
34 2.69% Strongly disagree
1264 Respondents  

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Q23. Please rate your level of agreement with the following: - Availability of online library resources is sufficient to meet my needs.
Count Percent  
561 44.38% Strongly agree
421 33.31% Moderately agree
195 15.43% Neither agree nor disagree
59 4.67% Moderately disagree
28 2.22% Strongly disagree
1264 Respondents  

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Q24. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Eliminate course fees
Count Percent  
564 46.04% Extremely important
308 25.14% Very important
248 20.24% Moderately important
73 5.96% Slightly important
32 2.61% Not important at all
1225 Respondents  

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Q25. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase availability of academic advisement
Count Percent  
592 48.33% Extremely important
352 28.73% Very important
196 16.00% Moderately important
59 4.82% Slightly important
26 2.12% Not important at all
1225 Respondents  

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Q26. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase availability of personal counseling
Count Percent  
485 39.59% Extremely important
314 25.63% Very important
281 22.94% Moderately important
96 7.84% Slightly important
49 4.00% Not important at all
1225 Respondents  

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Q27. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase availability of career counseling
Count Percent  
531 43.38% Extremely important
347 28.35% Very important
247 20.18% Moderately important
63 5.15% Slightly important
36 2.94% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q28. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase availability of academic support services (e.g., tutoring)
Count Percent  
530 43.30% Extremely important
345 28.19% Very important
248 20.26% Moderately important
68 5.56% Slightly important
33 2.70% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q29. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase funding for student organizations
Count Percent  
336 27.45% Extremely important
293 23.94% Very important
344 28.10% Moderately important
147 12.01% Slightly important
104 8.50% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q30. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase funding for instructionally-related activities
Count Percent  
366 29.90% Extremely important
354 28.92% Very important
331 27.04% Moderately important
107 8.74% Slightly important
66 5.39% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q31. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Full wireless coverage of campus
Count Percent  
746 60.95% Extremely important
232 18.95% Very important
170 13.89% Moderately important
51 4.17% Slightly important
25 2.04% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q32. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase availability of e-texts (online library materials and textbooks)
Count Percent  
558 45.59% Extremely important
322 26.31% Very important
223 18.22% Moderately important
76 6.21% Slightly important
45 3.68% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q33. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Increase availability of technology in groups study areas
Count Percent  
411 33.58% Extremely important
356 29.08% Very important
325 26.55% Moderately important
90 7.35% Slightly important
42 3.43% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q34. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Expand hours of access to computer labs
Count Percent  
505 41.26% Extremely important
332 27.12% Very important
270 22.06% Moderately important
77 6.29% Slightly important
40 3.27% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q35. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Expand hours of access to technology support
Count Percent  
376 30.72% Extremely important
301 24.59% Very important
354 28.92% Moderately important
131 10.70% Slightly important
62 5.07% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q36. The following list represents areas that could be considered for additional funding if funds became available. Please indicate the importance of each of the following options in regard to your satisfaction with CSUN: - Others that should be considered
Count Percent  
304 24.84% Extremely important
230 18.79% Very important
364 29.74% Moderately important
109 8.91% Slightly important
217 17.73% Not important at all
1224 Respondents  

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Q37. Please specify what ''other'' options should be considered for funding:
Count Percent
401 100.00%
401 Respondents

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Q38. If the items in the previous questions can only be accomplished with new campus fees, what amount would you support and consider to be reasonable?
Count Percent  
475 39.92% $25 per semester
125 10.50% $50 per semester
25 2.10% $75 per semester
24 2.02% $100 per semester
17 1.43% $150 per semester
524 44.03% I do not support a fee increase to make these improvements
1190 Respondents  

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Q39. If students had a say in how the money was used, would your willingness to support new and reasonable fees to achieve the above improvements increase?
Count Percent  
204 17.14% Definitely
268 22.52% Most likely
208 17.48% Probably
225 18.91% Possibly
285 23.95% I do not support a fee increase regardless of who decides on how the fees are used
1190 Respondents  

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Q40. Would you be more willing to support a reasonable fee increase if there were a way to reduce other costs of attending CSUN by a comparable amount? 
Cost of attending includes State University and Campus fees, transportation, books, supplies, housing, food while on campus, consumer items needed primarily for college (e.g., a computer).
Count Percent  
423 35.58% Definitely
279 23.47% Most likely
184 15.48% Probably
146 12.28% Possibly
157 13.20% I do not support a fee increase even if I can reduce my other costs
1189 Respondents  

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Q41. In how many semesters have you been enrolled at CSUN including this semester?
Count Percent  
612 51.60% 1 - 2
262 22.09% 3 - 4
203 17.12% 5 - 6
61 5.14% 7 - 8
48 4.05% 9 or more
1186 Respondents  

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Q42. What is your age?
Count Percent  
692 58.35% 17 - 20
356 30.02% 21 - 25
138 11.64% 26 or older
1186 Respondents  

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Q43. What is your ethnicity? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %  
91 7.67% 6.96% African American
17 1.43% 1.30% American Indian or Alaskan Native
155 13.07% 11.86% Asian American/Pacific Islander
394 33.22% 30.15% Caucasian
365 30.78% 27.93% Chicano/a, Latino/a, Hispanic
127 10.71% 9.72% Other (please specify)
158 13.32% 12.09% Prefer not to respond
1186 Respondents    
1307 Responses    

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Q44. What is your gender?
Count Percent  
400 33.73% Male
740 62.39% Female
1 0.08% Transgendered
45 3.79% Prefer not to respond
1186 Respondents  

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