Campus Quality Fee Appendix E

Campus Quality Fee Proposal


  1. Why aren't we getting a chance to vote on the fee proposal?

    Two methods are permitted for consideration of a new fee. One is to conduct a referendum; the other is called alternative consultation. Alternative consultation seeks input from the entire campus community. Recent referenda have resulted in very low voter turn-out and, therefore, very little input to the fee decision-making process. The importance of the proposed fee necessitates greater participation than would be expected from a referendum process.

  2. Why does the university need a new campus fee?

    To put it simply, CSUN needs resources for academic and student services. The current way of funding course materials, instructionally related activities, technology, athletics, and services such as personal and career counseling, to name a few, has not kept pace with increasing costs and utilization. In order to provide quality experiences for students we need to increase funding.

  3. How exactly will the fee be used?

    100% of the fee will be used for direct benefit to students.

    First, we will use a portion of the funds to eliminate course-specific fees and cover the difference between what students pay and the real cost of labs, materials and supplies. This will allow the academic departments to use money previously used for labs, materials, and supplies to offer more academic course sections.

    Second, we will provide more funds for allocation by the Instructionally Related Activities Board. The IRA Board is a student run committee that decides how much money goes to activities such as Model United Nations, student music performance groups, various journalism and literature projects, and about 90 other opportunities for practicing what is learned in the classroom. Currently funded activities may receive additional funding and activities not funded currently may now receive funding.

    Third, we will target opportunities to expand classroom technology (to be mutually beneficial to students and faculty), to sustain and enhance technology and capacity of student labs, to keep up the pace of network - wired and wireless connectivity, to work with the Library to enhance academic resources available in digital form, and to expand technology support for students.

    Fourth, we will make improvements in athletic facilities and equipment. We will support student athletes through scholarships, travel expenses, and academic support.

    Fifth, we will strive to increase access to academic and personal support services, eliminate the need for user-fees, improve service delivery through technology, improve campus transportation, and update and improve program and activity equipment, resources, and opportunities.

    Sixth, we will form a student committee that will be responsible for allocating the $250,000 fund to address needs that students identify as important for improving the quality of their university experience.

  4. Can financial aid cover the fee increase?

    Yes, the fee increase will be added to the cost of attendance. Financial aid is based upon the total cost of attendance.

  5. Why are fees always going up?

    The instructionally related fee has not been raised in 30 years. Most course-specific fees have not been increased in at least 10 years. The athletic fee has not been increased since 1995. The most recent campus fee increase was to fund the new recreation center.

  6. Why are you proposing to reallocate the AS Athletic Fees?

    We want to create greater stability and predictability in funding of student athlete scholarships. Fluctuation in the allocation of funds from the AS Athletic Fee toward student athlete scholarships has resulted in reduced scholarships. The university is required by athletic conference rules to maintain a certain level of scholarships. Using a portion of the funds from the proposed fee to replace the AS Athletic Fees fee will allow those fees to be used for other very important needs within and outside Associated Students.

  7. What will happen if the decision is not to approve the new fee?

    We will do what we can to maintain a quality experience for students. However, with time it is inevitable that you will see a decline in the quality of your experience.

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