Campus Quality Fee Appendix I.d

Campus Quality Fee Feedback Forum

IRA FundedParticipants

April 17, 2008

No. of students in attendance: 30 students, 5 faculty

Related to Alternative Consultation Process: None

Related to fee:


  • How much money is supposed to be generated by this fee?
  • How can student go on a trip when they can't even pay their tuition?
  • Professor: Would students in Science classes be paying more course fee than in Humanities?
  • Why not advertise the resources students are not taking advantage of instead of increasing fees to provide more?
  • How are you going to guarantee the money is going to go where you say it will?


  • (My) general feeling is that the president has already made her decision. I would prefer that the president just work with AS and the university to make this where it's presentable to students. I don't feel as a member of AS that I can represent this proposal.
  • We feel this should be carried forward as a fee referendum, where the students get to vote on it. (4 times.)

Related to Fee 


  • From Multi Impact Analysis Statement: Where is the money that's already being allocated to these projects going to go? Example: What will happen to the university money that is currently being used to subsidize course fees? (Approx. $700,000) Why can't it continue to be used for this purpose in order to keep student fees down?
  • Who will decide where this money is going as what is the plan for accountability?
  • Re Technology: Who decides on how the money will be spent? Need a process for this where students have influence.
  • Won't this have an adverse affect on the diversity of our campus, given that the lowest income students are likely to be of color?
  • How can you justify proposing a fee in a time when students are gearing up to oppose a tuition increase of 10% that will likely be recurring? Why can't we wait until the governor approves the budget? Why now?


  • I am a professor of Psychology teaching parenting practices in the field of autism. Because of IRA money, I was able to take students to Korea. There was no better way to have students experience the cross cultural parenting styles in autism.
  • Dean of Health and Human Development: I would like to state that most of our students are supportive of the fee. Because of IRA, our labs are state of the art and the Castaic Lake program really benefits. They are writing down the pros and cons and will submit them to you.
  • Professor of Central American Studies: This is a two sided coin. Most of our students are low income, but the other part for us is that IRA has been important in raising the awareness of the Central American Studies Center. My students have a consensus of support.
  • It sounds like overall it would benefit the student experience. Those who got to go to Korea were lucky.
  • Professor: IRA fees help many different students participate in local and other competitions, ex: Jazz Band.
  • I'm a Journalism student. We use MACS and IN-Design and work with other students to publish Central American Students' works in a journal. It's beneficial to students and the department as it gets our voices heard.
  • What would the total additional fee be in 4 ½ years? It seems like the students are getting a lot for a small price to pay.
  • Most people see Northridge as a commuter school. (If we made it better/nicer, more people would get involved.) Then people would want to come to our athletic tournaments. It would be nice if we could spend the time practicing that we currently spend picking up range balls.
  • Overall, the fee would benefit students in general o/a we'll have a chance to get into the market. (value of degree)
  • One good use for some of the money would be more on-line articles at the library.
  • I support the Campus Quality fee proposal because I will be taking part in labs in my next 3 years at CSUN.
  • I am also in favor of this proposal because I am a student athlete. Not only will it benefit the CSUN community, it will benefit athletics! This directly benefits students and I am totally in favor.
  • I believe the fee proposal is a great idea. As an athlete, this will benefit me immensely. Golfers at CSUN don't have enough trainers, equipment, facilities, or coaches. The extra money that this fee will produce will allow CUSN athletics to expand in a positive way.
  • It would help me if this fee was passed. I am on the golf team and it would help with that.
  • I won't have to pay for any lab fees, and I know that I will be taking a couple of labs.
  • There will also be smart classrooms added that I feel will benefit not only the student athletes, but also other non-student athletes (meant non-athlete students?)
  • I think the fee proposal is going to benefit every student. I am personally a student athlete and if we could get more money for everything, I think we can benefit the school by having everyone interacting within the school instead of being a "commuter school".
  • I am also a kinesiology student and the fee proposal will cover all my lab fees.
  • I think the fee proposal is a good thing. Everybody will benefit from this.
  • It will help me because I will be taking a Bio lab next semester. With the fee proposal, I wouldn't have to pay the extra fees.
  • I am also a member of the Women's Golf team, so I would benefit in that department too.
  • I support the Campus Quality Fee Proposal because I fees, as a student athlete who is majoring in Kinesiology, that I would benefit from not having to pay extra lab fees. I have several lab classes and for them to be eliminated, would greatly benefit me as well as other students and athletes. I trust that this fee proposal will be a great plan to go with as for helping our students out.
  • I support the Campus Quality Fee Proposal. I am a kinesiology student, and therefore I have to take a lot of lab classes. Eliminating lab course-specific fees would help me and my parents tremendously.
  • Because I am also a student athlete, offering more academic courses would help me to fit my academic schedule and practice schedule more smoothly. Right now, I have so much conflicting class schedules because there aren't a lot of courses offered at the ideal time. I thing the Quality fee will greatly benefit me as a CSUN student as well al all other students.
  • Under the proposed budget by the governor, the Cal Access Grant will be eliminated, so those students wouldn't get the money to attend. (same student brought it up twice)
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