2009–2010 Fee Proposal Student Feedback Survey Analysis

Solicitation of Proposals

On February 3, 2009 a call for Campus Quality Fee funding proposals was announced via e-mail to the Student Affairs Management Council, Associated Students President Miguel Segura, CSUN President's Cabinet, and the Provost Council. The recipients were asked to distribute the message widely. The message contained a web link to the Campus Quality Fee funding proposal guidelines and on-line submission form. Also announced was the submission deadline of February 18, 2009.

A total of 85 proposals were submitted. A list of the proposals is provided in Appendix A. Eight (8) proposals were identified as not meeting Campus Quality Fee criteria and eliminated from further consideration. They are designated an asterisk (*) in Appendix A.

Student Feedback

A survey was designed to solicit student feedback on the functional intent of the proposals. With minor exception specific proposals were not presented for student feedback in order to reduce the impression of “voting” for specific proposals. The proposals that were presented for direct student feedback could not easily be incorporated in broader categories for feedback.

The survey was administered through StudentVoice, a web-based assessment tool. An email inviting participation was sent to all enrolled students on March 9, 2009 (Appendix B). The email included a web link to the actual survey. A total of 2149 students responded, approximately a 6% response rate, providing a confidence level of 95% plus or minus 3%.

Tables 1-4 provide demographics comparisons of respondents with the population as of fall 2008.

Table 1. Class Standing by Percentage

Class Standing by Percentage Based on Student Category
  Respondents Fall 2008
Freshmen 11.4 19.0
Sophomore 10.9 10.0
Junior 29.2 25.0
Senior 30.1 29.5
Graduate 18.4 16.5

Table 2. Race by Percentage

Race by Percentage
  Respondents Fall 2008
African American 6.5 8.3
American Indian .5 .40
Asian 9.1 8.2
Caucasian 37.5 31.0
International 2.5 6.1
Latino 25.4 28.6
Pacific Islander 1.8 4.0
Multi-racial 6.7 NA
Other 10.1 13.2

Table 3. Gender by Percentage

Gender by Percentage
  Respondents Fall 2008
Male 39.0 41.9
Female 61.0 58.1

Table 4. College of Enrollment by Percentage

College of Enrollment by Percentage
  Respondents Fall 2008
Arts, Media, Communications 17.8 14.1
Business and Economics 16.2 19.1
Education 9.2 4.9
Engineering and Computer Sci. 8.0 6.6
Health & Human Development 13.6 12.8
Humanities 8.3 8.8
Social & Behavioral Sciences 18.8 16.0
Science and Mathematics 8.2 6.9


The demographic comparison reveals that the respondents accurately reflect the composition of the student body on the basis of gender; freshmen are underrepresented while juniors are overrepresented; international , Latino, and Pacific Islander students are underrepresented while Caucasian and multi-racial /other are overrepresented. The colleges of AMC, Education, Engineering and Computer Science, and Social & Behavioral Sciences are overrepresented while Business and Economics is underrepresented. [Note: a difference equal to or greater than 1.9% was use to categorize under- or over-representation.]

Appendix C presents the survey data by frequency and percentage. Table 5 presents the survey items in rank order of funding importance. The column labeled Definitely Fund-Most Important represents the percentage of respondents who selected that response option. Definitely Fund-Most Important was selected more frequently than any other response option for each of the items. The column labeled Definitely and Probably Fund represents the percentage of respondents who selected either Definitely Fund-Most Important or Probably Fund-Somewhat Important. Items in this column that do not have a corresponding entry into the Definitely Fund column indicates that the response item selected most frequently was other than Definitely Fund-Most Important

Table 5. Items Ranked by Funding Importance

add caption here
Item Definitely Definitely & Probably Fund
Q11. Complete wireless computer enhancements 62 89.1
Q33. Library final week hours 24/7 57.1 80.2
Q41. Scholarship directories 56.4 87.5
Q6. Workshops/activities to support graduation 51.8 84.5
Q5. Make advisement appt on line 45.9 77.9
Q12. Continue computer lab update/refresh 44.8 83.9
Q21. Expand and enhance recycling 42.5 75.9
Q14. Expand computer lab hours 41.8 75.9
Q28. Stress Management and relaxation services 40.4 73.2
Q38. Improve writing skills 40.5 77.6
Q15. Upgrade course/depart. specific technology & labs 39.7 78.7
Q37. Availability of tutors 39.7 79.2
Q18. Expand Library collection 39.6 78.1
Q10. Create seating areas interior to buildings 39.4 71.0
Q7. Additional Study Space in the Library 38.4 67.3
Q20. Funding for course related material 38.4 74.3
Q27. Access to psychological & MH services 38.3 76.1
Q16. Upgrade portal to web 2.0 37 71.6
Q9. Outdoor gathering places 36.3 67.7
Q29. Career on-line resources/inventories 34.2 67.7
Q26. Reduce admission for music/theater dept events 29.2 57.0
Q22. Student participation in sustainability projects   67.9
Q24. Service Learning & Civic Engagement Data Base   67.1
Q23. Clubs and Orgs Communication Portal\   63.7
Q31. Promote diversity in and access to health care   60.0
Q36. Community College student transition   59.7
Q35. Transfer student success strategies   57.9
Q2. Training for staff mentors   57.9
Q17. Online tutors for technology   56.2
Q8. Refurbish group study rooms in Library   55.5
Q25. Innovative marketing   55.3
Q4. Major Fair   55.3
Q40. On line calculus resource center   55.2
Q1. Employ additional peer advisors   54.9
Q3. Live chat for real-time advisement   52.6


Relationship of Proposals to Survey Items

The survey items were developed from the proposals. In an effort to avoid, as much as possible, a perception that respondents were “voting” on specific proposals only the intent or subject of the proposal was included. Proposals with common intent or subject were combined for the purpose of creating survey items. Table 6 displays the survey items in rank order of funding importance with the associated proposals.

Table 6. Items in Ranked Order by Funding Importance with Associated Proposals

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Survey Item Associated Proposals
Q11. Complete wireless computer enhancements Housing Wireless Infrastructure Upgrade
Q33. Library final week hours 24/7 24 Hours Library Access for 7days during Final Exams
Q41. Scholarship directories HHD Online Directory of College Based Scholarships
Q6. Workshops/activities to support graduation HHD 90+ Student Exit Workshops
Q5. Make advisement appt on line Online Appointment Setting for Academic Advising
Q12. Continue computer lab update/refresh Library Student Computer Refresh
Q21. Expand and enhance recycling Recycling Program in Sierra Hall
Q14. Expand computer lab hours CECS Common Computer Lab
  Graduate Assistant for Technology Lab (Music)
  CAD CAM & Manufacturing Lab Access for Students
  Equal Instructional & Lab Support (Art)
  Student Facilities Access (CTVA)
Q38. Improve writing skills "Do you speak Text?"
  Enhancing Writing Skills and Student Success with an Online
Training and Testing Module for Avoiding Plagiarism (CSM)
  WRAD Mentor Program
  Professional Writing Support Services and Tutoring Services (CoBEA)
Q28. Stress Management and relaxation services Encouraging More Relaxation and Less Stress for CSUN Students
Q15. Upgrade course/department specific technology & labs After Class Computer Resources for Support of Online and
Hybrid Activities in the College of Science and Mathematics
  Upgrade of Computers and Keyboards in Music Technology Lab
Q437. Availability of tutors Establishing a Central Tutoring Center in CSM
  Facilitated Academic W0rkshops for High Percentage D-U-F Courses (CECS)
  Student-Athlete Academic Support Program
  Peer Learning Assistants to Support Undergraduate Students (CECS)
  Increasing Graduation Rates through Effective Academic Advisement and Facilitated Study Sessions (CSM)
  CSUN Student Mentors for High School Robotics Program (CECS)
Q18. Expand Library collection Supporting the Library's Collection
  Videotape Replacement
Q10. Create seating areas interior to buildings Corridor and Hallway Refurbishing – 2nd Floor Sierra Hall
  College Student Facilities Enhancement Project (AMC)
Q7. Additional Study Space in the Library Course Reserve Study Space and Periodicals Lounge (Library)
Q20. Funding for course related material Flip Cameras for the Classroom (Theater)
  Psychology Curricular Infrastructure
  Music Reading Sessions and Recording of Student Compositions
  CSUN Chamber Opera
  Music Artist Residencies
  Safety Equipment for Aquatic Center
  Captioning Equipment for Deaf and hard of Hearing Student Access
Q27. Access to psychological & MH services Enhancing Mental Health Services
Q16. Upgrade portal to web 2.0 Student myNorthridge Portal Enhancement
Q9. Outdoor gathering places Matador Spirit Plaza
  USU North Quad Student Gathering Place
  Cleary Courtyard
Q29. Career on-line resources/ inventories Strengths Identification & Deployment Lessons
  Discovery! Program
  Career/Academic Planning for Deaf Students
Q26. Reduce admission for music/theater dept events Plaza del Sol Ticket Pilot Project
  Free Music Department Sponsored Concerts for All CSUN Students
Q22. Student participation in sustainability projects Sustainability Initiatives
  Renewable Energy Projects-Chats HS Small Learning Community
Q24. Service Learning & Civic Engagement Data Base Community Engagement Database
Q23. Clubs and Orgs communication portal Clubs and Organizations Technology: Org Sync
Q31. Promote diversity in and access to health care Value Added and Validated: Sustaining SHP-PEP
Q36. Community College student transition College Ambassadors for Transfer Students
  Transitioning the CSUN (Matadors) Way!
  GE Honors Outreach Team
Q35. Transfer student success strategies Smoothing Transfer Transition through Gateway Courses
  USB Memory Stick for FTF and FTT
  Student Life Flash Drive
Q2. Training for staff mentors Staff mentor Training Project: College Student Service Centers/EOP
Q17. Online tutorials for technology Online Self Help Resources
Q8. Refurbish group study rooms in Library Student Group Study Room Refurbishment
Q25. Innovative marketing Student Outreach (Career Center)
Q4. Major Fair Majors Fair
Q40. On line calculus resource center Online Calculus Resources for Students and Faculty
Q1. Employ additional peer advisors Peer Advisors (AMC)
  Peer Undergraduate Advisors (Anthropology)
Q 3. Live chat for real-time advisement Ask Matty Chatrooms
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