Campus Quality Fee Allocation Student Preference Survey Exhibit C

Fee Allocation & Accountability Process

November 7, 2008

Exhibit C

The chart below links together the Campus Quality Fee funding proposals with the funding options that were presented on the preference survey. Not all listed associated proposals were funded; a list of funded proposals is provided under the 2008-2009 Allocations tab.

The preference survey asked students to indicate in priority order the manner in which they thought the funds should be spent. The funding options were developed from the proposals rather than asking student to evaluate each proposal. The number in front of each funding options reflects the students' rank order of priority.

The section headings, e.g., Technology & Technological Applications, were also derived from the proposals. They are primarily ways of organizing the proposals. The preference survey did, however, ask students to rank order the categories based on the relative importance of the category in terms of improving the quality of their campus experience. The sections appear in the order of importance to the students.

Campus Quality Fee Allocation Priorities and Proposals

Fall 2008

Technology & Technological Applications Funding Options Associated Proposal Expenditure Items OneTime Expenditures Permanent Expenditures
1 Expand Access to open computer labs USU Lab Expansion Computers $89,091.00  
      Printers/Scanners $19,177.00  
      Equp & Software $41,550.00  
      Furniture $44,954.00  
      Renovation $62,000.00  
      Relocation    $1,950.00  
      Misc    $3,450.00  
    Update Library Computers Computers $130,000.00  
      Laptops   $24,000.00  
2 Upgrade & Expand Wireless External & Non-State Upgrade $146,170.00 $7,310.00
    External & Non-State Expand $138,000.00 $6,900.00
    State Owned Only Upgrade $140,900.00 $8,700.00
3 Help Desk Hours Various Staffing   $20,000.00 - $80,000.00
4 Interactive Campus Map   Development $15,000.00  
5 iCSUN   Various   $35,000.00
Academic Support Service Funding Options Associated Proposal Expenditure Items OneTime Expenditures Permanent Expenditures
1 Increase Avaibility of Peer Tutors, Mentors & Advisors Athlete Academic Enhacement(supplements NCAA Grant) Mentors  $3,000.00  
      Tutors  $7,500.00  
      Instructors     $600.00  
      Speakers     $800.00  
    Academic Tutors Various Locations $25,500.00  
    Peer Advisiors Various Locations $35,900.00  
    Res. Hall Acad Mentors Mentors $36,000.00  
      O & E   $4,000.00  
    ARC Peer Advisor Mentor Training   $2,100.00  
2 Upgrade existing Academic Department Labs & Lab Resources Psychology Various   $49,720.00
      Faculty Retreat $5,000.00  
    Rec & Tourism Castaic Lake Courses   $9,100.00
    Biological Sciences Field Instruction   $115,000.00
      Travel & Living Exp   $20,000.00
    Business Various   $73,120.00
3 Academic Skill Development & Programs and Activities Darwin week Various $44,700.00  
    Athlete Life Skills Various $13,400.00  
    EOP Major Fair Various   $6,000.00  
    ARC Explore Workshop Laptops   $6,000.00  
      Materials   $2,800.00  
    ARC Discovery! Program Career Assess   $1,400.00  
      Laptop & Projector   $1,600.00  
      Materials   $1,500.00  
4 Supplemental Instruction Various TA's $28,000.00  
Library Enhancement Funding Options Associated Proposal Expenditure Items OneTime Expenditures Permanent Expenditures
1 Student Lounge   Long Chairs $14,400.00  
      Tables   $3,000.00  
      End Tables   $3,600.00  
      Chairs $14,400.00  
      Shelving  $6,000.00  
2 E-books & research   Technology $25,000.00  
3 Final Exams 24 hour access   Student Wages $11,760.00  
      Supervisior Overtime   $5,500.00  
Service Enhancements Funding Options Associated Proposal Expenditure Items OneTime Expenditures Permanent Expenditures
1 Incease the Quality of Free Printing   Paper Unknown  
2 Improve Advisement Center's Access Services, Communication trough Tech. Advisior Trac Software $3,885.00  
    Equipment Server $3,400.00  
    Support Fee Annual   $699.00
3 Expand Access to Career & Employment Services Symplicity License fees   $21,500.00
4 Customer Service Specialist   Personnel   $74,000.00
Miscellaneous Funding Options Associated Proposal Expenditure Items OneTime Expenditures Permanent Expenditures
1 HHD Exploring Career Oppt   Peer Mentors   $14,400.00
      GAs   $10,00.00
      Supplies & Material   $3,000.00
      Field Trips   $2,000.00
2 GE Honors   Std Recruiters $6,000.00  
3 Retention Think Tanks     $23,000.00  
4 Retention Project Competition       $20,000.00
5 Social Networking   Development $50,000.00  
6 CSUN Exchange   Development $50,000.00  
7 Cross-Cultural Center   Personnel   $80,000.00
      Space Rental   $17,200.00
      O&E   $31,000.00
      Start-Up $51,000.00  
8 iPhone   Software Development $70,000.00  
      iPhone $145,000.00 - $1,245,000.00  

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