2020-21 Funded Campus Quality Fee Proposals

2020-21 Funded Campus Quality Fee Proposals
Title Student Svcs Technology
Access to Tutors and mentors to improve academic course performance and skills such as writing, research, accounting and math
Student Success Through Peer Coaching $65,579  
Co-Curricular Support for Student Success in Business and Economics Courses $207,488  
IS 212 Tutoring $6,240  
Peer Student Report Editor $17,640  
Facilitated Academic Workshops $49,392  
Family and Consumer Sciences Peer Learning Community $43,241  
Peer Learning Facilitators for Kinesiology Exercise Physiology Courses $73,656  
Philosophy Tutoring Program $23,712  
Thinking Ahead: Strengthening Literacy among First Generation, Low Income and Underrepresented Students $66,170  
CSBS Statistics, Methods and Writing Tutoring Center $25,230  
College of Science and Math SSC - EOP Tutoring Services $19,600  
Power to Advance to Succeed in Mathematics $119,000  
Science-Specific Peer-Learning Facilitators and Tutoring $210,808  
Access to mentoring and advising to support personal, financial, and academic success.
The Matador Advising Hub Peer Mentoring Program $68,865  
Promoting Student Success for First Generation College Students $40,950  
Peer Mentors for ECS Student Services Center $30,650  
Peer Financial Mentoring program $29,592  
The Asian American Studies Pathways Project: Sustaining Culturally Responsive Student Support for AAPI Students at CSUN $46,134  
Revolutionary Scholars: Formerly Incarcerated Students and Systems Impacted Students $40,500  
myMatador Scholarships Portal Centralization Project   $23,814
African American - Black Student Success Initiative $49,540  
The DREAM Center: Providing Innovative Support Services for the Changing Needs of Students Impacted by Undocumented Immigration $218,436  
Student Health Professionals Pre-Entry Program (SHP-PEP) $10,260  
Center for Achievement in Psychological Science $32,900  
Minority Male Mentoring Program M3 $22,400  
Black House Cultural and Academic Enrichment Center $57,840  
Supervised access to academic lab spaces to provide safe use of equipment, tech support, and/or extended lab hours
Graduate & Undergraduate ISA Staffing for Instructional Labs in the Department of Art $42,016  
MCCAMC Student Tutors - Resource Supervisors $53,550  
MCCAMC Student Technology Assistants - Tutors $53,550  
Technology Support for Music Composition Recitals and Workshops $7,125  
CECS Peer Lab Assistants and Extended Lab Hours $59,090  
Peer Students Assisting Students $16,416  
Support for Trained Laboratory Assistants to Increase Lab Accessibility for Engineering Students $26,964  
Humanities Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Lab $33,700  
Computer Resources for Support of On-campus, Online and Hybrid Activities in the College of Science and Mathematics $50,100  
Access to updated library resources, including: course textbooks on reserve, Creative Media Studio equipment and software refresh, mobile hot-spot lending and extended hours.
Library Creative Media Studio Hardware and Software Refresh   $28,450
Library Creative Media Studio iMac Refresh $36,000  
Library Group Study Rooms Technology Enhancement $10,000  
Reserve Textbook Project $27,000  
Library Scanning Refresh and Expansion   $27,582
Library Technology Services Mobile Hot Spot Lending and Expansion   $4,600
Oviatt Library Extended Hours During Finals $19,410  
Access to guidance, preparation for and development of career opportunities.
Informational Workshops for Student Success $7,670  
Teaching Opportunity Workshops $5,950  
IT Portfolium Student Ambassadors Extension $67,500  
Career Connect $37,827  
Access to personal counseling services, as well as nutrition and sustainability education and support.
Growing Good Food for All: Planting Seeds to Meet Basic Needs $19,970  
Campus Based Prevention - ProjectDate and Mencare $40,984  
Fueling Matadors! $32,936  
The SMART Wellness Garden & Products $27,315  
Student Nutrition and Cooking Knowledge (SNACK) on Campus $33,700  
Peers 2 Peers Coordination $59,856  
Enhancing Mental Health $115,830  
HEAL Project $76,956  
Access to MyCSUN software and Adobe Creative Cloud, Lecture Capture and LinkedIn.
Adobe Creative Cloud   $127,223
Access to information about campus resources, services, events, news and information through print and electronic mediums.
Access and innovation in practical news production $78,200  
Valley View News Executive Producer $5,472  
Student Communication $37,575  
Support for IT mobile applications, chat and chatbot support and enhanced information security.
IT Chat Support Extension $54,332  
IT Multi-Factor Authentication for Students Extension   $41,319
IT Student Mobile App and Portal Enhancements Extension   $234,656
IT University Chatbot Platform Extension   $42,504
Creating - renovating student gathering areas.
Risers for College of Education Student Events: Visibility of Presenters and Interpreters $3,328  
Support for instructional activities including equipment and software purchase.
COMSOL Multi-physics software for Mechanical Engineering students   $8,763
MATLAB for Students to Use on Personal Machines and Access to Online Training   $44,000
Marriage and Family Therapy HIPAA-Compliant Recording Equipment   $4,648
Technology Support for Music Composition Recitals and Workshops $7,516  
Student Support: American Sign Language Skills Cloud-Based Video Feedback Platform   $17,995
iPad Minis for Credential Classes   $13,616
Teacher Candidate Success Workshops $11,200  
Virtual Reality Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education   $38,000
Chemical Structure Drawing Across The Curriculum: ChemDraw And PyMol Software Acquisition   $21,965
Improving Lactation Accommodations - a Mamava Lactation Pod $38,695  
Soraya SPACE $21,400  
HIP (Housing Instability Project) Case Management Partnership $18,000  
  $2,812,956 $679,135

Total funded proposals: $3,492,091

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