Campus Quality Fee Funding Proposal 2010-2011 Allocation Process

The purpose of the Campus Quality Fee is to generate funds dedicated to enhancing the quality of students' educational experience at CSU Northridge. The Campus Quality Fee is intended to:

  • Provide funding for the elimination of most course specific fees.
  • Allow the campus to stay current with the changes and advancements in technology.
  • Increase student support services.
  • Elevate campus spirit through athletics.

Annually students, faculty, and staff are invited to make suggestions or submit proposals for ways the Campus Quality Fee can be used to achieve the purpose of the fee. Suggestions and proposals are solicited in the areas of technology and student support services. Technology should be interpreted broadly to mean anything which is predominantly technological in nature or the use of technology to contribute to student success. Student support services should be broadly interpreted to mean anything occurring outside of the classroom that contributes to student success. Student success is defined as improvements in academic performance, retention, time to graduation, rate of graduation as well as development of personal and life skills.

Submission Process:

Please review the Guidelines below. Proposals that are inconsistent with the guidelines will not receive consideration.


December 22, 2009, 12:00pm


  • Proposals must provide a direct benefit to students.
  • Proposals with broad scope of impact are preferred.
  • Proposals with sustained or sustainable impact are preferred.
  • Funds are primarily intended to provide new opportunities and innovations; however, they may be used to enhance or expand existing programs and services when there is evidence of the success of those programs and services.
  • Proposals which require implementation by someone other than the individual submitting the proposal must have the agreement of the other party prior to submission, e.g. a proposal for facilities modification must include support from the Office of Facilities Planning, Design and Construction.
  • The individual submitting the proposal is responsible for assuring the accuracy of the proposed budget.
  • Funding allocations will generally be made on a one-year basis; allocation renewal will be considered based upon evidence of outcomes and funding availability.
  • Allocations will be available after July 1, 2010 and must be expended before June 30, 2011.
  • Funds will not be allocated to support individual courses, majors, or for costs specific to classroom instruction. Prior consultation with Provost Hellenbrand is strongly advised for all proposals of a curricular nature.
  • Funds will not be allocated to provide faculty release time.
  • Funds may not be used to replace state funding.

Review the 2009-2010 Approved Allocations

Review Process:

Student feedback on the proposals and/or the categories of proposed actions will be solicited in February. Student feedback will be reviewed by the university vice presidents who will consult with the Student Fee Advisory Committee on recommendations to President Koester. Funding decisions will be announced by late April.

Reporting Requirement:

Recipients of Campus Quality Fee funding are required to submit a report to the Student Fee Advisory Committee. The report must detail the use of the funds and the outcomes that were achieved. The SFAC may request additional information and will determine the due date of the report.

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