Student Technology Presentation Request Form

Complete this form to schedule a Student Technology presentation from one of our Student Ambassadors.

Please specify your desired presentation length time (15 minute or 45 minute). After you have submitted the form, we will contact you to confirm a date, based on your preference and our availability. We look forward to hearing from you!

Option 1 - 15 minutes: After incorporating the Student Technology Resource Module into your Canvas course, our student fellows will deliver a 15-minute presentation to guide your students through the resource. They'll additionally provide details about who to reach out to for technical support on campus.

Option 2 – 45 minutes: This 45-minute peer-to-peer led presentations will introduce your students to the many technology resources on campus covering topics such as:

  • User ID’s, Emails, Passwords, Duo (the required multi-factor authentication)
  • Setting up access to CSUN wifi network
  • File organization and storage with Google Drive
  • Canvas Overview 
  • Getting started with Zoom
  • Information about the many loaner device programs, software available and other campus resources
  • Where to get tech help

Followed by time for Q&A and hands on help.

Student Technology Resource Presentation Form

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