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App Jam 2023

Congratulations to the winners of CSUN App Jam 2023!

First Place: Loui's Team

 Second Place: Emiliano

View Emiliano's Presentation Slides

Third Place: Del Mar

View Del Mar's Presentation Slides


IT in collaboration with the University Library and Associated Students is happy to announce a new student competition – CSUN App Jam 2023. CSUN App Jam 2023 is an exciting event for students to reimagine, redesign, and refresh the CSUN Mobile app.  

This competition provides a platform where students can showcase their skills in design, development, and innovation to win prizes! Participating students will have access to creative resources and will be supported by experts to help them achieve their vision for the future of the CSUN Mobile app.

Competition Instructions

  1. Attend the Kickoff - Presenters from IT, Associated Students, and the Creative Maker Studio in the University Library will be there to help you find the tools you need to make your project the best it can be. 
  2. Plan your Project – CSUN App Jam involves some milestones that will be submitted throughout the competition, and learning resources will be provided by experts from on-campus and the industry. 
  3. Learn and Build - Use the resources in Canvas, and support from the community and experts to bring your design idea to life! If you’re not a programmer, you can absolutely still participate!Apps like PowerPoint andKeynote are often used to create app mockups, meaning you can redesign the app without writing any code. 
  4. Create a deliverable - Participants will submit a digital packet (a slide deck, video, PDF, etc.) in Canvas that defines how the redesign will meet the standards of the competition including a visual element that shows what the app redesign will look like. 
  5. Win!


Monetary prizes will be shared by the team. 

  • 1st place - $1,500 and the opportunity for one semester of employment with the CSUN Information Technology to work with the App Development team to help bring their CSUN App vision to life.

  • 2nd place - $1,000 

  • 3rd place - $500 


  • March 14th – Kickoff Event 1pm to 2pm in Nobbs Auditorium room SQ104. You can also join via Zoom, and be sure to download the CSUN App Jam 2023 Zoom background!
  • March 21st - Registration deadline in Canvas for teams and/or individuals interested in competing by 11:59pm
  • March 29th - App UX/UI Design Workshop, 3:00-4:30pm hosted by the University Library’s Creative Maker Studio (CMS). This workshop is open to all competitors and goes over how to create an App mockup graphic and even add commands to the buttons using Adobe XD. The workshop will be held via Zoom and registration is required. Sign up for the workshop!
  • April 14th – Submissions due in Canvas 
  • April 15th – 25th – Judges review submissions
  • Friday, April 28th – Winners are announced at the Digital Equity Day event 


  • The Creative Maker Studio (CMS) is an exploratory space on the first floor of the University Library where students of any major can have access to hands-on multimedia design and production tools at no extra cost! The CMS provides all currently enrolled CSUN students with access to equipment for video production, computers with Adobe Creative Cloud and other software apps, and more. The CMS also offers workshop and support

  • LinkedIn Learning is an online platform that offers students access to thousands of courses on a wide range of topics. With expert instructors, high-quality video lessons, and interactive exercises, this platform is a great resource to enhance your project. 

Communication Access Services (CAS)

To request Communication Access Services (CAS) such as sign language interpreters or transcribers please contact the NCOD: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services at

First Place Winner - CSUN, Go!

Second Place Winner - ArcFTC Pro

Social Butterflies - CSUN Connect

More Than Students

Studying Streamlined


App-Jam 2021 is the latest in the CSUN student Jam competitions. App-Jam presented student teams with resources and tools to solve real-world challenges pertaining to the year’s challenge: to use a variety of technologies and tools to design, ideate, and demonstrate a custom web or mobile application to improve communication between friends, families, colleagues, and communities. Teams used tools and services to create a solution for communication issues. Students learned about app design concepts and had access to resources to compete against other student teams.

A huge congratulations to the App-Jam 2021 winners!

First Place: Team Give - PartWith

Second Place: Team Abstract - ReKindle

Búme - Búme

Intelectual Bad A's - Tanda

The AI-Jam showcase took place from 2:30 to 4:00 on Monday, April 8th in the Ferman Presentation Room.

Read the CSUN Today Article

Congratulations to all AI-Jam 2019 participants!

This year saw some great competitors, and some really amazing projects! Special congratulations to Chill^N for taking both the Best Artificial Intelligence and Best Solution Concept prizes! Head over to the competition's Portfolium page to view all the teams' videos.

AI Jam 2019 on Portfolium

Compete as a team of 2 - 5 students, using AI and cloud technologies to solve real-world accessibility needs raised by fellow Matadors.

AI-Jam will present teams with real-world physical and digital accessibility needs. You and your team will use AI tools and services to create a solution for any one of the provided needs. Google, Microsoft and Amazon Web Services will provide support and resources regardless of your familiarity with AI. You will learn about AI concepts and have access to resources to compete against other student teams.

Here’s how it works:

  1. RSVP for the March 4th Kickoff event
  2. Join a team and enroll in the Canvas course by March 8th
  3. Pick from one of the accessibility needs
  4. Learn and Build
  5. Create a video by April 3rd
  6. Present at the showcase on April 8th
  7. Win!

Winners will be announced at the showcase, where prizes and awards will be given to two winning teams: one for Best Artificial Intelligence, and one for Best Solution Concept. Winning teams will be granted automatic entry into the I-Corps Summer Accelerator Program, where past AI-Jam winners, such as Meebie, have taken their project to the next level! You can see all participants from AI-Jam 2018 on the AI-Jam 2018 Portfolium page.

Latest Updates

The AI-Jam competition has completed! In this competition, students from all over campus solved a problem using artificial intelligence tools, learned about AI concepts and had access to resources to compete against peers for prizes and awards.


Congratulations to our six AI-Jam winners. Three teams from the Research track and three teams from the Innovation track were selected as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. See the diagram below for more information on the AI-Jam tracks. Thank you to all 12 teams who participated!


1st: KLab's Butterflies -  Artificial intelligence and a robot mimic a child with a behavioral or learning challenge to better teach and train students how to work with real children who may experience similar reactions. View the team's Portfolium entry to learn more.

2nd: AI-Adventurers - An innovative approach to food and healthy eating using artificial intelligence and image recognition to better help us portion control and lead more healthy lifestyles. View the team's Portfolium entry to learn more.

3rd: Helia Nutrition and Health - Increases accuracy of one's food log by using artificial intelligence and image recognition to track an individual's intake to improve health and increase health awareness. View the team's Portfolium entry to learn more.


1st: AI-Amigos - A tool to help students excel their career by using a chatbot on facebook to answer any questions the student may have about the CSUN Career Center. View the team's Portfolium entry to learn more.

2nd: Deaf Connect - Using machine learning and natural language processing, this artificial intelligence project helps the deaf community to have more resources such as speech to text translation. View the team's Portfolium entry to learn more. 

3rd: AI-Caramba - This artificial intelligence project uses natural language processing to recognize voice commands through Alexa to help students find information about the career center in a more intuitive and friendly manner. View the team's Portfolium entry to learn more.

How AI-Jam Works

Students entered as teams and selected from one of two tracks: Innovation or Research.
Open an accessible PDF version of the image below (PDF).

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CSUN Information Technology

Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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(818) 677-3443

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(818) 677-1400

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(818) 677-5898

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