César Chávez Holiday Closure

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Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

Workers' Compensation

When an employee is hurt on the job

Report any workplace injury or illness to your supervisor immediately.  View the Injury and Illness Reporting Process flowchart.

Employee Injury or Illness Reporting Process.pdf

If the injury or illness developed gradually (like tendonitis or hearing loss), reporting it as soon as possible upon learning it may have been caused by work is essential. Reporting promptly helps prevent problems and delays in receiving benefits, including medical care to avoid further injury. 

How to Report an Injury

  • Emergencies: call 911 from a campus phone or (818) 677-2111 from a cell phone.
  • First Aid only: you may seek care at the CSUN Klotz Student Health Center:  Examples of first aid include minor injuries, illnesses, cuts, scrapes, scratches.
  • Treatment beyond first aid:

Kaiser On The Job (KOJ) has locations available to ALL Employees:

Woodland Hills Medical Center Panorama City Medical Center Lancaster Medical Offices
5601 De Soto Ave. 13652 Cantara St 43112 N. 15th St. West
Northside MOB, Entrance #10, 1st floor North 2 Bldg, 1st floor, room 156 West Building
Woodland Hills, CA 91376 Panorama City, CA 91402 Lancaster, CA 93534
Business Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Business Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Business Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
After Hours Only: Urgent or Emergency Care After Hours Only: Urgent or Emergency Care  
818.719.3006 818.375.2233 661.726.2262

All after hour injuries should be treated at Kaiser On The Job in Woodland Hills or Panorama City location.

There are more locations of both Kaiser On The Job that may be utilized. 

As a reminder regarding transportation to/from clinics:

  • True emergency – Dial 911 – Ambulance to transport to nearest hospital,
  • Injured Employee drives their own car to clinic,
  • Injured employee w/out car may take taxi, UBER, Lyft etc.  Keep receipt and Sedgwick will reimburse,
  • ONLY as a last resort – An MPP may drive injured worker to clinic

(If you already have a Personal Physician Designation form, on file in Human Resources, you may seek treatment with that doctor.)

You Must Complete the Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation form.

Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Form

The supervisor will provide this form within one working day of learning about the injury or illness. This is required to request workers' compensation benefits. Fill out and sign the employee portion of the claim form. Describe the injury completely. Include every part of the body affected by the injury. Give the form to your supervisor to complete the employer portion. Forward the completed form to the CSUN Workers’ Compensation Specialist, Karyn Coté. You have now "filed" a claim. 

The cause of your injury or illness needs to be determined by a thorough investigation by your supervisor and Environmental Health and Safety. The purpose of this investigation is to identify and locate accident causes and not to place blame. Accident investigation can uncover hazardous equipment or materials and helps the supervisor make engineering or work practices changes.

You are expected to keep all medical and therapy appointments or promptly notify the medical facility and supervisor and/or the Workers’ Compensation Specialist of schedule changes. After treatment by a doctor, clinic or hospital, you should provide the medical work status slip to your immediate supervisor or the Workers’ Compensation Specialist. During convalescence, you may be asked to respond to inquiries from the supervisor, the Workers’ Compensation Specialist or Claims Administration. You should maintain accurate records of visits to medical facilities and time away from the job to assist with wage adjustments. You are expected to provide medical status reports periodically or when requested by the supervisor, the Workers’ Compensation Specialist or the claims administrator.

When you are released to return to work

If you are released by the physician to return to your regular duties, without limitations, you must obtain from the physician a written release to return to full duty. You must fax or email a copy to the Workers’ Compensation Specialist & your supervisor in advance of your return to work. It is your responsibility to provide the release to return to work prior to the date of return.

If the physician releases you to "modified" duty work, your manager and the Workers' Compensation Specialist will review the work restrictions and work with your department to determine if temporary modified work is available as an accommodation. If a temporary transitional plan is feasible, the supervisor and the Workers’ Compensation Specialist will meet with you to go over the temporary plan and to review the work restrictions prescribed by the physician.

Procedures for Supervisors

It is your responsibility to ensure the previous first four steps are completed and provide the Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits to the employee as well as fax or scan the Supervisors Accident/Illness Investigation Form  to both Environmental Health & Safety and the Workers’ Compensation Specialist within 24 hours of the incident. See contact information below.

The supervisor completes the Supervisors Accident/Illness Investigation Form for every reported employee incident or injury/illness occurring on-the job. It should be completed through a one-on-one discussion of the circumstances that caused the accident so that workplace conditions or work practices that contributed to the accident can be corrected. For guidance with completing the form, see the Supervisor's Accident Investigation Guide.

Supervisor's Accident Investigation Guide

For all incidents, the Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits form must be given to the injured employee within 24 hours of the employer's knowledge of the injury/illness, according to state law. The form spells out the benefits an injured employee may be entitled to receive. To meet the time requirement, it may be necessary to mail the form to the injured employee. It is up to the injured employee to complete the form and return it to management for completion, if additional medical treatment is necessary. Additionally, when future medical treatment is necessary, this form must be provided to the Workers’ Compensation Specialist along with the Accident Investigation Report within 24 hours of incident.

This is the note from the treating doctor, clinic or hospital reporting on the injured employee's medical condition, required treatment and return to work status. The university requires a release from the treating doctor whenever an injured employee returns to work following an injury. Copies of the work status slip are supposed to be sent to the supervisor and the Workers’ Compensation Specialist to verify time off for an injury on the job.


Environmental Health & Safety
Phone: (818) 677-2401
Fax:  (818) 677-5853
Email:  EHS@csun.com

Susan Neville,  Sedgwick Claims Examiner
Phone: (916) 771-2953
Fax: (919) 851-8089

Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

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