CSU Military Family Leave
On January 28, 2008, President Bush signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 (NDAA), Public Law 110-181. Section 585(a) of the NDAA. This law expands the Family Medical Leave (FML) Act to provide eligible employees working for covered employers two important new leave rights related to military service.
Leave for Care of a Wounded Family Member:
An eligible employee who is the spouse, registered domestic partner, son, daughter, parent or next of kin of a covered service member with a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty while on active duty in the Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard of the United States. If the employee qualifies for and takes such leave, the employee is required to provide the campus with a medical certification issued by the health care provider of the service member.
Leave Related to "Qualifying Emergency" Arising from Active Duty or Call to Duty:
An eligible employee also may take up to 12 weeks of FML in a 12 month period to deal with any "qualifying emergency", as defined by the United States Secretary of Labor. This circumstance may arise from a spouse's, registered domestic partner's, son's, daughter's or parent's active duty, or from an impending call to active duty status in the United States Armed Forces, in support of a contingency operation. The 12 weeks is reduced by leave for any other qualifying FML event during the 12-month period.
If you have questions, please contact your appropriate Leave of Absence Specialist. Eligibility will be established on a case-by-case basis.