César Chávez Holiday Closure

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Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

Non-Industrial Disability Insurance (NDI)

The CSU funds a wage continuation program, Non-industrial Disability Insurance (NDI), in lieu of State Disability Insurance (SDI) for eligible employees that have suffered loss of wages due to a disability or injury that is non-work related. Both plans are administered by the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD).

Note: CSU employees do not pay into EDD State Disability Insurance (SDI) or Paid Family Leave (PFL); therefore, employees are not eligible for SDI or PFL through their CSU employment. An employee may be eligible for SDI or PFL through a prior employer if separated from prior employer for less than 18 months. Employee would apply to EDD directly for SDI or PFL benefits if eligible through prior employer. CSU employees are not enrolled in the Annual Leave Program (ALP); therefore, employees are not eligible for Non-Industrial Insurance Family Care Leave (NDI-FCL).

A CSU employee who suffers a disability or injury which is deemed non-work related, may receive NDI benefits if all of the following four conditions are met.  

The employee must be: 

  1. An active CalPERS/STRS member in compensated employment, and

  2. A permanent or probationary full-time CSU employee, regardless of period of service, in compensated employment; or a permanent part-time or hourly CSU employee who has permanent status with at least the equivalent of six (6) monthly compensated pay periods of service in the 18 months of pay periods immediately preceding the pay period in which the disability begins. To qualify for the "six (6) monthly compensated pay periods of service in the 18 months of pay periods" the employee must have been compensated for time worked during at least six (6) of the 18 months prior to the pay period in which the disability begins. The amount paid may be as little as one hour each month for six (6) months, but there must have been some compensation, or an employee of the CSU appointed half time or more for one year of service or one academic year or more, or is an employee of the CSU appointed half time or more for one year of service or one academic year or more, and

  3. Has a disability which has been verified and accepted by the Employment Development Department (EDD), and

  4. Submits to a medical examination if requested by EDD

Sick Leave

  • An employee must use all accrued sick leave credits before any NDI benefits may be paid. On the final day of sick leave, if the number of hours charged is four or less, the employee is eligible for NDI benefits for that date. If the number of hours charged is five or more hours, NDI benefits commence on the following date.

Vacation & Compensatory Time Off (CTO)

  • Use of accrued vacation and/or CTO credits during a disability is optional with the employee. However, if the employee elects to use accrued vacation/CTO credits, all the accrued vacation/CTO credits must be used before NDI benefits will be paid. If an employee elects not to use accrued vacation/CTO credits, then the accrued time may not be used until the employee returns to active employment (i.e., back on the job physically performing his/her regular or customary duties at the time base the employee held prior to the disabling injury or illness) for a minimum of one full workday.

NDI pays a weekly amount for a maximum of 26 weeks to eligible employees who are unable to work because of a non-work-related disability (including maternity), and who have exhausted their sick leave and met the 7-day waiting period. The waiting period is waived in the event of hospitalization.

Employee Category Weekly NDI Benefit
Unit 1
Unit 2, 5, 7, & 9
Unit 4
Unit 6
Unit 3
Unit 8
Unit 11

The employee’s CalPERS contributions shall not be deducted from the NDI benefit payment since the employee does not earn service credit while on NDI leave, however, OASDI (Social Security) will be deducted from NDI benefit payments. Please note:  If an employee is on NDI with Catastrophic Leave supplementation, the donated leave portion of the pay is subject to the CalPERS deduction since it is treated as regular pay in the payroll system. 

Voluntary deductions shall continue to be made unless canceled by the employee. 
The employee’s regular contribution to his or her health insurance premiums shall be deducted from his/her NDI benefit payment unless canceled by the employee. 

The CSU shall continue to pay the employer’s contribution for all appropriate insurance premiums as long as the employee continues health insurance coverage.

NDI applications are obtained through Human Resources, Benefits Administration and processed through EDD. Generally, eligibility determinations are mailed to the employee and the campus within 7-10 days after the receipt of the completed application, including physician's statement, by the EDD office.

Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

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