César Chávez Holiday Closure

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Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

Jury Duty

I. Receiving a Summons:

Employees shall notify their supervisor in writing when they receive a notification to serve on any jury, and if they receive a summons to report to court.

II. Reporting for Jury Duty:

  • When asked to call in rather than report to a court, the employee must report to their regular work assignment.

  • If and when the employee is required to appear in person, the employee shall notify his/her supervisor.

III. Absence Reporting:

When reporting attendance after jury service, the employee should provide his/her supervisor with a copy of the Proof of Service from the court. Self-reporters and timekeepers should use "Jury Duty Take" under absence name and report only days of service in court.

IV. Days of Paid Service:

  • The CSU will continue an employee’s salary while on jury duty, regardless of the length of service. Employees who are summoned to jury service must report that their employer will pay for unlimited time on a jury.

  • Depending on the employee’s category, an hourly employee or an employee that works less than full-time is eligible for time off with pay for jury duty for only those hours s/he was scheduled to work.

  • Students, even if employed by the university, are not paid for days served on a jury.

V. Payment for Jury Duty: (State Court)

  • State employees (employees of the CSU but not the auxiliaries) are prohibited from receiving the daily juror stipend from service on a State court.

VI. Payment for Jury Duty: (Federal Court)

  • If serving on a federal court (Grand Jury), the daily jury fee for service must be made payable to the CSU and turned into University Cash Services in order to receive regular pay.

  • Employees may keep travel mileage reimbursement issued from the court. However, the federal government may issue a check for combined service and mileage. If this occurs, the employee has the following options:

  • Endorse the check and turn it into Cash Services (Bayramian Hall). Cash Services will pay you for the mileage reimbursement.

  • Cash the check, then write a check to CSUN for the jury duty payment. Retain only the mileage reimbursement.

  • An employee who retains the jury fee for service on a federal jury will be responsible for covering time away from the office with vacation, CTO, or dock, as applicable.

  • As always, when expecting a payment from Cash Services, please bring your CSUN ID.

Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

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