An absence is considered time away from scheduled work, such as vacation or sick leave. Scheduled absences such as vacation, personal holiday or CTO, are considered authorized absences if it has been previously approved, consistent with the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement and internal office procedure.
An employee shall be responsible for reporting an unscheduled absence and their expected return date to their appropriate administrator as soon as possible each day that they are absent, in compliance with collective bargaining agreements, department and campus policies and/or procedures. An employee who is absent for five consecutive work days without securing authorized absence shall be considered to have automatically resigned from employment with the University as of the last day worked.
It shall be considered unauthorized absence if an employee fails to obtain approval or follow contractual and/or department reporting procedures, for a full or part day absence and/or tardy.
An exempt employee is not charged for an absence of less than a day.
For more information on absences beyond vacation, short-term illness or injury, refer to other leave types available.