César Chávez Holiday Closure

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Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher


Vacation is an accrued benefit which provides paid time off, subject to management approval, for eligible employees. For each qualifying pay period, vacation is earned at a rate applicable to your length of state service.  

Vacation credit may be used after completion of one qualifying pay period of employment and must be taken in units of no less than one hour. Exempt employees must charge vacation leave usage in full-day increments.

I. Accruals:

Full-time employees (exceptions noted below) earn vacation at the following rates based on length of service. Part-time employees earn vacation on a pro-rata basis.

1 month to 3 years 6 2/3 hours per month
37 months to 6 years 10 hours per month
73 months to 10 years 11 1/3 hours per month
121 months to 15 years 12 2/3 hours per month
181 months to 20 years 14 hours per month
241 months to 25 years 15 1/3 hours per month
301 months and over 16 hours per month

Full-time employees in the Management Personnel Plan (MPP), Confidential employees, and full-time faculty positions holding 12-month appointments accrue 16 hours of vacation per month.

NOTE: Teaching faculty and other employees with academic year appointments do not accrue vacation.

II. Vacation Balances

Employees may check their individual vacation balances in the CSUN portalWithin the portal, select HR > Time & Attendance > View Absence Balances.

After one (1) full year of employment a faculty unit employee who accrues vacation (12-month appointments) shall take at least forty (40) hours of vacation each calendar year. Any part of the forty (40) hours not taken during the calendar year shall be forfeited by January of the subsequent year.

III. Maximum Vacation Allowances:

CSUN employees are encouraged to take advantage of their available vacation days every year. Based on the employee unit, employees are allowed to accumulate up to a maximum number of hours at the end of each calendar year, according to the table below. Accumulation in excess of this amount as of January 1st of each year shall be forfeited by the employee.

If your calculations indicate that you are getting close to losing some of your vacation hours because you will go over the cap, you may want to consider taking some vacation hours, even if you plan a quiet week away from work.

Click the expand key (+) for your Unit to view the Maximum Vacation Allowance as of January 1st each year:

In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to
R01 (Physicians) Up to 120 months (10 years or less) Varies with length of service 272
R08 (Police Services) 121 or more months (more than 10 years) Varies with length of service 384


In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to
R02 (Health Care & Support) Up to 120 months (10 years or less) Varies with length of service 320
R05 (Operations & Support Services) Up to 120 months (10 years or less) Varies with length of service 320
R07 (Clerical & Administrative Support Services) 121 or more months (more than 10 years) Varies with length of service 440
R09 (Technical & Support Services) 121 or more months (more than 10 years) Varies with length of service 440

In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to

R03 (Academic Support)

Up to 120 months (10 years or less)

16 hours per month


R03 (Academic Support)

121 or more months (more than 10 years)

16 hours per month


*After one (1) full year of employment, a faculty unit employee who accrues vacation (12-month appointments) shall take at least forty (40) hours of vacation each calendar year. Any part of the forty (40) hours not taken during the calendar year shall be forfeited by January of the subsequent year.

NOTE: Academic year appointments do not accrue vacation.

In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to

R04 (Academic Support)

Up to 120 months (10 years or less)

Varies with length of service


R04 (Academic Support)

121 or more months (more than 10 years)

Varies with length of service


In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to
R06 (Skilled Crafts) Up to 120 months (10 years or less) Varies with length of service 320
R06 (Skilled Crafts) 121 or more months (more than 10 years) Varies with length of service 440

In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to

M80(Management Personnel Plan - MPP)

Up to 120 months (10 years or less)

16 hours per month


M80(Management Personnel Plan - MPP)

121 or more months (more than 10 years)

16 hours per month


In Unit(s): With these years of service And have accrued this many hours Your maximum vacation hours  (as of January 1st each year) are limited to

C99 (Confidential)

Up to 120 months (10 years or less)

16 hours per month


C99 (Confidential)

121 or more months (more than 10 years)

16 hours per month



Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

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