CalPERS Military Service Credit Notification
Senate Bill (SB) 294 became effective January 1, 2017, and will amend Government Code (G.C.) sections 20997, 21024, and 21029 of the Public Employees Retirement Law (PERL).
G.C. section 21024, Public Service-Military Service-Local Member, and section 21029, Public ServiceMilitary Service-State or School Member, provide for a member to purchase service credit for past active duty military service, served prior to establishing CalPERS membership.
Newly hired employees who become CalPERS members have the right to purchase past active duty military service credit with CalPERS. CalPERS will determine the member’s eligibility upon receiving the completed Military Service Credit Request Form.
For more information contact CalPERS at (888) 225-7377 or view the CalPERS member publication which contains valuable information for members:
A Guide to Your CalPers Military Service Credit Options (Publication 15)
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