César Chávez Holiday Closure

Contact Us

Benefits Analysts

Last Names A-H
Monica Baskerville

Last Names I-Mb
Art Travis

Last Names Mc-Z
Cathy Salazar

Health Care Plans

Medical Benefits Plans Dental Benefit Plans Vision Benefits Plan

As an employee of the California State University (CSU), you have a comprehensive program of benefits available to you and, in many instances, your family. Your benefit package includes medical, dental, vision, as well as flexible spending accounts, time off benefits, retirement plans and additional CSU benefits. For an online view of your CSU value-added benefits beyond salary, use the CSU Total Compensation Calculator Tool.

To be eligible, you must be employed half time or more in an appointment that exceeds six months and one day. Temporary faculty (AY Classification) must have 6.0 units or more for at least one semester, including the current semester. If you do not meet the standard benefits eligibility but are hired at least at a .75 timebase, you are eligible to enroll in health (medical only), regardless of appointment duration.

Your benefits begin the first of the month following your date of hire, as long as the Benefits office receives your enrollment documents by the end of the month that you were hired. You have 60 calendar days from your appointment date to request enrollment. 

Example: Your date of hire was on September 2nd; if Benefits received your enrollment documents by September 30th, your enrollment in medical, dental, and vision plans is effective October 1st. You may enroll in benefits prior to attending the New Employee Orientation.  Note for Faculty: Faculty starting in the Fall are eligible for benefit coverage effective October 1. Faculty starting in the Spring are eligible for benefit coverage effective March 1. Please complete your enrollment documents within 60 days of your hire date. 

If you miss the 60 day enrollment period your next opportunity to enroll is available under Special Enrollment or Late Enrollment.

The following two documents should help answer any questions you may have.  However, if after reviewing your options, you still have additional questions, please feel free to contact our office.

Contact Us

Benefits Analysts

Last Names A-H
Monica Baskerville

Last Names I-Mb
Art Travis

Last Names Mc-Z
Cathy Salazar

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