César Chávez Holiday Closure

Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

How to Request a Leave of Absence

If you are a Faculty or Staff member requesting a Leave of Absence:

1. Contact your appropriate Leave of Absence Specialist. At that time, they will provide you with all necessary forms.

2. Discuss your request with your supervisor/manager, or department chair.

If you are Faculty requesting a Parental Leave of Absence:

1. Your first step is to contact Yesenia Estrada, Academic Personnel Analyst in Faculty Affairs, yesenia.estrada@ csun.edu, or (818) 677-4953.

2. After meeting with Faculty Affairs, you will be directed to  your Leave of Absence Specialist for further consultation.

If you have employer paid (bargaining unit R01, R03, R04, C99 or MPP) or elected voluntary Long Term Disability Insurance through The Standard. You may contact them directly about this benefit at https://sites.standard.com/mybenefits/csu/ltd.html or 1-800-378-5745.

Note: Staff on Alternate or Compressed Work Schedule:

While on a leave of absence an employee on an alternate or compressed work schedule, excluding Unit 8 employees, will be placed on a 5/8 work schedule consisting of Monday through Friday. This action is for administrative purposes to ensure consistency in the Leave of Absence process. If an employee’s leave of absence begins on Tuesday - Friday, the change from the alternate or compressed work schedule to the 5/8 work schedule will begin the following Monday. Upon returning to work, if the return to work day occurs Tuesday – Friday, the employee will be returned to their alternate or compressed work schedule the following Sunday.

While you are on a Leave of Absence:

  • Human Resources and Payroll will determine your pay credit usage and make all reporting entries up through your return to work.
  • Stay in touch with your Leave of Absence Specialist, providing all updates and medical documentation supporting extensions and return to work releases PRIOR to returning.  The release must indicate if there are any restrictions to your return and the duration for the restrictions to be in place.
  • Stay in touch with your department during your leave. Communicate any leave changes (reduced or extended leave), and let them know when you expect to return to work.

Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

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