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Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

Parental Leave

Parental leave is a paid leave associated with the birth of an employee's own child or the placement of a child with the employee in connection with adoption or foster care. This type of absence is not charged against the employee's leave credits, and the amount of paid days received is based on the employee's bargaining agreement. Parental Leave pay may run concurrently with any other related leaves for which the employee is eligible.

For questions, please contact your appropriate Leave of Absence Specialist.

The chart below is a reference that can be used to determine the amount of Parental Leave pay an employee is eligible for under this program. The MOU or policy is referred to for actual language and determination. * Denotes the benefit applies to Foster Care.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences with the arrival of the employee's new child, and the days run consecutively.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Up to 30 workdays in a twelve (12) month period.  Commences within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child, up to his/her sixth (6th) birthday due to birth, adoption, or foster care assignment of the child with the employee. Days are taken consecutively, unless mutually agreed otherwise by employee and appropriate administrator.

Five (5) days of non-consecutive paid time shall be available upon approval of the appropriate administrator for the purpose of handling issues related to the placement with the employee of an adopted or foster child, who is six (6) to eighteen (18) years of age.

The days must be taken within one (1) year from the date of the placement of a child with an employee and shall only be taken in full day increments.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences within a one hundred and thirty-five (135) day period, which begins sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated arrival date of the new child, and ends seventy-five (75) days after the arrival of a new child.  Charged only for academic days in such period of time.  Days are normally taken consecutively, unless mutually agreed otherwise by employee and appropriate administrator.

For further information regarding Intermittent Leave, Leave Sharing and Workload Reduction, please see Section B of the Faculty Affairs Application for Paid Parental Leave.

Application For Paid Parental Leave (Faculty).pdf

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences within 60 days after the arrival of each new child. Days run consecutively and in full-day increments, unless mutually agreed otherwise by the employee and the appropriate administrator.

Limited to a maximum of 30 workdays with pay per calendar year if leave is for placement of one or more foster children with the employee or with the employee's spouse or domestic partner.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences within 60 days of the arrival of a new infant or adopted child up to age five (5), and days run consecutively. Scheduling of leave may be modified by mutual agreement.

Number of Eligible Paid Hours:  240

Timeframe Guidelines:  Up to 240 hours which commences within sixty (60) which commences within  sixty (60) days after the arrival of the new child. The days run consecutively.

This benefit is provided for the birth of the employee’s child or placement of one or more children with the employee for the purpose of adoption of foster care. The 240 hours is per calendar year.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  None

Timeframe Guidelines:  Not available to employees within this employee category

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences within 60 days of the arrival of the new child, and days run consecutively. Leave may only be taken in daily increments.

Upon mutual agreement and on an exception basis, the scheduling of the leave  may be modified to meet the operational needs of the campus.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences within 60 days of the arrival of the new child, and days run consecutively.

Upon  mutual agreement and on an exception basis, the scheduling of the leave  may be modified to meet the operational needs of the campus.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 Days

Timeframe Guidelines:  Commences within 60 days of the arrival of the new child, and days run consecutively.

Number of Eligible Paid Days:  None

Timeframe Guidelines: Not available to employees within this employee category.

Contact Us

Leave of Absence & Workers' Compensation Specialists

Last Names A-L
Debbie Stewart

Last Names M-Z
Joyce Dacher

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