Experts Directory: Urban Issues

Alejandra Acuña

Department of Social Work

work: (818) 677-7798
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Urban youth and families
  • Traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Resilience
  • Mental health in schools
  • School social work
  • Family communication
  • Family engagement in children’s mental health
  • Evidence-based mental health practices
  • Cognitive behavioral intervention for trauma in schools
  • Parenting and family therapy
  • Solution-focused brief therapy
  • Child welfare
  • Program evaluation
  • Cultural/traditional mental health practices
  • Social marketing campaigns for mental health


Peter Bellin

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
work: (818) 677-4719

  • Industrial hygiene
  • Safety
  • Indoor air quality
  • Toxic chemicals
  • Hazardous waste management


Kenya Covington

Department of Urban Studies and Planning
work: (818) 677-6463

  • Urban and social policy (geared at addressing poverty)
  • Child care supply/geography
  • Welfare reform
  • Geography of opportunity
  • Coping with poverty

Learn more about Kenya Covington's work:


Ronald A. Davidson

Department of Geography
work: (818) 677-3513

  • Public space
  • California coast
  • Metropolitan Los Angeles
  • Geography education
  • Humanistic geography


Priya M. Ganguli

Department of Geological Sciences
work: (818) 677-4669

  • Mercury cycling in the environment
  • Mining impacts
  • Environmental remediation/restoration
  • Groundwater-surface water interaction
  • Contaminant transport and fate
  • Technical consultant in 2010-2011 to the EPA Klau/Buena Vista Mercury Mine Superfund Site, specifically riparian and reservoir sampling design and remediation strategies
  • From 1999-2006 served as engineering geologist and environmental specialist for the San Francisco Bay Water Board, specifically for environmental remediation for such areas as mine sites, streams, groundwater, wetlands/slough


Steve Graves

Department of Geography
work: (818) 677-3517

  • Popular culture
  • Predatory lending
  • Social justice
  • Landscapes
  • Geography education
  • Author: “Landscapes of Predation, Landscapes of Neglect: An Analysis of Banks and Payday Lenders”

Learn more about Steve Graves's work:


Scott Hauswirth

Department of Geological Sciences
work: (818) 677-4880

  • Groundwater contamination
  • Contaminated site remediation
  • Contaminant fate and transport
  • Hazardous waste
  • Groundwater


Tom Hogen-Esch

Department of Political Science
work: (818) 677-3484

  • Los Angeles politics
  • Urban issues
  • California politics
  • American government


Marta Cristina López-Garza

Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
Department of Chicana/o Studies
work: (818) 677-6488 / 4785
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Economic development
  • Ethnographic field research
  • Formerly incarcerated women
  • Immigration and public policy
  • Race and class studies
  • Urban sociology
  • Women’s/feminist studies
  • Documentary filmmaking from a social science perspective
  • Visual sociology (photography)
  • Member, Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, South Los Angeles
  • Member, Institute for the Renewal of the California Draw
  • Co-author: “Regions That Work: How Cities and Suburbs Can Grow Together”
  • Co-editor: “Asian and Latino Immigrants in a Restructuring Economy: The Metamorphosis of Los Angeles”
  • Documentary: “‘When Will the Punishment End?’ Formerly Incarcerated Women Rebuilding Their Lives”


Antonio F. Machado

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
work: (818) 677-2065

  • Teratology (birth defects)
  • Toxicology
  • Environmental health
  • Genes and development
  • Gene/environmental interactions and chemical interactions in the causation of birth defects


Hillary Miller

Department of Theatre
work: (818) 677-7712

  • Theater and performance power World War II
  • Urban development and the arts
  • Fiscal crises and theater
  • Community-based performance
  • Sociology of culture
  • Theater and culture of the 1970s
  • Dramatic structure and playwriting
  • Author: “Drop Dead: Performance in Crisis, 1970s New York City”


Henrik P. Minassians

Department of Urban Studies & Planning
work: (818) 677-5115
Also speaks: Armenian, Farsi

  • Public policy and public administration
  • County government
  • Local politics
  • Performance management and governance issues related to the public sector
  • Author: Performance Reporting in Higher Education
  • Author: Reporting Higher Education Results: Missing Links in the Performance Chain

Learn more about Henrik P. Minassians' work:


Amalie J. Orme

Department of Geography
work: (818) 677-3864

  • Flooding
  • Weather—storms
  • Landslides
  • Beach erosion
  • Fire
  • Gang prevention
  • Earthquakes and climate change in Owens Valley
  • Learn more about Amalie J. Orme's work:
  • CSUN Geography Students Take to the Sky to Better Study the Ground


Boris E. Ricks

Department of Political Science
work: (818) 677-5133

  • Racial and ethnic politics
  • Political leadership
  • Black politics
  • Urban politics
  • California politics
  • Local politics
  • Black elected officials
  • County government
  • Public policy


Martin Saiz

Department of Political Science
Center for Southern California Studies
work: (818) 677-7236

  • City politics
  • Urban politics
  • State politics
  • California politics
  • Economic development policy
  • Urban planning and development
  • Community organizing
  • Voting and elections
  • Author: “Local Parties in Political and Organizational Perspective”


Victor N. Shaw

Department of Crime and Justice Studies
work: (818) 677-7311
Also speaks: Chinese

  • Drug abuse
  • AIDS
  • Crime
  • Deviancy
  • Criminal justice
  • Social control
  • Organizational behavior
  • Academic careers
  • Teaching research
  • Public policy
  • Economic reform
  • China/Asia issues
  • Social control in China
  • Chinese work units


Kathryn Sorrells

Department of Communication Studies
work: (818) 677-2853

  • Intercultural communication
  • Intercultural conflict
  • Gender, race, class and sexuality
  • Feminism
  • Globalization

Learn more about Kathryn Sorrells' work:


Yifei Sun

Department of Geography
work: (818) 677-3524

  • Geographic information science
  • Quantitative methods
  • Innovation, urban and regional development
  • Innovation and development in China

Learn more about Yifei Sun's work:


Zeynep Toker

Department of Urban Studies and Planning
work: (818) 677-2872
Also speaks: Turkish, German

  • Community participation in urban planning
  • Urban design
  • Feminist approaches in urban planning
  • Qualitative research methods


Ashwani Vasishth

Department of Urban Studies and Planning
work: (818) 677-6137

  • Environmental planning
  • International development
  • Sustainability
  • Regional planning 


Kathleen Young

Department of Health Sciences
work: (818) 677-4725

  • Women's health prevention education
  • Cultural competency in healthcare
  • Health policy
  • Health policy development
  • Community health advocacy
  • Health inequities
  • Comprehensive breast cancer prevention education/screening programming

Learn more about Kathleen Young's work:

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