Experts Directory: Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy

Xochitl Alvizo

Department of Religious Studies
work: (818) 677-2742
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Feminism and religion
  • Congregational studies
  • Religion and social justice
  • Emerging church
  • Co-author: “Women Religion Revolution”


Ahmed Bouguarche

Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures
work: (818) 677-3586
Also speaks: Arabic, French, Spanish

  • French and Francophone studies
  • North African literature in French
  • North African literature, specifically women and alienation
  • Maghrebian literature in French politics
  • Sociology and Islam


Marie Cartier

Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
work: (818) 677-3110

  • Art
  • Gender and women’s studies
  • Queer theory
  • Religion
  • Performance
  • Author: “Baby You Are My Religion–1950’s Butch Femme Bar Culture in the U.S. as Possibly Sacred Community” and “I’m Your Daughter, Not Your Lover”

Learn more about Marie Cartier work:

CSUN Library’s Special Collections Offers Students a Chance to Connect with LGBTQ History


Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens

Department of History
work: (818) 677-3566
Also speaks: Spanish

  • History of Peru
  • History of Guatemala
  • U.S. relations in Central America
  • Religion (Catholicism) in Latin America
  • Indigenous communities


Abel B. Franco

Department of Philosophy
work: (818) 677-7501
Also speaks: French, Spanish

  • History of philosophy
  • History of science
  • Emotions in the 17th century (and comparatively, today)
  • Emotions in art
  • Views of the soul/mind throughout history
  • Theories of perception


Elaine Goodfriend

Department of Religious Studies
work: (818) 677-3392
Also speaks: Hebrew

  • Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
  • Jewish History
  • Jewish law
  • Ancient Mesopotamia


Marc R. Hamer

Department of Psychology
work: (818) 677-2827

  • Psychopathology
  • Psychoanalytical psychology
  • Object relations
  • Personality disorders
  • Attachment theory
  • Jungian psychology
  • Romantic love
  • Spirituality and human behavior
  • The influence of media on human behavior
  • The psychology of politics and political campaigns
  • Personality characteristics and sales performance
  • Author: “Personality Characteristics and Superior Sales Performance” and “Marketing Yourself as a Psychotherapist”


Kenneth Lee

Department of Religious Studies
Jewish Studies Program
work: (818) 677-2357

  • Eastern Asian Religious 
  • Buddhism with a concentration on Japanese Buddhism
  • Korean Christianity 



Lara Medina

Department of Chicana/o Studies 
work: (818) 677-3392
Also speaks:

  • U.S. Latinos and religion
  • Chicano/a religious history
  • Religion and ethnicity
  • Women and religion
  • Liberation theology
  • Popular religious traditions and transformations
  • Dia de los Muertos
  • Chicano/a Catholic healing traditions

Learn more about Lara Medina work:

CSUN Chicana/o Professor Explores the Spiritual Healing of Ancestral Traditions and Knowledge in her New Book


Kristina Meshelski

Department of Philosophy
(818) 677-2752

  • Political philosophy
  • Liberalism
  • Affirmative action
  • Fairness
  • Justice


Robin Muller

Department of Philosophy 
work: (818) 677-3579

  • History of philosophy
  • 20th century European philosophy
  • Phenomenology
  • History and philosophy of linguistics


Jody Myers

Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program
Department of Religious Studies
work: (818) 677-3007 / 3392 / 6762
Also speaks: Hebrew

  • Jewish studies
  • Jewish history
  • Judaism


Clementine Oliver

Department of History
work: (818) 677-7199
Also speaks: French, Latin

  • Medieval Europe
  • Renaissance Europe
  • England in the Middle Ages
  • Political history of Medieval Europe
  • Cultural history of Medieval Europe
  • Religious history of Medieval Europe

Learn more about Clementine Oliver work:

CSUN History Professor Explores Similarities Between COVID-19 and Bubonic Plague


Weimin Sun

Department of Philosophy
work: (818) 677-6461
Also speaks: Chinese

  • Chinese philosophy
  • Chan (Zen) Buddhism
  • Philosophy of science
  • Philosophy of mind


Adam R. Swenson

Department of Philosophy
work: (818) 677-2750

  • Ethics
  • Social/political philosophy
  • Pain medicine
  • Understanding of what pain is and why patients’ judgments about pain are always right in regards to working with medical students
  • Palliative care
  • Drug policy
  • Drug policy
  • Philosophy of criminal law
  • Torture


Rick Talbott

Department of Religious Studies
work: (818) 677-2741

  • Bible
  • Early Christianity
  • Gnosticism
  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • Paul of Tarsus
  • History of religious
  • Intersection of ancient Christian texts with contemporary Christianity
  • Author: “Sacred Sacrifice: Ritual Paradigms in Vedic Religion and Early Christianity”


Nayereh Tohidi

Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
work: (818) 677-7218
Also speaks: Farsi, Persian, Tajik, Turkic

  • Middle Eastern culture
  • Middle Eastern politics
  • Gender and women’s issues in the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucus and Caspian regions, Iran and Azerbaijan Republic
  • Human rights and democracy
  • Islam and Islamist extremism
  • Women, religion and politics
  • Islam and ethnic issues in Iran
  • U.S. policy in Iran and the greater Middle East
  • Co-author: “Globalization, Gender and Religion: The Politics of Women’s Rights in Catholic and Muslim Contexts”
  • Co-editor: “Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity within Unity”
  • Author: “Feminism, Demokrasy ve Islamgarayi dar Iran” (in Persian)

Learn more about Nayereh Tohidi's work:


Jason Wang

Physical Plant Management
work: (818) 677-2325

  • Organizational management and theory
  • High stress service fields
  • Anger management
  • Cults and cult behavior
  • Risk management
  • High risk recreational activities


Veda E. Ward

Department of Recreation and Tourism Management
work: (818) 677-3202
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Parks, recreation and tourism curriculum development, assessment and national accreditation
  • Women, leisure and family—work life balance
  • Community development—new urbanism, facilities, open space, human potential
  • Leisure and spirituality
  • Leisure and aging—nutrition, exercise and personal development
  • Parks and recreation—statewide master plans
  • Recruiting minorities into the parks and recreation profession


Takashi Yagisawa

Department of Philosophy
work: (818) 677-2756 / 2757
Also speaks: Japanese

  • Logic
  • Analytical metaphysics
  • Philosophy of language
  • Metaphysics of fiction
  • Existence
  • Necessity and possibility
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