Experts Directory: History: Middle East

Elaine Goodfriend

Department of Religious Studies
work: (818) 677-3392
Also speaks: Hebrew

  • Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
  • Jewish History
  • Jewish law
  • Ancient Mesopotamia


Rachel T. Howes

Department of History
work: (818) 677-2755
Also speaks: Arabic, French

  • Middle East history — pre-modern and modern
  • Medieval Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Syria
  • Medieval court politics
  • General modern political history


Jody Myers

Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program
Department of Religious Studies
work: (818) 677-3007 / 3392 / 6762
Also speaks: Hebrew

  • Jewish studies
  • Jewish history
  • Judaism

Learn more about Jody Myers:

CSUN Faculty Organize Trips for Students to Explore History in Europe


Nayereh Tohidi

Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
work: (818) 677-7218
Also speaks: Farsi, Persian, Tajik, Turkic

  • Middle Eastern culture
  • Middle Eastern politics
  • Gender and women’s issues in the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucus and Caspian regions, Iran and Azerbaijan Republic
  • Human rights and democracy
  • Islam and Islamist extremism
  • Women, religion and politics
  • Islam and ethnic issues in Iran
  • U.S. policy in Iran and the greater Middle East
  • Co-author: “Globalization, Gender and Religion: The Politics of Women’s Rights in Catholic and Muslim Contexts”
  • Co-editor: “Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity within Unity”
  • Author: “Feminism, Demokrasy ve Islamgarayi dar Iran” (in Persian)

Learn more about Nayereh Tohidi

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