Experts Directory: Education: Arts Education
Katherine Ramos Baker
Department of Music
Graduate Studies in Music
work: (818) 677-3445
Also speaks: Some Spanish
- Choral music
- Music education
- Music education technology
- Teaching strategies
Joyce Burstein
Department of Elementary Education
work: (818) 677-6850
Also speaks: Spanish
- Social studies
- Arts
- Multicultural education
- Teacher education
- Activism in teaching
- Social studies research in elementary schools
Learn more about Joyce Burstein:
Special Education Professors Developing High School Literacy Intervention Program for National Use
John Roscigno
Department of Music
work: (818) 677-6834
- Conducting
- Orchestral music
- General music
- Inter-relation of the arts
- 20th century art history
- Interdisciplinary studies in the arts
Learn more about John Roscigno:
CSUN Student Music Groups Share Stage with World-Renowned Performers
Ron Saito
Department of Art
work: (818) 677-2242
- Technology and art
- The Web and creating art
- Integration of art, technology and education
- Computer simulations in education
Andrew Surmani
Department of Music
Music Industry Studies
work: (818) 677-3176
- Music industry
- Music education
- Business
- Music publishing
- Music products
- Author, "Essentials of Music Theory," "Copyright Handbook for Music Educators and Directors," "Music Playing Cards: Classical Composers," "Music Playing Cards: Instruments" and "Mini Music Guide: Music Theory Essentials"
Learn more about Surmani:
CSUN Music Program Ranked Among the Top 25 by The Hollywood Reporter