Experts Directory: Minorities: Latinas/os

José Luis Benavides

Department of Journalism
work: (818) 677-7242
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Spanish-language media
  • Ethics media
  • Diversity
  • Media in Latin America

Learn more about José Luis Benavides:


Douglas Carranza (Mena)

Department of Central American Studies
work: (818) 677-6487
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Central America
  • Central American politics
  • Central American economies
  • Central American social movements
  • Migration
  • Indigenous issues in Central America
  • Regional politics in Central America

Learn more about Douglas Carranza:


Melisa Galvan

Department of Chicana/o Studies
work: (818) 677-7356
Also speaks: Spanish

  • History of Mexico, especially the 19th century
  • Borderlands history
  • Latin American history
  • History of Contraband
  • Chicano/Latino history
  • Political economy
  • Port studies

Learn more about Melisa Galvan:

New Student Program Aims to Increase Diversity Among Future Humanities College Professors


Peter J. Garcia

Department of Chicana/o Studies
work: (818) 677-3491
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Latin American ethnomusicology
  • Southwest borderlands culture
  • Chicana/o folklore
  • Member of the advisory board of the “Encyclopedia of Latina/o Folklore”
  • Author: “Decolonizing Enchantment: Echoes of Nuevo Mexicano Popular Musics”


Jinah Kim

Department of Communication Studies
work: (818) 677-7414

  • Asian American and Korean American politics and culture, including the Los Angeles riots, 20th& and 21st century popular culture, contemporary politics and K-pop
  • Asian-Latino cultural and political relations
  • Issues impacting undocumented Asian populations
  • Author: “Postcolonial Grief: Afterlives of the Pacific Wars in the Americas”


Marta Cristina López-Garza

Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
Department of Chicana/o Studies
work: (818) 677-6488 / 4785
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Economic development
  • Ethnographic field research
  • Formerly incarcerated women
  • Immigration and public policy
  • Race and class studies
  • Urban sociology
  • Women’s/feminist studies
  • Documentary filmmaking from a social science perspective
  • Visual sociology (photography)
  • Member, Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, South Los Angeles
  • Member, Institute for the Renewal of the California Draw
  • Co-author: “Regions That Work: How Cities and Suburbs Can Grow Together”
  • Co-editor: “Asian and Latino Immigrants in a Restructuring Economy: The Metamorphosis of Los Angeles”
  • Documentary: “ ‘When Will the Punishment End?’ Formerly Incarcerated Women Rebuilding Their Lives”


Lara Medina

Department Chicana/o Studies
work: (818) 677-3392
Also speaks: Spanish

  • U.S. Latinos and religion
  • Chicano/a religious history
  • Religion and ethnicity
  • Women and religion
  • Liberation theology
  • Popular religious traditions and transformations
  • Dia de los Muertos
  • Chicano/a Catholic healing traditions


David L. Moguel

Department of Secondary Education 
work: (818) 677-4010
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Teacher education
  • Bilingual education and education of immigrant students
  • Latino/Hispanic population history, culture and education
  • Service learning


Theresa Montaño

Department of Chicana/o Studies
work: (818) 677-6801
email: theresa.montano@csun.eduor
Also speaks: Spanish

  • Public education
  • Teachers’ unions
  • Privatization of public education
  • Education in Los Angeles
  • Bilingual education/duel immersion
  • California politics
  • Chicana/o studies

Learn more about Theresa Montaño:

CSUN Professor Theresa Montaño: Champion for Education, Advocate for Change

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