Experts Directory: Anthropology & Archaeology
Cathy Costin
Department of Anthropology
work: (818) 677-3331
Also speaks: Spanish
- Archaeology, esp. South America
- Gender
- Food practices
- Craft production (pottery, textiles)
- Division of labor
- Ancient societies
Learn more about Cathy Costing:
Owen Doonan
Department of Art
work: (818) 677-6753
Also speaks: Italian, Turkish
- Archaeology: Mediterranean, Near East and Black Sea regions, Turkey, Italy
- Ancient art history
- Contemporary art of the Middle East, especially Tunisia
- Ancient Greek colonies
- Pre-Roman central Italy, Sicily and Sardinia
Learn more about Owen Doonan:
Explorers Club Honors CSUN’s First Sound Art Exhibition
Hélène Rougier
Department of Anthropology
work: (818) 677-3328
Also speaks: French
- Paleoanthropology
- Physical/biological anthropology
- Human evolution
- Neandertals
- Early modern humans
- Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition
Learn more about Hélène Rougier:
CSUN Prof’s Research Helps Uncover Clues About Human Evolution and Health