Experts Directory: Family and Child: Day Care-Preschool

Kenya Covington

Department of Urban Studies and Planning
work: (818) 677-6463

  • Urban and social policy (geared at addressing poverty)
  • Child care supply/geography
  • Welfare reform
  • Geography of Opportunity
  • Coping with poverty

Learn more about Kenya Covington:

Two CSUN Professors Receive Haynes Foundation Fellowships



Shelly L. Gray

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
work: (818) 677-4487

  • Child development
  • Child care administration
  • Father involvement in child and family development



Liza Valerie Keating

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
work: (818) 677-3620

  • Early childhood education and curriculum
  • Prenatal and infant development
  • Parent education
  • Toddler/infant issues
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