Experts Directory: Media: Social Media

Ellis Godard

Department of Sociology
(818) 677-4050

  • Statistical, survey and applied methods
  • Crime
  • Law
  • Deviancy
  • Social control
  • Media
  • Social movements and cyberspace


Shu-Sha Angie Guan

Department of Child and Adolescent Development
(818) 677-7249

  • The ways social contexts (e.g. relationships, culture and technology/digital media) affect mental and physical well-being, particularly among ethnic minority and immigrant adolescents and young adults
  • Cultural psychology
  • Immigrant experiences
  • Language brokering (immigrant translation/interpretation)
  • Social support
  • Digital/social media

Learn more about Shu-Sha Angie Guan work:


Kristen Walker

Department of Marketing
(818) 677-2040

  • Social media
  • Consumer information exchange
  • Privacy
  • Marketing and public policy
  • Technology and consumer information
  • Data-rich environments
  • Trust and transparency
  • Middle-school youth and digital literacy
  • Social media and sports
  • Small business and start-ups and issues of privacy and security

Learn more about Kristen Walker work:

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