Experts Directory: Biology

Larry G. Allen

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-3356

  • Marine fisheries
  • Fish ecology
  • Fish in bays and estuaries
  • Fish life history
  • Author: “The Ecology of Marine Fishes”

Learn more about Larry Allen:

CSUN's Larry Allen Honored for His Contributions to the Scientific Knowledge of Southern California


Larry Baresi

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-3495 /3356

  • Physiology and ecology of anaerobic bacteria—methanogens and other extremeophiles
  • Waste treatment processes
  • Ethanolics
  • Methanogenesis

Chhandak Basu

Department of Biology
(818)677-4592 /3356

  • Plant biotechnology
  • Genetically engineered plants
  • Biofuel
  • Plant molecular biology
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • Editor: “PCR Primer Design”


David Bermudes

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-6062 /3356

  • Microbiology
  • Vaccines
  • Experimental cancer therapeutics
  • Protease inhibitors
  • Mushrooms
  • Fungi

Learn more about David Bermudes:


Randy W. Cohen

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-2352 / 3356

  • Neurobiology
  • Entomology (insects)
  • Molecular and cellular neurobiology
  • Neurophysiology of excitatory amino acid receptors
  • Developmental neurobiology
  • Quantitative insect nutrition
  • Behavioral and physiological insect ecology
  • Arthropod pathology
  • Human physiology
  • Cockroaches

Learn more about Randy W. Cohen:

Dopamine as an anorectic neuromodulator in the cockroach Rhyparobia maderae


Michael Franklin

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-7145 /3356

  • Southern California marine fish
  • Population dynamics of white sea bass
  • Marine fisheries science
  • Marine fisheries sustainability
  • Taxonomy of Southern California marine fishes

Learn more about Michael Franklin's work:


David Gray

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-7653 / 3356

Learn more about Randy W. Cohen:

CSUN Biology Professor David Gray Discovers New Species of Crickets



Tim. J. Karels

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-2990 / 3356

  • Population ecology
  • Arctic and alpine ecology
  • Rodent ecology
  • Ground squirrel and marmot biology

Learn more about Tim Karels:

CSUN Researchers Discover What’s on the Menu for L.A.’s Coyotes


Jonathan A. Kelber

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-4481 /3356

  • Cancer biology
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Stem cells
  • Actin cytoskeleton
  • Cell signaling
  • Bioinformatics
  • Molecular endocrinology
  • Kinase biology
  • Human health, disease and medicine
  • Anti-cancer drug development

Learn more about Jonathan Kelber:

Biology Professor Honored as First CSUPERB Faculty Research Awardee from CSUN


Mariano A Loza-Coll

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-4411 /3356

  • Stem cells
  • Genetics
  • Developmental genetics
  • Drosophila melanogaster
  • Genetic regulatory networks
  • Gene expression regulations

Learn more about Mariano A Loza-Coll:

Repeated ethanol intoxications of Drosophila melanogaster adults increases the resistance to ethanol of their progeny


Cindy Malone

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-6145 / 3356

  • Genetics
  • Gene regulation
  • Molecular biology
  • Immunology

Learn more about Cindy Malone:

CSUN Professor Creates Free Online Course to Prepare High School Students for College Biology


Aida Metzenberg

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-3355 /3356

  • Human genetics
  • Genetic counseling


Sean Murray

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-2950 /3356

  • Bacterial genetics
  • Bacterial cell cycle
  • Microbial cell biology
  • Lipids
  • Biotechnology
  • Science policy


Steven B. Oppenheimer

Department of Biology
Director, Center for Cancer and Developmental Biology
work: (818) 677-3336 / 3356

  • Cancer biology and prevention
  • Developmental biology, cell surface and cell adhesion
  • Enhancing science education

Learn more about Cindy Malone:

CSUN Honors Enzer, Oppenheimer, Faherty and Feldman and Dozens More at Volunteer Service Awards


Paula M. Schiffman

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-3350 / 3356

  • Terrestrial ecology
  • Plant community ecology and vegetation dynamics
  • Responses of vegetation to disturbances
  • Grassland ecology
  • Role of alien species in natural communities
  • Conservation biology
  • Ecology of Carrizo Plain National Monument
  • Restoration ecology

Learn more about Paula M. Schiffman:

CSUN Team Studying Effects of Draining Owens Valley


Mark Steele

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-4270 /3356

  • Marine ecology
  • Fish biology
  • Fisheries
  • Estuaries
  • Artificial reef mitigation
  • Wetland restoration
  • Long-term ecological monitoring

Learn more about Mark Steele:

CSUN Marine Biologists Get Grant to Study Effectiveness of California’s Artificial Reefs


Mary-Pat Stein

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-5603 /3356

  • Cell biology
  • Immunology

Learn more about Mary-Pat Stein:

CSUN Marine Biologists Get Grant to Study Effectiveness of California’s Artificial Reefs


Michael L. Summers

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-7146 /3356

  • Bacterial physiology and genetics
  • Molecular biology


Casey terHorst

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-3352 /3356

  • Ecology and evolution of microbial communities
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Invasive species
  • Community ecology

Learn more about Casey terHorst's work:

CSUN Ecology Team Studies Algae, a Possible Key to Saving Corals From Effects of Global Warning


Virginia Oberholzer Vandergon

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-6362 /3356

  • K–12 science education
  • Genetics
  • Molecular evolution

Learn more about Virginia Oberholzer Vandergon:

Engaging Students in the LA River Through Interdisciplinary Science


Paul Wilson

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-2937 /3356

  • Mosses
  • Pollination

Learn more about Paul Wilson:


Jeremy B. Yoder

Department of Biology
work: (818) 677-2158

  • Evolution
  • Genetics
  • Coevolution
  • Mutualism
  • Plant-pollinator Interaction
  • Yuccas
  • Yucca moths
  • Joshua trees

Learn more about Jeremy B. Yoder:

2022 Molecular Ecology Prize goes to Kerstin Johannesson, for building big science to study a tiny marine snail

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