Experts Directory: Family and Child: Teens and Adolescence

Ronald M. Borczon

Department of Music
Director, Music Therapy Clinic
work: (818) 677-3174 / 3184

  • Music therapy
  • Music therapy with adult and adolescent psychiatric clients
  • Music therapy with developmentally disabled clients
  • Music therapy with various populations
  • Music therapy for victims of disasters

Learn more about Ronald M. Borczon:



Shu-Sha Angie Guan

Department of Child and Adolescent Development
work: (818) 677-7249

  • The ways social contexts (e.g. relationships, culture and technology/digital media) affect mental and physical well-being, particularly among ethnic minority and immigrant adolescents and young adults
  • Cultural psychology
  • Immigrant experiences
  • Language brokering (immigrant translation/interpretation)
  • Social support
  • Digital/social media

Learn more about Shu-Sha Angie Guan:

Discrimination During Teen Years Can Have Health Repercussions Later in Life



Virginia Huynh

Department of Child and Adolescent Development
work: (818) 677-7727

Adolescence among ethnic minority and immigrant children

Learn more about Virginia Huynh:


Roxanne Moschetti

Department of Child and Adolescent Development
work: (818) 677-5052

  • First-generation college students
  • Emerging adulthood and developmental transitions
  • Social networks
  • Social capital and the academic
  • Social issues during the transition into college


Scott W. Plunkett

Department of Psychology
work: (818) 677-7480

  • Program evaluation
  • Parenting/family dynamics
  • Neighborhood, family, school and peer influences on adolescent development (ethnic minorities)
  • Gender differences
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Parenting education
  • Communication and conflict resolution


Carrie L. Saetermoe

Department of Psychology 
work: (818) 677-3506

  • Developmental psychology
  • Pediatric psychology
  • Ethnic dimensions of adolescent disability and transition to adulthood
  • Pediatric oncology patients
  • Aging
  • Disability
  • Welfare reform and children’s well-being

Learn more about Carrie L. Saetermoe:


Steven Sherry

Department of Social Work 
work: (818) 677-6421

  • Child and adolescent psychotherapy
  • Trauma-based therapy
  • Emotional disturbance in children
  • School-based mental health
  • Child welfare and mental health


W. David Wakefield

Department of Child and Adolescent Development
work: (818) 677-5926

  • Ethnic and racial socialization of minority youth
  • Children and teens’ understanding of race and ethnicity
  • Minority adolescents’ experience with racism and discrimination
  • Bridging the achievement gap between ethnic minority and white students
  • Adolescent peer relationships (friendships)
  • Adolescent/young adult risk taking behavior
  • Bullying
  • Childhood aggression
  • First-generation college students pursuing graduate/professional degrees

Learn more about David Wakefield:

David Wakefield: Following His Dream to Bridge the Achievement Gap


Scott M. Williams

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
work: (818) 701-6898

  • Marriages
  • Family
  • Adolescent development
  • Human sexuality
  • Children with special needs i.e., autism
  • Author: “My Family: Past, Present and Future”

Learn more about Scott M. Williams: 

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