CSUN Digital Equity Day 2022

Join us for the first CSUN Digital Equity Day on Friday, April 22nd. The event is being held in HyFlex format (in-person and online) and starts at 9:00 am. It features Autumn Fabricant, our Doctoral Student AT Equity Fellow, who presented on her research project: Digital Equity and Validation: Exploring the CSUCCESS Program and First-Year Student Experiences at CSUN.
View the flyer here.
- Welcome | Ranjit A. Philip, Interim Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
- Opening Remarks | Dr. Erika D. Beck, President
- Keynote Speaker | Autumn Fabricant, Doctoral Student Academic Technology Equity Fellow, Digital Equity and Validation: Exploring the CSUCCESS Program and First-Year Student Experiences at CSUN moderated by Dr. Helen Heinrich, Interim Associate Vice President of Academic Technology, and Dr. Nathan Durdella, Director of Doctoral Programs, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- Dropping Tech Resistance: How to embrace student use of cell phones for online coursework | Prof. GiGi Hessamian, Department of Communication Studies
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication | Prof. Marshall Fenig, Clinical Supervisor, Dept. of Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Designing Text Message Learning to More Equitably Reach Students Wherever They Go: UNICEF SMS Lessons for Venezuelan Migrants/Refugees | Dr. Katherine Guevara, Director of Distance Learning, The Tseng College
- Efforts on Digital Equity at CSUN | Ryan Conlogue, Director of User Support Services
- Diversity and Equity Innovation Grant (DEIG) | DEIG students and Tim Aguirre, Marketing and Media Services Lead
- JEDI Jam Showcase | Takiya Moore, Director of Instructional Technologies, and Herbert Serrano, Instructional Technology Lead
- Closing Remarks | Dr. Helen Heinrich, Interim Associate Vice President of Academic Technology