Expense Claim Form Instructions


  1. MONTH/YEAR: Enter the Month and Year of the starting claim date.
  2. DAY/TIME: Enter the day of the Month and the departure or return time, include AM or PM in chronological order.
  3. DESTINATION: Enter the name of the city, town or location where the expenses incurred. Abbreviations may be used.
  4. HOTEL: Enter the total cost of lodging (rate and tax by day) with a $0.00 balance folio.
  5. MEALS: Refer to the current Reimbursement Rates.
  6. INCIDENTALS: Incidentals include fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, hotel housekeepers. Enter the total cost of incidentals, not to exceed the maximum incidental allowance. Refer to the Reimburement Rates for the current incidental allowance.
  7. CAR RENTAL: Enter the total cost of the car rental expenses on one line.
  8. PARKING, TAXI AND SHUTTLE: Enter the total cost of street car, ferry, local rapid transit, taxi, shuttle, hotel-bus fares, bridges, toll roads and parking charges. A receipt MUST be provided. If a receipt is lost or missing, a Missing Receipt Certification form must be attached.
  9. AIRFARE/TRAIN: The lowest round-trip or special rate ticket should be purchased, using the preferred Travel Agency, otherwise the difference between the higher fare and lowest fare will be deducted from the claim. If there is proof that booking outside the preferred Travel Agency is less expensive, an exception would need to be approved by the CSUN Travel Coordinator to ensure reimbursement. Traveling to the same destinations without purchasing round trip fares will require justification.
  10. PRIVATE CAR USE: Enter the number of miles traveled from the shortest distance. Use Mapquest.com for the mileage count. Mileage will automatically calculate on the travel claim form based on the current mileage reimbursement rate.
  11. BUSINESS EXPENSE: Enter business expenses such as conference, internet and baggage fees.
  12. TOTAL EXPENSES: Daily expenses will automatically calculate to provide a total for the travel expenses.
  13. ADVANCE: Enter ALL advance payments made or reimbursed by CSUN prior to the trip, under the advance column.
  14. DUE TO TRAVELER: Total expenses minus advances will automatically calculate the total due to the traveler.
  15. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/NOTES: All special instructions and notes should be entered in this section.
  16. TRAVELER’S SIGNATURE: Signature is required.
  17. CHAIR/SUPERVISOR’S SIGNATURE: Certifies and authorizes travel claim.
  18. DEAN/DIRECTOR’S SIGNATURE: Certifies and authorizes travel claim.
  19. FINANCIAL APPROVER’S SIGNATURE: Certifies and authorizes travel claim expenses. Reviews and approves completed chartfields.
  20. CHARTFIELDS REQUIRED: Enter appropriate chartfields for travel expenses.
  21. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL APPROVAL: Provost/VP’s Signature is required.

NOTE: Failure to provide the proper documentation and completed information will delay the travel claim reimbursement.

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