Contact Us

CSUN Travel Office
Valera Hall 365
Phone: 818 677-5266
Mail Code: 8202

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

International Travel

Approved Travel Agency

21021 Ventura Blvd. Suite 300
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

CONTACT: Patt Coletto
(818) 990-4053
(800) 347-4447

Expense Reports

EXPENSE REPORT – Reimbursement – Actual Cost


  • Sign up for eRefund for FASTER reimbursement!
  • Travel Authorizations must be associated with the Expense Report.
    • If the traveler does not complete an eTravel Authorization prior to travel see the Travel Authorization section for details.
    • Cash Advances must be associated to the Expense Report, if applicable.
      • Air Travel – Enter the round trip amount using the date of departure.
      • Automobile Rental – Enter the full amount on the first date of car rental.
      • Itemized receipts and proof of payment must be attached for all expenses $75 or greater.
        • All single expenses $75 and over without receipts require the “No Receipt” Box to be checked and a justification in the comment box.
        • Expenses listed as $74.99 are not acceptable to bypass receipt requirements.
        • All expenses should be based on the actual amount paid. Meals are reimbursed on per diem allowance based on location of travel per U.S. General Services Administration.
        • When itemized receipts are required but cannot be obtained or have been lost and all measures to obtain a duplicate receipt have been exhausted, the traveler is required to select the No Receipt check box and provide a satisfactory explanation in the comments section explaining why such receipts are not being submitted with the Expense Report.
        • The following payment methods will not be reimbursed: gift cards, airline vouchers, airline points, and crypto currency.
        • Source of payment must be provided as additional supporting documentation for the following payment methods: airline credit, paypal, venmo, zelle, apple pay, affirm, wild apricot, or any online payment provider.
  • Expenses must be listed by date of when the expense occurred.  Exceptions include the following:
    • Conference / Workshop Fees – Enter the full amount on the first date of the conference.
    • Airport Parking – Enter the full amount on the last day.
  • Attachments must be in .pdf format.
  • Interagency Financial Transactions (IFT) paid expenses – Payment Type must be “Interagency Financial Transactions (IFT)”.
  • Convert International currency expenses to US currency, for items $75 and over, using the International Currency Converter. A copy of the conversion must be attached for each expense.
    • The converted amount must match what is entered on the expense report.
  • Attach copies of the Approved International Travel documentation, if applicable.


  • Mileage and Parking only claim does not require a Travel Authorization.
  • Departure and destination location must be entered in the description field of the mileage expense lines.
  • PDF from mapping website such as MapQuest, Google Maps, or Apple Maps must be attached showing the total number of miles for claims $75 and over.  Compute the mileage using the shortest distance to the destination from your residence or CSUN.  If traveling on a non-working day, use the distance from your residence.
    • Mileage is computed based on the shortest distance from CSUN or home address and physical destination address, not City to City.


  • Zero balance receipts must be attached.
  • Daily agenda must be attached.
  • Meetings with an overnight stay requires a copy of the agenda or proof of the meeting.


  • Hotel Folio with a zero balance must be attached.
  • Meal Expenses – Reimbursement will be 75% of the per diem allowance based on location of travel per U.S. General Services Administration.
    • In the event the meals are offered by the conference on first day/last day of travel, the M&IE allocation from the GSA website must be used to reduce the 75% of the per diem amount.

Example: A traveler will be attending an overnight conference in New York City, NY. Dinner is provided on the arrival night at the conference. Calculation of the traveler’s per diem rate is as follows:

Image removed.


    • Airfare (Traveler Paid) – Proof of payment must be attached, including the itinerary.
    • Automobile Rental (Enterprise or National) – Proof of payment must be attached.


  • Each line item must be over $100
  • Airfare with Plaza Travel – Payment Type must be “CSUN Paid”.
    • Attach the email confirmation, including the itinerary and the total cost.
  • Registration –  Payment Type must be “CSUN Paid”.
    • Attach zero balance receipt and agenda
  • Interagency Financial Transactions (IFT) – Payment Type must be “Interagency Financial Transactions (IFT)”.


  • Reimbursements due to cancelled trip, submit an expense claim associated with the approved travel authorization.
  • original itemized settled receipts with proof of payment, along with the cancellation receipts must be attached. Evidence that no refund was provided must be attached.
  • Associate cash advance (if any) with the expense claim.
  • Justification for the cancelled trip must be provided.


18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Contact Us

Contact Us

CSUN Travel Office
Valera Hall 365
Phone: 818 677-5266
Mail Code: 8202

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

International Travel

Approved Travel Agency

21021 Ventura Blvd. Suite 300
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

CONTACT: Patt Coletto
(818) 990-4053
(800) 347-4447

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