High Risk Destinations

International & High Risk Travel Quick Guide

Staff and Faculty traveling on official CSUN business to a international or high risk destination must follow these procedures prior to booking reservations. These procedures are strictly for processing eTravel Travel Authorizations.

Allow for at least 8 weeks to process the request.

1. To request Foreign Travel Insurance and register your International travel you must log into myCSUNglobe

2. Upon receipt of the insurance email confirmation, create an online eTravel Travel Authorization.
    - Select Int'l Expense Types (Air, Rental, etc)

3. Attach the following information to the online eTravel Travel Authorization:
    - Insurance email confirmation from Risk Management
    - myCSUNglobe approved application (downloaded as PDF).
    - Related documentation required by your College or Department.
    - Attachments preferred in PDF format 

Note: You may start the online eTravel Travel Authorization process (but do not submit for approval) and complete all necessary sections while waiting for the myCSUNglobe application approval. Once you receive the approved myCSUNglobe application then follow steps 2 thru 3 above.

Review the Risk Management Foreign Travel page for more detailed information.

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