Contact Us

CSUN Travel Office
Valera Hall 365
Phone: 818 677-5266
Mail Code: 8202

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

International Travel

Approved Travel Agency

16530 Ventura Blvd., Suite 106
Encino, CA 91436

CONTACT: Patt Coletto
(818) 990-4053
(800) 347-4447

eTravel Guides & FAQ

These FAQs contain basic information and are designed to provide a better understanding of eTravel Reimbursement. For a more in depth explanation, please view the eTravel Reimbursement Guidelines or use one of the following guides:

eTravel User Guides
International and High Risk Travel 
Quick Reference Guide
Description Field
Travel Authorization
Cash Advance
Expense Report
eTravel Approver
eTravel Per Diem Quick Guide
My Wallet

eTravel Questions

Use the Travel Request and Reimbursement link from the CSUN eTravel pagelet in the campus portal.

The next approver has to “Send Back” the document to the traveler for modifications.

Domestics Travel dates can be different from what is listed on an approved Travel Authorization.

Foreign/High Risk Travel dates must match the exact dates of travel. Traveler must contact Risk Management & the Provost/VP Office or Division VP or delegate for further information.

Dates on Expense Reports must match actual travel dates and all backup documentation/receipts.

The documents cannot be modified once the approvals are complete. It would have to be canceled and re-created.

Travel Authorizations that are fully approved can be cancelled, if they are not copied to an expense report. Travel Authorizations can be deleted in pending status only.

Cash Advances and Expense Reports cannot be cancelled and cannot be deleted once approved.

If the traveler does not complete an eTravel Authorization prior to travel, the Dean/Dept. Chair/Management must be consulted for further instruction prior to completing the eTravel Expense Report. The Travel Desk will not reimburse for travel without an approval from the Provost/VP Office. 

The billing type should be the same for the entire trip, therefore, even though the drive to the airport is within California, if the destination of the trip is out of state, the “Out of State” billing type should be used. 

The ending destination should be used for the billing type.

Not necessarily, as long as the travel dates are consecutive you may use one Travel Authorization.

Expense Reports for mileage, including parking do not require a Travel Authorization.

All travel authorizations approved before 3:00 pm on any business day will be available in the data warehouse the next business day. 

No the document should be saved as a PDF and attached.

Android users can access the CSUN Mobile App through any mobile browser at

iOS users can download the CSUN Mobile App through the iTunes App Store.

See the My Wallet guide for more detailed instructions.

Please delete the lines copied from the Travel Authorization that are related to the lines imported from my Wallet.

The Expense Report will be “Sent Back”.  The receipts can be attached and the report will go through the approval cycle again.

If you don’t have a receipt for an expense $75 and over, select the No Receipt check box. After you select Save for Later or Summary and Submit, you will need to provide a justification by clicking on the comments icon, then select OK.

The encumbrance will be liquidated only after final approval. The journal to liquidate the encumbrance is created at 3:00 pm every business day, any items which have final approval prior to this time, will be liquidated in the financial reports by the next business day.   

No.  Any changes to the document may only be made by the traveler or their delegate.  Then it must go through the approval cycle. If receipts or documentation are missing from the Expense Report, it will be sent back to the traveler for modification.

Contact Us

CSUN Travel Office
Valera Hall 365
Phone: 818 677-5266
Mail Code: 8202

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

International Travel

Approved Travel Agency

16530 Ventura Blvd., Suite 106
Encino, CA 91436

CONTACT: Patt Coletto
(818) 990-4053
(800) 347-4447

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