Contact Us

CSUN Travel Office
Valera Hall 365
Phone: 818 677-5266
Mail Code: 8202

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

International Travel

Approved Travel Agency

21021 Ventura Blvd. Suite 300
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

CONTACT: Patt Coletto
(818) 990-4053
(800) 347-4447

Travel Credit Card Guidelines


The US Bank Visa Personal Liability Travel card is an individual liability credit card for employees who must travel on behalf of the University in order to expedite payment and reduce the need for cash advances. Cardholders must use the card to pay for all expenses related to official University business travel, including registration, lodging and subsistence, except where the card is not accepted. Purchases of goods or services not directly related to the required travel are not permitted. To ensure proper use of the card, the Financial Services' Office reserves the right to review and monitor all cardholder purchases. 


A CSUN faculty or staff member is eligible to apply for a US Bank Visa Personal Liability Travel card by meeting all of the following criteria:

  • A part-time or full-time CSUN employee.
  • The card has been authorized by their supervisor and unit's business Dean/MAR/Director.
  • The individual has completed an application and agreed to the US Bank's Cardholder Agreement.


The application must be completed by an employee in order to apply for a travel card:

  • US Bank Personal Liability Travel Card Application. This form requires approval from the appropriate administrators and must be forwarded to CSUN Travel – MD-8202.
  • US Bank may refuse a card or limit the amount of credit available based on their evaluation of the applicant's credit worthiness. US Bank will contact the applicant directly in any case. Cards are mailed directly to the applicant at the billing address indicated on the application.


The Cardholder is responsible for the following:

  • Paying all charges on time - The cardholder will be billed directly by US Bank for all expenses charged to the credit card. The cardholder is personally responsible for paying all charges on the card, keeping the card current and available for University business use. The University will not reimburse or pay late fee charges incurred in connection with this credit card. If the card has been closed by US Bank due to late payments, CSUN will not reinstate the card.
  • Disputing transactions in a timely manner - It is important to dispute any charges appearing on the US Bank card statement with the merchant and US Bank within 60 days of the transaction posting date, not the statement date. Disputes can be made in US Bank Online or by calling 1-800-344-5696.
  • Reporting lost or stolen cards - In the event that a card is lost, stolen or fraudulent activity is detected, immediately contact US Bank at 1-800-344-5696. The cardholder could be held financially liable for transactions if fraud is not promptly reported. US Bank will work with cardholders to resolve the problem and issue a replacement card when necessary.
  • Surrendering use of card - Upon separation from the University, the cardholder must discontinue use of the card by cancelling it through US Bank at 1-800-344-5696 and notifying Annie Dang, Program Administrator at 818-677-3115.


Cardholders who have made inappropriate purchases not related to official University business or have delinquent payments may be subject to appropriate personnel action by the Office of Human Resources and the following escalation process:

  • First Violation-The Financial Services' Office will contact the cardholder and reiterate the importance of using the card responsibly. The cardholder will be notified that repetitive misuse of the card will result in the card's cancellation.
  • Second Violation-The Financial Services' Office will contact the cardholder and their Appropriate Administrator regarding the continued misuse of the card. The cardholder and their Appropriate Administrator will be notified that a 3rd violation of misuse will result in the card's cancellation.
  • Third Violation-The Financial Services' Office will cancel the card. The cardholder will be notified of the cancellation and it is the cardholder's responsibility to pay any remaining balance.


The following are referenced:

ICSUAM Policy 3103.04, dated January 1, 2012.
CSUN Travel Guidelines


Office of Accounts Payable, Program Administrator
Office: 818-677-3115

Contact Us

CSUN Travel Office
Valera Hall 365
Phone: 818 677-5266
Mail Code: 8202

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

International Travel

Approved Travel Agency

21021 Ventura Blvd. Suite 300
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

CONTACT: Patt Coletto
(818) 990-4053
(800) 347-4447

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