How To Guides

Review the step-by-step instructions on how to obtain tax transcripts and submit proof of Selective Service registration, citizenship status, and eligible noncitizen status.

Step 1.  Save a copy of your document as one PDF file. There are many ways you can save a file or an image as a PDF file. If you need help on how to save a file to PDF, visit 3 Ways to Save a PDF file- wikiHow. If you need help saving an image as PDF, you can visit 4 Ways to Convert Images to PDF – wikiHow.

Step 2. Log onto the CSUN Portal, once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Financial Aid & Scholarships.

select Financial Aid & Scholarships.


Step 3.  Scroll down to the Financial Aid Essentials section and select Financial Aid Forms

Financial Aid Essentials

Step 4.  Within Financial Aid Forms, select Financial Aid Document Upload. This link will take you to the page where you can submit your documents.

Step 5.  Select the Award Year and the type of document you would like to submit. Note: Confirm if the document you are submitting is listed on your To Do List and if so, select that option. All other documents should be submitted by selecting “Other Items”.

Other Items

Step 6.  If you selected the option “Items from my To Do List”, scroll down to see a new section that will provide you with the option to attach the document based on the items on your To Do List. See example below:

 Items from my To Do List

Step 7.  If you selected the option “Other Items”, scroll down and you will have a list of documents that can be submitted. Select the items and scroll down to attach the documents using the options provided for each item.

Other Items Other Items

Step 8. After attaching all the documents, make sure you select the Submit button.


Step 9.  After successfully submitting your documents, you will receive a confirmation page.



  1. Go to the CSUN home page and log into the CSUN Portal
  2. Once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Financial Aid & Scholarships.  Financial Aid & Scholarships
  3. Scroll down to the Financial Aid Essentials section and select To-Do-List Financial Aid Essentials
  4. Select the Dependent Verification 22/23 Dependent Verification
  5. Click to Submit a 2022-2023 Dependent Student Electronic Verification (e-verification) Worksheet Student Electronic Verification (e-verification) Worksheet

The Dependent Verification electronic form (E-form) will open in a new window. 

Please complete all sections of the E-form, print, and then click the Submit button to transmit the form electronically. You will need to submit the Signature Page and any required tax documentation (e.g. IRS Tax Return Transcript if you and/or your parent did not use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) through the FAFSA). 

Step One: Student Information
Note: Your Last Name, First Name, CSUN ID and Award Year will already be populated. 

For Application Type, indicate whether you filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM application.

Application Type

Step Two: Household Information
Family Information – List yourself, your parent or parents reported on the FAFSA and your dependent siblings. Provide the person’s full name, relationship to you, age and college information (if attending college/university for the school year indicated). 

  • Click the Add New Family Member button to add each person to the chart, start with yourself. The form will assume you will be enrolled at least half time at CSUN and will only ask for enrollment status of other family members
Household Information
  • Do not include Foster Children. 
  • For siblings who will be attending college/university at least half-time in a degree or certificate program for the school year indicated, refer to the guidelines below: 
  • CSUN Sibling – Select CSUN from the college drop down menu, enter your sibling’s CSUN ID number and indicate whether he/she plans to attend at least half-time.
Add new family member
  • Sibling Attending Another College/University – Select Other from the College Name drop down menu, enter the name of the other college and indicate whether your sibling plans to attend at least half-time. 
  • Select None from the college drop down menu for your parent(s) and any other siblings who will not be attending college/university at least half-time toward a degree or certificate for the school year indicated.  

If you make an error, use the Delete button within the chart to remove a family member.

delete option
  • Special Instructions for Reporting an Unborn Sibling – If you have a sibling who will be born within the school year (refer to the date on the form), select Unborn Sibling from the Relationship drop down menu and provide the Due Date.

The Due Date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format

Step Three: Student Income
Once you are done with the Household Information section, select the Student Income tab or press the NEXT – Student Income button to go to next section.

Student income

Tax Filing Status – Indicate whether you filed or will file a federal income tax return; otherwise, indicate that you are not required to file a federal income tax return with the IRS. 

a. If you Filed or Will File Taxes and used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT):

  • Select the Tax Return Filer button
  • Select “I, the student, have used or will use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) in FAFSA on the Web to transfer 2020 IRS income tax return information into my FAFSA.”
  • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
  • You do NOT need to submit any tax documentation
  • Note: The IRS Data Retrieval option is not available to California Dream applicants
Student income

b. If you Filed Taxes and Will Submit IRS Tax Return Transcript

  • Select the Tax Return Filer button
  • Select “I, the student, am unable to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) in FAFSA on the Web, and instead will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department my 2020 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) with any applicable schedules or other acceptable income documentation.”
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
    • Dream students select “I, the student will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department my 2020 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) with any applicable schedules or other acceptable income documentation.”
Student income

c. If you Did Not Work Or Earn Income

  • Select the Tax Return Non-Filer button
  • Select “I, the student, was not employed and had no income earned from work in 2020.”
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
Student income

d. If you Earned Income Below the IRS Requirement to File

  • Select the Tax Return Non-Filer button
  • Select “I, the student, was employed in 2020 and earned money, but was NOT REQUIRED to file a 2020 income tax return with the IRS.”
  • Select “I, the student, will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department with a copy of all my 2020 IRS W-2 forms issued by my employers.”
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
Student income
  • Complete the Student Earnings section.
    • Report the name and year-end wages for each employer
    • Click the Add Student Wages button to add each employer to the chart.
add student wages
  • Total earnings will automatically be calculated for you. If you make an error, use the Delete button to remove a row.
delete option

Step Four: Parent Income
Select the Parent Income tab or press the NEXT – Parent Income button to go to the next section. 

Please refer to the section Step Three: Student Income of this document for instructions on how to complete the Parent Income section. The general instructions are the same, except, if your parents were not required to file. If your parents were not required to file taxes, they will have to submit a “Verification of Non-Filing Letter” from the IRS dated on or after October 1, 2021, or other acceptable documentation confirming non-filing status.

a. If your parents Earned Income Below the IRS Requirement to File,

  • Select the Tax Return Non-Filer button
  • Select “I/We, the parent(s), were employed in 2020 and earned money, but were NOT REQUIRED to file a 2020 income tax return with the IRS.”
  • Select ““I/We, the parent(s), will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department with a copy of all 2020 IRS W-2 forms issued by our employers as well as a 2020 Verification of Non-Filing from the IRS or other acceptable documentation confirming non-filing status.”
parent income

b. If your parents Did Not Work Or Earn Income

  • Select the Tax Return Non-Filer button
  • Select “I/We, the parents, were not employed and had no income earned from work in 2020.”
  • Select “I/We, the parents, will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department with a 2020 Verification of Non-Filing from the IRS or other acceptable documentation confirming non-filing status.”
parent income

Special Instructions for Parents who are Unmarried and Living Together: If both parents filed taxes or earned income, you must submit separate IRS Tax Return Transcripts and applicable schedules for each parent or other income documentation (i.e. W-2 forms). 

Step Five: Review, Print and Submit Form Electronically 

Review and Print E-form – It is important that you provide accurate responses to all questions, especially required fields which are denoted with an asterisk. 

a. Use the Print button to review and print the Electronic Dependent Verification Worksheet.

print option
  • The system will review the electronic form for completeness and/or errors.
  • You will not be able to print if your electronic form is missing information or if there are errors to resolve. 

b. At least one parent reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM application must sign and date the last page (Signature Page). 

c. Sign the Last Page of Your Printout – You and at least one parent reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM application must sign and date the last page (Signature Page). 

d. After you successfully print the E-form, the Submit button will become available.

e. Click the Submit button once located at the bottom of the form 

Submit the E-form ONCE – Click the Submit button one time to transmit your data to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department.


f. If you make an error, do not resubmit this form.  Please contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department at (818) 677-4085 or come into the Bayramian Hall lobby windows for further instructions.

g. You will receive the following message. Click OK to proceed and submit your E-form to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department.

pop-up message

h. You will receive the following confirmation page.


Step Six: Upload or Mail Documents 

Sign the Last Page of Your Printout – You and at least one parent reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM application must sign and date the last page (Signature Page).


certification & signature

Submit the Signature Page and any other documents to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department using ONE of the following options: CSUN Portal or mail. 

CSUN Portal – submit the documents by logging onto the CSUN Portal. Once you are logged in, the Financial Aid Document Upload page is located under – My Finances – Financial Aid & Scholarships – Financial Aid Essentials - Financial Aid Forms. You can view the tutorial on How To Submit Documents to learn how to navigate to the Financial Aid Document Upload page.

Mailing address: 

California State University, Northridge
Financial Aid & Scholarship Department 18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8307 

For detailed information about documents you may need to return to us, please review the Verification Guide at:


  1. Go to the CSUN home page and log into the CSUN Portal
  2. Once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Financial Aid & Scholarships.  Financial Aid & Scholarships
  3. Scroll down to the Financial Aid Essentials section and select To-Do-List todo-list
  4. Select the Independent Verification 22/23 independent verification
  5. Click to Submit a 2022-2023 Independent Student Electronic Verification (e-verification) Worksheet Student Electronic Verification (e-verification) Worksheet

The Independent Verification electronic form (E-form) will open in a new window. 

Please complete all sections of the E-form. The last step is to electronically sign and submit the E-form through the Portal.

You are required to turn in income documentation such as an IRS Tax Return Transcript or copies of your singed Tax Returns to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department only if you will not use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) through the FAFSA. 

Step One: Student Information
Note: Your Last Name, First Name, CSUN ID and Award Year will already be populated. 

For Application Type, indicate whether you filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM application.

Application Type

Step Two: Household Information 

Family Information – List yourself, your spouse (if married) and your dependent children. Provide the person’s full name, relationship to you, age and college information (if attending college/university for the school year indicated). 

  • Click the Add New Family Member button to add each person to the chart, start with yourself. The form will assume you will be enrolled at least half time at CSUN and will only ask for enrollment status of other family members.
Add new family member
  • Do not include Foster Children.
  • For members of the Household who will be attending college/university at least half-time in a degree or certificate program for the school year indicated, refer to the guidelines below:
    • CSUN Spouse or Child – Select CSUN from the college drop down menu, enter the person’s CSUN ID number and indicate whether he/she plans to attend at least half-time.
    • Spouse or Child Attending Another College/University – Select Other from the college drop down menu, enter the name of the other college and indicate whether he/she plans to attend at least half- time.
    • Select None from the college drop down menu for all members of the Household who will not be attending college/university at least half-time toward a degree or certificate for the school year indicated.

If you make an error, use the Delete button within the chart to remove a family member.

delete option

Special Instructions for Reporting an Unborn Child – If your child will be born during the school year (refer to the date on the form), select Unborn Child from the Relationship drop down menu and provide the Due Date. 

a. The Due Date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Step Three: Student/Spouse Income
Select the “Student Income” tab or click the Next-Student Income button under the Household Information tab to go to the next section of the form.

Student income

NOTE: Answer income questions about yourself (the student). If you are married or remarried include information about your spouse. 

Tax Filing Status – Indicate whether you filed or will file a federal income tax return; otherwise, indicate that you are not required to file a federal income tax return with the IRS. 

a. If you Filed Taxes and used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT):

  • Select the Tax Return Filer option
  • Select “I, the student (and spouse), have used or will use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) in FAFSA on the Web to transfer 2020 IRS income tax return information into my FAFSA.
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
  • You do NOT need to submit any tax documentation
  • Note: The IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) option is not available to California Dream applicants.
Student income

b. If you Filed Taxes and Will Submit IRS Tax Return Transcript or other acceptable income tax documents:

  • Select the Tax Return Filer button
  • Select “I, the student (and spouse), am unable to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) in FAFSA on the Web, and instead will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department my 2020 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) or other acceptable income documentation.
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
  • Dream students select “I, the student (and spouse), will provide the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department my 2020 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) or other acceptable income documentation.


Student income

c. If you Did Not Work Or Earn Income:

  • Select the Tax Return Non-Filer button.
  • Select “I, the student (and spouse), was not employed and had no income earned from work in 2020.
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
  • Select “I, the student (and spouse), will provide the Financial Aid and Scholarship Department with a 2020 Verification of Non-Filing from the IRS or other acceptable documentation confirming non-filing status.”
Student income

d. Student Earned Income Below the IRS Requirement to File

  • Select the Tax Return Non-Filer button
  • Select “I, the student (and spouse), was employed in 2020 and earned money, but was NOT REQUIRED to file a 2020 income tax return with the IRS.”
    • Note: The tax year is indicated on the E-form
  • Select “I, the student (and spouse), will provide the Financial Aid and Scholarship Department with a copy of all 2020 IRS W-2 forms issued by employers as well as my 2020 Verification of Non-Filing from the IRS or other acceptable documentation confirming non-filing status.”
Student income
  • Complete the Student/Spouse Earnings section.
    • Report the name and year-end wages for each employer
    • Click the Add Wages button to add each employer to the chart.


add wages
    • Total earnings will automatically be calculated for you. If you make an error, use the Delete button to remove a row.
delete option


If you are married/remarried on the day the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM application is initially submitted, BUT you and your spouse did not file taxes together for the previous year because you were not married at the time, you must still report combined income for you and your spouse on the FAFSA or California DREAM application.

You cannot use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDRT) in FAFSA.

On the Independent Verification Worksheet E-form, please answer questions regarding Tax Filing Status and Tax Non-filer as they apply to the student. Students should submit income documentation for both student and spouse to our office (i.e. separate income tax transcripts or W-2 wage statements for Non-filers).

Example – You and your spouse each filed taxes separately as “Single” for the previous year. You were married the next calendar year on January 7 and you submitted your FAFSA on February 21. On the E-form you will select you are a “Tax Return Filer” and indicate you will provide our office with your IRS Tax Return Transcripts and mail or bring in person both Tax Return Transcripts. You will answer all other sections of the E-form, such as assets, child support paid, etc. as they apply to both you and your spouse.

Step Four: Certify, Review, Print and Submit Form Electronically

Certification and Signature – You must check the box to sign your electronic form.


certification & signature

Review and Print E-form – It is important that you provide accurate responses to all questions, especially required fields which are denoted with an asterisk.

a. Use the Print button to review and print the Electronic Independent Verification Worksheet.

  • Click the Print button located at the bottom of the form.
  • Please keep the printout for your records. You do not have to submit a copy to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department.
print option
  • The system will review the electronic form for completeness and/or errors.
  • You will not be able to print if your electronic form is missing information or if there are errors to resolve.

a. After you successfully print the E-form, the Submit button will become available.
b. Click the Submit button once located at the bottom of the form.

Submit the E-form ONCE – Click the Submit button one time to transmit your data to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department.


c. If you make an error, do not resubmit this form.

  • Please contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department at (818) 677-4085 or come into the Bayramian Hall lobby windows for further instructions

d. You will receive the following message. Click OK to proceed and submit your E-form to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department. 

pop-up message

e. You will receive a confirmation page.


Step Five: Upload or Mail Documents 

If required, submit IRS Tax Return Transcripts or any documents to the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department using any ONE of the following options: CSUN Portal or mail. 

CSUN Portal – submit the documents by logging onto the CSUN Portal. Once you are logged in, the Financial Aid Document Upload page is located under – My Finances – Financial Aid & Scholarships – Financial Aid Essentials - Financial Aid Forms. You can view the tutorial on How To Submit Documents to learn how to navigate to the Financial Aid Document Upload page.

Mailing address: 

California State University, Northridge
Financial Aid & Scholarship Department 18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8307 

For detailed information about documents you may need to return to us, please review the Verification Guide at:

View samples of a Tax Return Transcript by clicking here.

To print tax return transcripts online:

  • your SSN, date of birth, filing status and mailing address from latest tax return,
  • access to your email account,
  • your personal account number from a credit card, mortgage, home equity loan, home equity line of credit or car loan, and
  • a mobile phone with your name on the account.

Click on 

  • If you are a first-time user you will have to register and create an account
  • You will need to have the following information available when creating your account: Full Name, Email, Birthdate, Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Tax filing status, Current address, Credit Card, and Cell Phone Number.
  • Once you have created an account you will be able to log in
  • Select the reason you are requesting a transcript as “Higher Education/Student Aid” and click “Go”
  • Select “Tax Return Transcript” and in the Tax Year field, select the year “2019”
  • Print the document and submit a copy to the CSUN Financial Aid Office

If unable to request tax return transcripts online, request by phone:

  • Call 1-800-908-9946 to use the automated system, or call 1-800-829-1040 to speak to an IRS Representative.
  • You will need the tax filer’s Social Security Number and the address on file with the IRS.
  • The tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Tax Return Transcript at the address on file with the IRS within 5 to 10 days.

If unable to print tax return transcripts or request by phone:

Click on 

  • Click “OK” on pop-up message box
  • Provide the Social Security Number and date of birth of the primary tax filer
  • Provide the address and zip code currently on file with the IRS
  • Click “Continue”
  • Select “Tax Return Transcript” and in the Tax Year field, select “2019”.
  • If successfully validated, tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Tax Return Transcript at the address on file with the IRS within 5 to 10 days.

To request tax transcripts for victims of Identity Theft:

  • Call the IRS at 1(800)908-4490
  • Follow the prompts and you will be transferred to an IRS agent who will verify your identity.
  • The IRS will mail a printout of you IRS income tax return information that you provided to them.

You must also submit a statement signed and dated by the tax filer indicating that they were victims of IRS tax-related identity theft and that the IRS has been made aware of the tax-related identity theft. Attach a cover sheet with the student’s name and CSUN ID number to a copy of the tax return transcript and statement then submit it to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Department either in person in Bayramian Hall or by mail.

DO NOT write or make any markings on the tax return transcript.  DO NOT submit the original tax return transcript(s) as they will not be returned.  The Financial Aid office will not make copies.

If unable to request tax return transcripts:

  • Submit a signed copy of your or your or your parents’ 2019 federal 1040 tax return. (this substitutes for a tax transcript)

View samples of a 1040 Tax Return. You can also see what Schedule 1Schedule 2, and Schedule 3 look like. Schedules will be included only if you or your parents were required to complete them. These are only examples and should not be used to submit.

View samples of a Verification of Non-Filing Letter by clicking here.


Option 1-Print it online:

  • Once you have created an account you will be able to log in
  • Select the reason you are requesting a transcript as “Higher Education/Student Aid” and click “Go”
  • Under the box titled “Return Transcript” select the year “2019”
  • A pop up window will display your Verification of Non-Filing letter
  • Print the document and submit a copy to the CSUN Financial Aid Office
  • Please be aware that you will need to have the following information available when creating your account: Full Name, Email, Birthdate, Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Tax filing status, Current address, Credit Card, and Cell Phone Number.

Option 2- Order it online to receive by mail:

  • Enter the tax filer’s Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Date of Birth, Street Address, and ZIP code.
  • Select “Continue”
  • Under “Type of Transcript” select “Return Transcript” and “2019” for “Tax Year”
  • Click “Continue”
  • You will see a confirmation that your request was submitted. You can expect the letter to be delivered to your address in 5-10 business days

Option 3 – Order it by phone to receive it by mail:

  • Call 1-800-908-9946 to use the automated system, or call 1-800-829-1040 to speak to an IRS Representative.
  • You will need the tax filer’s Social Security Number, date of birth, and the address on file with the IRS.


  • Download IRS Form 4506-T at 
  • Complete lines 1-4 as they apply to you
  • Select the checkbox on the right hand side of Line 7 for Verification of Nonfiling.
  • For Line 9: Year or period requested field, enter "12/31/2018".
  • The tax filer must sign and date the form and enter their telephone number. Only one signature is required when requesting a joint IRS Verification of Nonfiling Letter.
  • Mail or fax the completed IRS Form 4506-T to the address (or FAX number) provided on page 2 of Form 4506-T. Do NOT send the form to CSUN.
  • If the IRS is able to successfully process your request you can expect to receive a paper Verification of Nonfiling Letter at the address provided on the request form within 5 to 10 days.
  • Once you have the paper Verification of Nonfiling Letter submit a copy of it to the CSUN Financial Aid Office via postal mail or in person; make sure to include the student’s name and ID number on the letter.


Based on the information provided on your application, you must provide proof of your eligible noncitizen status.

You must complete the Confirmation of Eligible Noncitizen Status form. To access the form, go to: You can submit your form along with the required documentation via upload, mail, or fax. You can visit our main page for details on each available option.

Acceptable documentation of eligible noncitizen status may include Form I-551 or Form I-94.  You must submit your unexpired, original non-citizenship document(s) in person.  If there is an expiration date on your document, the date must be after the start of the fall semester in the academic year for which the document is requested.

As required by federal law, this office will send the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) a copy of the documentation to verify eligible noncitizen status.

If there is not a photo on your document, or if the picture on your document was taken when you were 14 years old or younger, you must also present valid government photo identification.

If you are now a U.S. citizen, please read the how-to guide for submitting proof of U.S. citizenship status by selecting the "Citizenship" tab.

If you have questions about immigration documentation, contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department immediately.  Delays in submitting this information will slow your financial aid application process.

The following are acceptable forms of original documents to verify U.S. citizenship status:

  • a birth certificate
  • a valid U.S. passport book: current or expired
  • a valid U.S. passport card: current or expired
  • a Certificate of Naturalization from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • a Certificate of Citizenship from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • a Report of a Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the U.S. bearing an embossed seal with the words "United States of America" and "State Department" (Form FS-240, FS-545 or DS-1350 all acceptable)

If you do not have access to any of these documents and you are a U.S. citizen, contact the appropriate government agency and make arrangements to have a copy of the document sent to you. 

The following contact numbers may help:

  • Country Registrar's Office: 1 (800) 201-8999
  • United States Citizenship and Immigration Services: 1 (800) 375-5283
  • U.S. State Department: (310) 575-5700

You must submit the “Confirmation of Update to Citizenship Status” form along with a copy of your original citizenship document to the Financial Aid Office via upload, mail, or fax. You can visit our main page for details on each available option. To access the form, go to:


Review the easy-to-understand tutorials, so there isn't a delay in receiving your financial aid funds.

To see if you have any required documents to submit in order to complete your financial aid file, follow the step below to see your “To-Do List”.

  1. Go to the CSUN home page and log into the CSUN Portal

        2. Once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Financial Aid & Scholarships. 

 Financial Aid & Scholarships

3. Scroll down to the Financial Aid Essentials section and select To-Do-List   


4. Once you click the link, your required documents will be listed here. If you do not see any items, then you do not have any documents to submit.


It's easy to view the amount of your financial aid award. Follow the steps below to learn how.

  1. Go to the CSUN home page and log into the CSUN Portal

        2. Once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Financial Aid & Scholarships. 

select Financial Aid & Scholarships.

3. Scroll down to the Financial Aid Essentials section and select Check Awards 

Financial Aid Essentials


4. Select the award year, which is the same as the academic year.

5. You will then see the award for the entire academic year and is based on full-time enrollment. We recommend for you to view your award by term so that you can clearly see how much funds you have been awarded for each semester. See below for an example of an award. Note: Grants will always be accepted on your behalf, but if you are interested in accepting your loans, you can view the How to Accept Your Loans tutorial.


award details



Anticipated aid is financial aid you've accepted as part of your award but has not yet been paid to your account; the aid is paid out after you enroll. Your student account may show your financial aid as anticipated aid prior to the disbursement of your funds. All grants, scholarships and loans that were certified are considered anticipated aid prior to disbursement. These funds will not be disbursed until you have turned in all required paperwork and enrolled in sufficient units. If you do not complete the requirements in a timely fashion, your aid may be canceled and you will have to pay any costs owed to the university.

Once your financial aid award is applied to your charges, the anticipated aid will disappear. XX University Cash Services will mail you a balance check if any amount of your financial aid award is not used to cover outstanding charges. If you have signed up for XX eRefund, funds will be electronically deposited to your account. 

All tuition and other fees must be paid by the deadlines stated in the XX Fee Payment Schedule.  Anticipated aid may prevent you from being removed from classes, but you must complete and submit all required paperwork with sufficient time for processing. Questions regarding removal from classes should be directed to XX University Cash Services. You may reach them at (818) 677-8000, Option 1.

Anticipated Aid Tutorial

  1. Log onto the CSUN Portal. Once you are logged in, click on the Student Center icon displayed under the Top Tools section.   student center  
  2. Under Finances, select Account Information to view your anticipated aid and outstanding charges.
      select Account Information  

California State University makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, California State University must reserve the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date of instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All California State University listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees.

The amount of financial aid you receive may change if you alter your class schedule or do not meet other eligibility requirements. See "What Affects My Aid" under Financial Aid Basics for more information.

It's easy to view the amount of your financial aid balance check, or eRefund. Follow the steps below to learn how.

  1. Go to the CSUN home page and log into the CSUN Portal.
  2. Once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Student Account Information.
      student account information


  3. Select Show History and find FINANCIAL AID BALANCE CHECK.

Is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) overwhelming you? Watch "7 Easy Steps to the FAFSA"  for simple step-by-step video instructions on the process.

Follow the steps below to accept a loan. Unlike a grant, a loan must be repaid. For more information, see the Award and Planning Guide.

1. Log onto the CSUN Portal and once you are logged in, navigate to My Finances and select Financial Aid & Scholarships.

 Financial Aid & Scholarships


2. Locate the box called Financial Aid Essentials. Select "Accept Loans."

accept loans

3. Select the award year.

4. Determine the amount and type of loans you want to borrow.




There are many options available on the Accept My Student Loan page, so please read carefully through the following information before selecting the "submit" button. Use the "clear all" button to reset your selections. Only select the "submit" button if you are satisfied with your selection(s).

4a. How do I accept the maximum amount on every loan?

  • Select the "accept all" button. The "accept" checkbox next to every loan should now be checked. Select the "submit" button to proceed. accept all

4b. How do I decline every loan?

  • Select the "decline all" button. The "decline" checkbox next to every loan should now be checked. Select the "submit" button to proceed. decline / submit

4c. I was awarded both subsidized and unsubsidized loans. How do I only accept the subsidized loan?

  • Select the "accept" checkbox next to the subsidized loan only. Accept the maximum amount or modify the amount. Select the "submit" button to proceed.
  • Please note, you choose to decline the unsubsidized loan now or leave it in offer status, and activate it at a later time.  submit

4d. I do not want to borrow the maximum amount offered. How do I only accept a portion of the loan?

  • Select the "accept" checkbox next to the loan you want to accept. You will now be able to modify the amount. You may only enter whole dollar amounts and not cents. Select the "update totals" button and the system will recalculate your accepted total. Select the "submit" button to proceed.
  • Please note, you are only able to reduce the amount offered. You cannot enter an amount that exceeds the offered amount. 
      update   submit

4e. When I reduce the subsidized loan amount, the unsubsidized loan grays out. Why?

  • You must accept the entire subsidized loan before you can take out the unsubsidized loan. If you reduced the subsidized loan in error and want to accept both loans, select the "clear all" button to start over. submit

5. Confirmation page: After selecting the "submit" button, the accepted or declined amount will appear on the portal. The Financial Aid & Scholarship Department will verify that loan entrance counseling has been completed and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) has been submitted. Students who do not fulfill both loan requirements will not receive any loan funds.

New borrowers

If you are a first-time direct Stafford loan borrower and wish to complete loan entrance counseling/an MPN at, please select the "Stafford" button and you will be redirected to the government's website. Otherwise, select the "return" button and go back to the portal. To complete the requirements at a later time, go directly to

Continuing borrowers

If you previously borrowed direct Stafford loans, you generally do not need to complete a new MPN every year. For example, if you received direct Stafford loan funds anytime during the 2016-2017 award years, the MPN you completed will likely be linked to future loans for up to 10 years. Contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department with questions.




6. When do I have to complete a Federal Direct Loan Request Form?

You must complete a Federal Direct Loan Request Form if:

  • You initially declined the whole loan through the portal, but now you would like to borrow the loan.
  • You only accepted a portion of the original loan amount, and now you would like to borrow the rest.
  • You accepted the maximum loan amount initially but currently qualify for more loans (e.g., you were awarded as a sophomore for the fall semester but now qualify as a junior for the spring semester.)

The IRS Data Retrieval Tool is available for the FAFSA.  For instructions on how to use the data retrieval tool, go to 

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