MBA Consulting Project

In their last semester Nazarian MBA students conduct a feasibility study or produce a business plan (other types of projects, such as designing financial accounting or inventory control systems are also possible) for a local organization.

Nazarian MBA students are mid-career professionals. This integrative learning experience gives them another opportunity, outside of their regular work environment, to: apply concepts from their courses in another context; gain valuable consulting and field experience and build relationships with and give back to the community.

Students’ knowledge, skills and hard work combine with a commitment of college resources generate high-quality outcomes. In addition to a faculty member who oversees the entire process, each team has its own faculty advisor. Additional faculty deliver timely and intensive workshops to guide the teams’ progress, and a dedicated business librarian supports them. Teams work with one or more senior representatives from the client organization.

As evidence of the outstanding quality of our MBA Consulting Projects, our entry has won the first-place award multiple times since 2010 in the National Small Business Institute’s Experiential Learning Project of the Year Award in the Graduate Feasibility/Business Plan Category.

Are you a leader in an organization interested in being a client? 

MBA Consulting Project - Client Benefit:

  • Participate in a unique opportunity for the company to gain new insight into the firm.
  • Benefit from an independent perspective of the company along with plans and strategies for the future.
  • Receive a comprehensive written report and oral presentation.
  • Access the knowledge and expertise of the highly regarded David Nazarian College of Business and Economics faculty.
  • Acquire insight and access to possible MBA recruits.
  • ​Serve as a mentor to tomorrow's business leaders.

Is the MBA Consulting Project right for your business?

 Are you:

  • Facing a challenging project (such as turnaround division, market expansion, new product, competitive threats)?
  • Interested in sharing business/industry expertise while gaining new perspective based on most current management theory?
  • Able to provide access to financial and market data as appropriate for the project?
  • Willing to meet with students on evenings and weekends several times during the semester?
  • Open to accept new ideas and suggestions based on thorough research?

If so, please apply online today at MBA Consulting Project Program

Consulting at Nazarian MBA

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